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Hypoglycemic attack?

Posted By: lizbet

Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 10:10 AM

Hello, I'm confused, when I first had my fillings removed I had a few strange hypoglycemic attacks, and I worried that I had given myself diabetes with the amalgam removal. After a while this stopped happening and seemed to resolve. Now nearly six months later, this has come back. At least I think its hypoglycemic, I am not sure. I will have days and weeks where I am fine and can eat sugar along with other meals and it does not affect me, then like this morning, got up and had cereal for breakfast with fruit and a liitle sugar, and whoooa major dizzy and woozy feeling after about an hour. I don't not know if this is hypoglycemic/diabetes or what, also strange this does not happen all the time, I could have cereal another morning and have not dizzy spell or whatever. I am very confused as to what is causing this. I know my adrenals are not up to par as I have had breathing problems to, would that cause the dizzy attacks ? I am hoping and praying that I do not have diabetes and I guess I will probably have to get tested for this. I was tested for this last year and I did not have it, but that was before I got my fillings out, which I now think have triggered off all these problems. Does anyone else have this problem and did you get it resolved? Thanks lizbet
Posted By: dallas

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 12:02 PM

One thing I have read recently is that there is often a setback at six months. I cannot remember which post it was on. It is not permanent. Also, it surely could be an adrenal problem. I feel that I have had a worse a thyroid problem since removal, but after taking an adrenal quiz, I am pretty sure it is adrenal. Adrenal causes dizziness, faintness etc. esp right after getting up ie: out of bed, standing after sitting etc.
Posted By: lizbet

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 12:19 PM

Dallas, thank you for your reply, I hope you are right. Not that I want to have a problems with my adrenals or thyroid, but if I could get that up to par, and it would stop these funny attacks at least that would be better than having diabetes, - I think!! This is all such a pain, I got my fillings out (although I still have one under a crown) to improve my health, and nowI seem to stumble from one health problem to another ever since Actually I did feel better about 2 months after I had my fillings out and this lasted quite a while, but now everything is back with a vengence - ahhhh!. I am presuming that I will have to be more careful with my diet, but this also frustrates me cos like everyone, I would like to eat what I want without having any health problems because of my diet.

Anyway thank you for your response and information, I hope this is a temporary setback.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />lizbet
Posted By: Laura Clement

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 01:51 PM

You mentioned you still have 1 amalgam filling left under a crown. Make sure you're not taking any mercury chelators (ALA, cilantro, etc.) until you get this last amalgam out.

I have heard of people experiencing an initial improvement after they get some or most of their amalgams removed, but usually long-lasting improvement doesn't come until all the source of poisoning is gone. See Hal Huggins' book It's All In Your Head for more about this.

In the meantime, supporting your adrenal glands may definitely help. You might want to try a formula like Adrenal Support for a while, to give your body the extra nutrients that are often lacking in mercury toxic people.

Another point to consider is that the symptoms you described after eating "breakfast cereal (probably has sugar in it) with fruit (another sugar source) and a little sugar" sound like something called reactive hypoglycemia. You get an initial boost of sugar and then your body responds by dumping a bunch of insulin into your bloodstream, which in turn, sends your sugar levels crashing back down.

Try avoiding high sugar sources, and that means fruit too. Try to eat more vegetables, protein, and whole grains like spelt, quinoa, sprouted grains (like Ezekial bread/pasta), etc. Lean protein (like hormone-free turkey or chicken) or nut butters like almond butter (watch for added sugar!) are good.

With a little diet modification (nothing terribly drastic) and some herbal supplementation, you should be able to avoid these spells and get your adrenal glands back in better shape.

Of course, getting the source of the problem out (the last amalgam filling), is your best bet.

Hope this helps,
Posted By: lizbet

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 04:18 PM

Laura, thank you for your reply, all I am taking at the moment, is a multi vitamin and also extra vitamin C with zinc. I have an ionic footbath which I use and also I have lots of Epsom Salt baths. I have regular saunas too.

