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separated from God

Posted By: Aaron

separated from God - 10/17/06 02:09 AM

I've read in a few places that mercury poisoning causes a sense of separtion from God. Has anyone felt like that?

I'm struggling with that now.
Posted By: Bex

Re: separated from God - 10/17/06 02:15 AM

YES, big time! I feel nothing at all. The feeling is that He's not there or is not interested and you feel no pull towards prayer or anything else.
Posted By: tracy

Re: separated from God - 10/17/06 10:29 AM

i second that i find it hard to believe in someone who lets people like us suffer so much when the only thing we want is our health
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: separated from God - 10/17/06 07:50 PM

I think it is natural to doubt and be frustrated when you are going through all the things that we have/are with hg poisoning. I personally felt that I had a close relation with God before all this, then as I prayed for answers and help to get better and years went by I also found myself wondering why I had to endure this. Someone told me to pray for patience, but I didn't want that I wanted to feel good now.

I learned to pray for patience.

Many times you hear people talk about how they were glad that they had cancer or some other trying time in their life that it had made them closer to God, a better person etc. I remember feeling guilty that I certainly didn't feel happy about my trials and didn't think that I would ever say that I was glad for the experience. I now understand that no one feels that way while they are in the middle of the storm. You can't see the things that you have learned and such until you have come through the storm- or at least the storm is reduced <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> And I still can't say that I am happy for my hg.

I had many days that I wishedd that God would just take me on, I just didn't want to deal with it any longer. Last year our 18 year old niece was killed in a car wreak. Prayers didn't keep her from dying. These things really started to make me question a lot of things.

I now have spent many hours thinking about life and reading the Bible and I have come to a whole new outlook (I guess you could call it) on life. I still believe that God is in control, but I think he has set this world in motion and many bad things happen and also many good things, but he doesn't control these things everyday. Yes, I do still believe in the power of prayer and I do think that God will change things if he sees fit, but we just can't see the big picture like he can. Maybe he didn't keep Amy alive because she might of had a terrible life after that. I don't know. Maybe he didn't heal me right away because I wouldn't have come to the knowledge of what is the only important thing ultimately in this life. I do think that he led me down the right path to get to where I am today. Possibly to this forum-it was very helpful for me especially when I was down and just not doing well.

My walk with God is much closer now than before. I still want to be healthy and still don't like it when I don't feel well, but I know that God will help me through these difficult times and that trials will make me a better person-I still don't enjoy them at the time, but I know that good will come out of it later on. If nothing else, trials certainly have made me realize that this world is not my home and I look forward to better things <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I pray differently now also. I pray for a good attitude, to be nice, understanding, feel good today (still in there some times) and I feel that it is sort of my mission now to help others at church and other people I come in contact with to find better health.

Sorry to go on. I just don't want to see you all get down and discouraged. I think that the devil plants those thoughts in our minds and uses our weak moments to get at us.

I pray that God will give you endurance and peace and that your health will improve quickly and if not quickly-give you patience as well.
Posted By: allisonwonder

Re: separated from God - 10/17/06 11:00 PM

Wow,thats a beautiful post.Thanks for being so uplifting.
Posted By: Bex

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 01:03 AM

As repelling as this is to swallow, I don't know if there is an easy road for those who believe. It seems that those who believe appear to get the most trials...is this coincidence? Or are the words of Christ applicable here "Take up your cross and follow me". Perhaps we are asked to walk our own calvary also, in the hope of the resurrection.

I don't mean that as a way of saying oh well, you might as well give up because this is it, but perhaps this suffering is far more meaningful than people realise. I do not know, I feel like giving up personally, but sometimes I have to try and remind myself of this a bit more.

I still have to keep going and try and find ways of finding health and improvements though, I don't pray half as much as I should because many times I"ve been angry and bitter at God, but I try and hold on and not blame Him, but it does get very hard. We're just human.
Posted By: searching4truth

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 04:19 PM

Wow Aaron, you ask deep questions! This seems like a tough one to answer--this is a very thought-provoking question. I wonder if there could be a lot of variables that could contribute to this, possibly more than just mercury poisoning--although I do think that mercury poisoning could be a large contributing factor here.

I agree with Bex that generally speaking a believer's road is not easy, as we are admonished to take up our own cross (Matt. 10:38). We are also told that we need to strive just to enter the strait gate and narrow way that leadeth unto life (Matt. 7:13, 14; Luke 13:24). If one does word studies on the Greek words for 'strait' and 'narrow', it implies that the believer's journey is full of many obstacles, in addition to tribulation, pressure, and agony of soul--also echoed in Acts 14:22, as well as Psalm 22, Psalm 88, Psalm 119:107, Lamentations 3, and many others. It is also interesting to note the similarities between Psalm 88 and Jonah's prayer in Jonah chapter 2.

