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Reliability of Blood Tests

Posted By: ta33

Reliability of Blood Tests - 04/07/04 04:02 AM

How reliable are blood tests for detecting mercury poisoning? Here is my situation: I went to an "applied kinesiologist", who after explaining my suspicions about mercury poisoning said I indeed had severe sensitivity to mercury (and copper as well). I started a DMSA/ALS regimen, and about 2 weeks later, went to the GP and had a blood test done for mercury poisoning. The blood tests revealed NO mercury . . . not a trace. So my question is, is it possible that the DMSA treatment had flushed my body of all the mercury that was there? However, I still have my amalgams, so wouldn't the mercury still be present? How conclusive is this blood test?

I have just started reading Huggins book and have not yet come across any info on this yet, so if you have any knowledge about this, I'd appreciate the head start. Thanks!
Posted By: Russ

Re: Reliability of Blood Tests - 04/07/04 05:43 PM

All the material I've researched says approximately the same thing...

Mercury stays in the bood for a very short period of time (minutes). It's quickly removed and absorbed by various organs. Therefore, blood tests which search for mercury are virtually useless.

There are, however, combinations of tests that can be done including blood porphyrins which (in combination with other tests) can indicate the presence of mercury. The vast majority of doctors do not know this (I grew up in a medical family?many doctors).

If you're reading It's All In Your Head by Hal Huggins, there's a complete section in there on this subject.
Posted By: ta33

Re: Reliability of Blood Tests - 04/07/04 07:31 PM

Thank you. I wish I'd read the book *before* wasting the money on the doctor, but unfortunately I made the (erroneous) assumption that it might confirm my suspicions and couldn't wait. I've only read the introduction so far to "It's All in Your Head"; I probably should have read ahead before asking the question.

On a side note, my dentist told me an interesting story. When he advertised his practice as "mercury free", he not only was bombarded with phone calls from other local dentists, but he also got a phone call from the ADA, who threatened an investigation into his practice. Apparently he photocopied the dozens of pages of peer reviewed studies documenting the problems with mercury, contacted the ADA, and requested to sit down with a representative from the ADA and a press person and have the ADA rep officially go on the record as saying these studies were not sound. Needless to say, they refused.
Posted By: Russ

Re: Reliability of Blood Tests - 04/07/04 08:43 PM

Yep. This is what the ADA is made of and I wish Dentists and Americans could see it.

About 10 years ago, I found myself (along with my business partner) in the information clearinghouse for a political party. We worked with them for a few years in production, IT, and research and learned things that very few Americans would believe, even if it was shown to their face.

It is the level to which our government is corrupt. It is far-far beyond what most people could ever imagine?and highly coordinated. I'm so grateful that the circumstances put me in a position to see it and research it for myself. I spent *** a lot *** of time researching; Going to law libraries and such; Compiling information. Had I not seen it myself, I never would have believed it either.

The ADA, although technically not part of the government, has special powers related to "licensing" which puts them in a powerful position.

(immoral people) plus (powerful position) equals (corruption)

...and many innocent people suffer because of it.

Thank you ADA for lying to my Dentist and therefore being the root cause of 99% of my life-changing health problems!

Hal Huggins Interview
Posted By: Russ

DMSA While Amalgams Are Still In... - 04/10/04 07:46 PM

I'm researching for a talk next week and came across some information you may be interested in.

This is a quote from Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment (p 17):

"Sandborgh-Englund and other (1994) correctly concluded that DMSA in standard doses over a couple of weeks is not effective in treating amalgam illness while amalgams remain in place. Unfortunately, this conclusion is not reflected in the abstract available on medline, and many health care professionals do not obtain, read and analyze papers such as this before drawing their own conclusions. They just read the medline abstract and talk like they read the whole paper."
Posted By: ta33

Re: DMSA While Amalgams Are Still In... - 04/13/04 04:38 PM

Interesting, thanks for the information. I'll have to present this evidence to my doctor. So far, I must say that over the last few weeks, I do feel slightly better, but nothing earth shattering (which is to be expected, given my fillings are still in). I am due this week for my "down spell", which occurs in almost precisely six-week cycles, so we'll see what happens. Unfortunately, I don't have the cash (6 to 8 grand) to have my fillings replaced, and I admit there is still some lingering doubt about my case (not about mercury poisioning in general though). If I had the cash, I wouldn't think twice, but times are tough. Anyway, thanks again for the info.
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