What is not helping just now is that I had a bad cold about a month ago and I have got another cold just now, so on top of everything else I am pretty run down just now.

I will get something to support my adrenals, would it be wise to get someting to help my thyroid as well? Do the two go hand in hand ie. if the adrenals are working better then so does the thyroid and vice versa, or do they both need help with extra supplements.

Again thanks for the info. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Sandi Flood

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 05:18 PM

You mentioned you still have 1 amalgam filling left under a crown. Make sure you're not taking any mercury chelators (ALA, cilantro, etc.) until you get this last amalgam out.

I have heard of people experiencing an initial improvement after they get some or most of their amalgams removed, but usually long-lasting improvement doesn't come until all the source of poisoning is gone. See Hal Huggins' book It's All In Your Head for more about this.

This is so true, I just had a root canalled crown removed and I felt better almost instantly..the next day I had a feeling of almost euphoria.

And a high protein breakfast is very important for hypoglycemia, hmt and candida, especially eggs which contain sulfur. And if you do eat sugar, try not to eat it on an empty stomach. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Steve_J

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 06:17 PM

I am mercury poisoned and I have to take 100 microgram levotiroxin to support my thyroid gland and keep me alive. I carried out a lot of experiment with food and drink. After drinking very cold water I always have mercury symptoms. Well, clean water is no reason for insulin production but the fact that it is very cold is a reason for thyroid hormone production. Thyroid hormone level increase in the blood however should not cause mercury symptoms unless the hormone itself is mercury contaminated. My opinion is that our hormones are all mercury contaminated and insulin is probably not an exception.
Posted By: lizbet

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 06:44 PM

Laura, do you think I should take chromium as well as adrenal support.?
Have read good reports about it as well.

Posted By: Laura Clement

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 09:47 PM

It does appear that adrenal and thyroid issues often occur together. How much more so in people who are mercury toxic, I wonder?

I certainly think it might be worth a try. Although, by taking something for one or the other alone first, you might better be able to determine whether it's your adrenal or thyroid causing the problem.

Of course, if you're like me and you just want to get feeling better, perhaps you want to take something for both...kind of the "kitchen sink" approach.

Anyway, if you need suggestios on what to try, just let me know.
Posted By: Laura Clement

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 09/26/06 11:40 PM

Just a word of caution about eggs.... Some people do just fine with eggs, but others can have a real problem with eggs, due to the sulphur. Fortunately, I've never liked eggs so giving them up wasn't a problem, but I remember eating just 1/2 of a hard boiled egg once. Boy, did I start feeling depressed soon afterwards.
Posted By: Steve_J

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/06/08 02:59 PM

I have been detoxifying for more than two years now. I felt awful after eating eggs even half a year ago. But now I am all right with eggs again.
Posted By: mikey

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/06/08 03:22 PM

thats great : its a good indication on how you are healing , do you do any type of chelation ?
Posted By: fuggles

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/06/08 06:43 PM

What about raw eggs ??

And can exercise help with detoxing mercury ?

mercola also reccomends raw eggs. i like the simplicity of it aswell, such as adding it to a veghetalbe juice and just drinking the juice.


Posted By: sunflower

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/06/08 08:47 PM

Laura, do you think I should take chromium as well as adrenal support.?
Have read good reports about it as well.

Chromium supplements are great for balancing blood sugar levels in addition to a healthy balanced diet BUT chromium is better for lowering blood sugar so may not be appropriate for someone prone to hypoglycaemia.
It's better to try and eat small regular meals and snacks,
try fruit with a handfull of seeds or nuts,
include some protein in each meal & snack.This will help you keep your blood sugar at a consistant steady level.
Posted By: Steve_J

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/12/08 10:01 PM

Mickey, I read a lot about different chelators and I am not convinced, that any of them can be safe. I use Algin and Chlorella to decrease my body mercury level. I take levothyroxin to support my thyroid gland, different vitamins and elements and potassium and Q10. do you have any suggestions?