It may also be possible that your feelings of separation from God could be coming from perceiving the increased evil in the world that we see now, and that we know will become even worse in the near future (Matt. 24:7-13). With Bush's passage of anti-terrorism legislation yesterday, Americans are now in very real danger of being taken to the concentration camps in the future without so much as a real trial with legal counsel, or even a listing of the charges being brought against them. No concrete definition of a terrorist has been made by the goverment, which leaves it wide open for defining it to suit their purposes at any given time. No wonder that these days are part of the 'beginning of sorrows'.

I think that it's often difficult to feel God's love and compassion in the world when there is such a marked absence these days of human love and compassion in the world as well. We were originally made in God's image to perfectly love one another, but that image and love is now distorted and perverted due to our fallen nature. It also appears to get worse collectively as time passes throughout history. I think that I have heard it said that in the 20th century, more people were killed than in all centuries combined before that. It unfortunately looks as though the 21st century will make that figure look pretty rosy in hindsight. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Sometimes I find that it helps to pray for myself to be able forgive these dentists and those in the Illuminati that have made my life such a struggle (Matt 5:44-45). I believe that their deceptions often primarily fall under the categories of greed, arrogance, haughtiness, and presumption. I try to keep in mind that I have my own deceptions to deal with in life, otherwise if I knew what they were, they wouldn't be deceptions. Hopefully there are others in this world that are praying to forgive me of the wrongs that I have done to them as well.

I guess this is an overly-long attempt to partially answer to a short question, and once again I am all over the page. I'd like to think that this is part of my mercury poisioning too...it's hard to keep a train of thought these days. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

Aaron, I hope that whatever the reason behind your feelings of separation from God, that you will be able to find a way to close that gap and find the comfort in your relationship to God that you are looking for. I can relate what you feel like, because sometimes it seems like He is miles away, especially these days. Hang in there and don't get too discouraged (Heb. 10:23-25; Heb. 12:1-13)--I think that what you are feeling is normal and OK. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: tracy

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 04:50 PM

I use to be open minded about things and God well I guess I.m still open minded about that guy. But I have to say 2 out of 3 of my children are non believers and this came about because of attending cchurch with them. Not all but many of the so called christians were the unkindest judgemental people I have ever met. I use to work in a Catholic school until I became ill and the kindest, friendliest people who worked there were non-believers. The truth is the people who labelled themselves as good practicing Catholics went out of their way to make every body elses lives hell and thats no exageration. My belief is there are many people who do not attend church who are kind,sensitive human beings and there are those who use the label Christians, Catholics whatever because they think however they trat someone they will be forgiven. I know this has made me disbelieve in the whole church worship thiing, but God dosent have to be there and if he does exist, man seems to create his own evil.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 06:15 PM

Straight to the point God loves you and he is there your going to Shine and everything will make sense
Posted By: Bex

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 07:29 PM

Hi Tracy, I'm sorry for your experiences and it should never be that way, the ones like that tend to spoil it for the others. For me it has been the opposite. Some of the kindest people I have come across have been Christians/Catholics and some of the unkindest have been those indifferent to God or Atheistic. It can go both ways.

I think we expect much more of course from Christians and so we should, but we should not judge God or church by those who are not living up to their Christianity or who are human too and are weak and have failings. (as I do). But often people tend to focus on the worst of them and do not mention the good and label God or church under the bad ones.

I am Catholic myself...... There are many believers on here who have shown nothing but kindness, Sandi, Jason, Dawn etc. This website itself is run by a Christian person.

Look at all the Christian/catholic organisations who use their lives to help the poor or sick...the list goes on. I've had friends who do not believe in God and friends who do, I don't judge God by those who fail, nor do I judge that being an atheist is better if that person is kind.

If one focusses only on those who have failed to live up to their Christian belief, then we'll be blinded to the people that are living up to it.
Posted By: Bex

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 07:36 PM

Hi Jason, I agree with everything you've said. It is very hard for anybody going through this to hold onto any faith and if they do have any left, it's often in tatters.

I find it hard to be any kind of Christian/Catholic person at all. I don't go to church most of the time, I don't pray most of the time, I feel wretched and I lash out at others a lot because I feel so ill. I can well imagine what they must think of my faith, as I am not a good representation of it, but I am just human too, I fail and wish i could be better.

