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Posted By: blicero


So, my sister is actually going to get her amalgams removed. Not because I told her to, but because her regular dentist simply said they're corroding.

My stubborn sister is probably going to use him to take out her amalgams, kind of because she thinks it's not a big deal, and partly to spite me (spite may be too harsh, but something a little like that).

When I told her she needs to give up seafood (ESPECIALLY during the process) she snapped at me, as if I was maliciously trying to take it away from her.

I know there's little hope of her taking a disciplined supplement regime beyond a simple one-a-day.

I begged her to listen to me; I've spent HOURS researching this and I feel I have a pretty good idea of the smarter ways to go about it.

Now I fear she'll do it carelessly, or possibly even fall prey to DANGEROUS ideas about how to detox.

The sad thing is she is so clearly affected by mercury. I try not to see mercury poisoning behind everything, but it's so obvious in her case. She was a super bright, super driven teenager, then her life just fell around 24 or so in terms of utter depression, malaise, and terrible memory.

I'm really worried about her and it's super-annoying to deal with.
Posted By: Russ


Very frustrating, I know.

Been there with so many friends, family, etc., but unfortunately:

Jesus said to them, "[color:"red"]Prophets are respected everywhere except in their own hometown and by their relatives and their family[/color]."
—Mark 6:4

I guess the best we can do with people who won't listen is let them fall. Hopefully, in their suffering, they well eventually humble themselves to the truth.

"Humility is to learning as hinges are to a gate."

Posted By: Bex


Hi, yes that is very frustrating but if she's deliberately putting up barriers or doing things to spite you because she doesn't want you to think you have gotten her convinced, then as cruel as this sounds, it's her problem. She is very lucky she has a brother like you and lucky she has been told of what might be causing her problems, many have no idea.

To me, she doesn't have much excuse. I get frustrating BS like this from members of my family also and I swear I feel like tearing my hair out. You warn them and inform them and it's like they go out of their way NOT to do what you've said or to do it to spite you. Unless of course someone else suggests it that is outside of the family, then they seem to take more notice.

I would not honestly waste your breath because you end up making yourself ill over trying to help them when they are unreceptive and deliberately difficult.
Posted By: blicero


In case anyone cares...

my sister is getting around 10 amalgams out via a regular dentist with no precautions.

My mother, who absolutely FREAKS OUT when pot is mentioned because she thinks it's so dangerous, is totally unconcerned.

I warned my mother she could have a permanent basket case on her hands because of this, but she just shrugged.

This could be very, very bad. My sister knows NOTHING about this issue. She won't take any precautions besides her multi vitamin. Nothing.

Stay tuned.
Posted By: Bex


Wow!!!! Are they doing them all at once? I'm just amazed that a dentist could be so totally careless to remove them without protection, even a general dentist.

I mean COME ON. They may want to rave on about how safe they are as an amalgam, but they know full well that the stuff still has to be carefull disgarded. Why would even a general dentist drill that stuff out and not put full protection on?

Anyway, I am hoping that somehow she will turn out ok. It does not sound good, but here is hoping.

If it is any consolation, I got my top teeth done by a general dentist. No protection, just suction. I was ok. Dont recall any major bad happenings, though I was on a good diet and wasn't as ill then as I am now with any viral infection etc.

Yet I got very ill after the biologic dentist did my last few from swallowing the mercury during the last removal.

So it's very hard to say what will happen to each person. I was younger and stronger then, and I hate to imagine what I would like as I am now.

HEre's hoping that your sister will somehow come through this. This is just not wise for her to do this. Can she do just a few at onetime if she MUST do it with a general dentist??? Like 2? This onetime exposure, if she gets ten done at once could finish her. I hope not.
Posted By: Russ


Hey BL,

Very frustrating!

You may consider sending her some information like this:

What Mercury Does To You

[color:"brown"]Don't ever underestimate the effect you have on others, especially when they are pretending not to listen.[/color]
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