I still feel (especially in the so called alpha stage, before falling asleep) that my lymphatic nodes below my ears and my thyroid gland are still contaminated. This feeling eases slowly, month by month. I should get rid of that someday so that I can start with cilantro in order to clean my nerve system. I am not brave enough to start it now. I am afraid cilantro would transport mercury into my brain from the surrounding tissues instead of making it clean.
Posted By: mikey

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/12/08 11:09 PM

I tried the natural detox route and felt like i was not making progress fast enough , I chose to do low dose dmsa and ala and have done 7 rounds so far ,it was a little touch and go in the beginning ,but now my body has adapted to the dosage and schedule ,I do 3 days on and 4 days off every 3 hours and at night , of 25 mg of each , I started at 10 mg of each for the first few rounds ,I feel like I am making faster progress than the natural route , I have been doing kidney cleanses , liver cleanses and caster oil packs which are removing alot of other toxins from the organs , I should feel like a new man in the hopefully not to distant future
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/13/08 07:49 AM

Hi Mikey. I didn’t realise you too where into serious body cleansing. Cool! Can u tell me about yr liver flushing? How is it going? Do you find it hard work, I mean the recovering from the flush? I hope to do my 10th flush next weekend, but I have not done one for 7-8 months now.
Posted By: mikey

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/13/08 04:47 PM

hi sunshine p. : I have 3 more weeks to go on my kidney cleanse (6 weeks total) and then I will start my liver flushes again , I do a caster oil pack once a week to keep the lymph system clear and the liver congestion down , so the liver flushes are not so intense afterwards and try to do a colonic after a chelation round , I have also started blending broccoli into my v-8 juice , I drink about 3 glasses of that a day , this is supposed to increase phase 2 liver metabolism. as you also know that keeping the detox pathways open is the key to a more efficient detox process ,so far so good.
Posted By: skieslimit

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/13/08 10:06 PM

Hi Mikey
What kidney cleanse are you doing? Do you have to do the liver flush first?
Thanks Rachel
Posted By: mikey

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/14/08 01:27 AM

hi rachel : I use five different herbs , marshmallow root ,hydragea root, gravel root, golden rod, and uva ursi , I was able to purchase them at a health food store in town , I take 1/4 cup of each herb into 10 cups of water and boil it for about 15 minutes , let stand for a couple of hours , then strain and put into a container you will need to drink one glass of the mixture daily , you can save the strained herbs for one more batch , just throw them in a plastic bag a freeze , this is hulda clarks kidney cleanse recipe she recommends 4 to 6 weeks to do a good cleanse , I started to get a very bitter taste on the tongue at the start of the second week and found out that this is all the toxins exiting the kidneys ,and last about 2 more weeks ,so far so good ,I have been feeling much better this week .

you don't have to do a liver cleanse prior to doing a kidney cleanse , let me know if you need any more info on the cleanse
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/14/08 12:14 PM

this is the kidney cleanse i have done twice now.



As mentioned in the book by Andreas Moritz, 'The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush'

Bulk Tea mixture contains: Marjoram, Cat's Claw, Comfrey Root, Chicory Root, Fennel Seed, Goldenrod, Gravel Root, Hydrangea Root, Marshmallow Root, Uva Ursi.

It is important to mix the tea well and to follow the instructions given in The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush book.

As mentioned in the book by Andreas Moritz, "The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush"

These ingredients come mixed together in one batch, and will last for approximately 25-30 days, as directed in the book. The tea is in bulk form, not tea bags. Each batch will contain enough for 1 cleansing series only.

Posted By: skieslimit

Re: Hypoglycemic attack? - 01/14/08 02:48 PM

Hi Mikey and Sunshine
Thanks for all the info. I believe this will help me alot . My lower back has been hurting me lately in the kidney area. I guess it could be my adrenals but has not been happening all this time. I have been drinking about 2 liters of water every day, sometimes a little more. I am gona see if they have the herbs at the health food store and compare prices. I will let you know what I find out.
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