Don't get me wrong, there are Christians/Catholics (in name only) who behave indifferently and unkindly, but if I focussed on them and my own failings, I'd give up completely.
Posted By: searching4truth

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 08:42 PM

I know that this may sound a little bit shocking, but I actually agree with a lot of what you say Tracy. Too often I have found out in the past that church attendance and those that I would consider to be 'decent people' in this world do not seem to be a one-on-one relationship. Many times it seems like people attend church these days for reasons other than the reasons stated in the Bible for why the church exists (Eph. 4:11-13). Jesus Christ did not come to bring another religion to the planet, he came to bring a changed heart (Jer. 31:33; Ezek. 36:26-27). I believe that people can get wrapped up in their religious activities, and yet miss the whole thrust of what they are supposed to really be doing in the first place.

It's interesting that you bring up the point that 'many of the so-called Christians were the unkindest judgmental people that you ever met'. Tracy, I'm sorry that you ever had to be treated that way, not only because it was totally wrong, but also because if these so-called Christians had ever opened up their Bibles and actually read them for themselves, they would know that undergoing God's judgment upon themselves is one of the most critical items concerning authentic salvation (Isaiah 1:27; Prov. 21:7; Isaiah 61:8; John 9:39-10:1; Matt. 23:23; 1 Cor. 11:31-32; Micah 7:7-9). Rather than pointing the finger at you or anyone else, the Christian should primarily be looking inward at themselves instead (Matt. 7:1-5; Luke 18:9-14; Romans 2:1-3).

Sorry to get on a soapbox about this. I just get kind of frustrated when I hear stories like yours Tracy (not frustrated at you--just frustrated at how you were treated), because it underscores the tragic damage that can be done to people's lives with the kind of behavior that you experienced first-hand. No one should ever treat someone else that way, especially when they take the label of Christian upon themselves. I'm not saying that people that go to church always display this kind of behavior, I'm just saying that I have run into it plenty of times myself, and it shouldn't be happening. Unfortunately, this is just one of the many things that can happen when churches begin to stray from sound doctrine--they become filled with people who really don't want to have anything to do with true Christianity (Jer. 51:51; Jer. 50:6-7; 2 Peter 2:1-3). I would say that in the end it sounds like you did the right thing Tracy in removing yourself and your kids from any church that allowed these kinds of activities to go on unabated (2 Tim. 3:5; 2 Thess. 3:5-7; Rom. 16:17-18). Not every church that hangs out a shingle falls under the category of proper fellowship that people should desire to be a part of (Heb. 10:25). Hopefully if you should find yourself open to the idea of a church again, you will be able to find one that will adhere to sound doctrine. It seems to be a rarity these days...

For what it's worth Tracy, I'm sorry that this happened to both you and your kids, and I hope that what you experienced won't leave permanent scars on any of your lives. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: searching4truth

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 09:02 PM

Just wanted to quickly say about (and add to) my last post, that I was trying to focus on false doctrines that do not oppose this kind of behavior, rather than focusing on people's shortcomings within the church where they may stumble accidentally into this kind of behavior without even realizing it. There should always be room within a church for leading someone to restoration when they screw up and do wrong, or healing if they never knew any other way. What concerns me is when a church's doctrine itself does not provide for either of the above, and they refuse to be held accountable even if it is brought to their attention.

Posted By: Bex

Re: separated from God - 10/18/06 10:09 PM

Don't think God sides with that behaviour Tracy. He closest to the suffering, the sick, the abandoned and the humble. Even to sinners who feel they are too dirty to come near Him. Humility and sorrow for sin and the willingness to improve, even when continaully failing or falling gains more pleasure from God, than the haughtiness or arrogance of someone who thinks they are righteous becuase in their eyes, they have no sin.

This is not to offend anybody here who does not believe or has another faith, this is just my belief from my own faith.

It is very very hard to feel any closeness to God, if one does have a personal faith. What makes it harder is, those who you think should be kind, are often contrary to Christ, yet have the name "Christian". I'm not belittling your pain Tracy, I think it stinks how you were treated and those at church etc, it's no wonder you left. But I hope somehow, somewhere if youhave any glimmer still there, you won't let them destroy it.
Posted By: Boldylocks

Re: separated from God - 10/19/06 01:13 AM

I agree Bex. Religion and God are two totally different things. Religion is man-made to suit man while they kick God out of how they want to worship. Religion is actually more a social masonic club than anything else.

As for all this bullcrap we're dealing with regarding Mercury. It is because of God that the hypocrisy in the medical field regarding mercury has been uncovered. God is the very reason that people are learning how to chelate out the poison through natural methods He has revealed to people .

Andy Cutler and Hal Huggins have been enlightened by God on how to help people-- even if these two have no clue that they were being enlightened.

Mercury removal and recovery is all about Restoration and who is the best at REstoration than our Creator--- who had to restore this planet from ruins after Satan's fall from Heaven (see Genesis)

My last of 8 metal fillings was removed the day of Hurricane Katrina. I didn t plan it that way and was in horror coming back from the dentist office so elated- to hear the horrible news.

When I prayed about it-- I got this very strong message from God that just as I am going through a restoration process with my fillings replaced, so are the victims of Katrina. They're suffering will be turned to joy- and they will come back even better in the end!

Now it wasnt God's fault that they suffered so-- it grieved God that our government was so slow to help. Also- those dikes were not built the way God wanted to withstand any decent flooding. If that hurricane happened at a resort area that the Worlds' Intelligencia and Elite hanged out in---- they would have already had full restoration and funding by now. This is man's fault and not Gods'- but God still uses truly sincere people to help out these folks.

He is helping us on the road to restoration from ruins just as he is helping the victims of Katrina - so you hang in there!
Posted By: searching4truth

Re: separated from God - 10/19/06 12:40 PM

I agree Bex and Boldylocks. Very well said. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Russ

Just To Add... - 10/20/06 09:23 AM

Just wanted to add a little personal experience that may help those who are searching for something.

As a new Christian believer having money problems (in the early 90s), I prayed to God and asked for financial help. I told Him that I would give the chruch I was attending the last $10 I had if He would help me out.

Well, on the way home from church (about a 10 minute drive), I had 3 job offers before I got out of my car and 2 more job offers before evening. All of these jobs paid significantly more than I was currently making. I started working a second job the next morning at 9am and began working another on weekends. Money issues were soon over.

This was a learning experience for me. He didn't give me money. He gave me the opportunity to make the money I needed.

I have, since then, had a number of significant personal experiences with God that changed my life. Even though I have had a hard life (mosly childhood), I would not change it because I have learned things that, in knowing myself now, would not have otherwise learned. God is concerned about your life, even the little things.

It boils down to this...

The Bible is the most amazing Book I've ever read. Here's a small sample why:

The Fourth Word of the Bible
Posted By: searching4truth

Re: Just To Add... - 10/20/06 12:38 PM

Thanks for sharing your story Russ, and also that article--that was fascinating. I'm always amazed at how much information is contained in the Bible, even in a single word as you pointed out. I also liked your quote about how 'God is concerned about your life, even the little things'. That really helps put a lot of things into perspective, and is a good reminder. Sometimes it seems liike God is so far away, but really He is overseeing this whole operation in extremely fine detail, including every tiny aspect of our lives. I think your article and testimony are excellent examples that highlight how God is working in both a 'macro' and also a 'micro' scale in all of our lives.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: separated from God - 10/24/06 11:11 PM

I think that depression can cause feelings of separism from God, aswell as from society as a whole. For most of my life my faith in God, in an ultiimate protector and justice in the universe, has been a source of comfort. There are times I have struggled, but that has been mostly human induced i.e. the way I have been made to feel by people.

To me, God is the source of all wisdom and love in the universe, and one of the greatest battles for me in life is to understand why and how people reject that wisdom and that love. I do believe that most suffering is a chain reaction originating in human action i.e.People reject God's ways and this causes hurt and suffering. It seems so often like there is no real love in this world, no compassion, but this is not because of God, it's because of human-choices. Everyone has choices how to live, and people choose to reject God's way. As God loves us, he allows us to make our own choices i.e. we can follow his ways and try to be kind, compassionate, helpful, socially responsible and sexually moral, or we can reject God's ways and live selfishly, gratifyng ourselves in anyway we can. God doesn't interfere. But there are always consequences to sin (which is something harmful and hurtful to individuals and the world) and just as God allows us all the choices, God does not spare us the consequences. This, unfortunately, means that innocent people suffer because of the bad choices of others, but culpability is ultimately with the individual/society. This is just my belief.

In the wonderful film Shadowlands, C.S.Lewis said that God doesn't want us to be happy, but to grow up. I do think that God wants us to be happy, but that we won't (as a society) be happy untl we grow up and accept that actions have consequences. If we strive always to do the right thing and love others, we become a candle in the word, rather than just another extingushed flame in an otherwise vast darkness of loneliness and pain. God is the light of the world, but people choose to live in darkness.
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