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Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit?

Posted By: sunflower

Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/02/07 06:55 PM

I have ordered Hal Huggins book &Andy Cutlers book,while I'm waiting for them to arrive,I'm getting the last fillings out on Friday,&wondered about getting the activated charcoal
&or chlorella to put under my tongue? I didn't do this at last visit.
I now know about covering up as much as possible during removal &showering after too.
I would appreciate Any other essential tips.
Posted By: mikey

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/02/07 11:21 PM

I didn't use any thing on my first visit when i had 3 amalgams removed and felt like crap for almost 3 weeks after wards ,then on my next visit I pulled apart the capsules of 4 charcoal capsules and poured the powdered charcoal into a half cup of water and rinsed my mouth with the charcoal and water mixture just before the dentist started his work to remove 6 amalgams filling ,and It made a big difference ,I only felt bad for about 3 days afterwards , I also took 2 capsules daily for a short time after the work was done to mop up any mercury that may have got past the suction during the removal
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/03/07 11:03 AM

I’m having some amalgams removed today. I will take 3 capsules of activated charcoal, 15 minutes prior to the appointment. I will also take 3-4 capsules after the appointment. I am scheduled for 2.5 hours in the chair.

I have no idea what “activated charcoal” is compared to just normal charcoal, but the activiated stuff I got was 4 times the price of the bog standard stuff.

Chlorella under the tongue? Don’t know anything about that, but I know chorella is bad for ME, so I would not do that. But I have a problem with chorella, & I don’t know if that problem is just my problem or a general problem for mercury people. Someone elese should know.

Any other tips? Don’t take any VIT C the day of the removal. Vit C interferes with the anesthetic. I got it wrong last time and double my Vit C dosage in the morning. Doh! NOT something I will do again in a hurry! This time round I have not had any vit c all week, just to be sure.
Posted By: mikey

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/03/07 12:13 PM

hi sunshine:activated charcoal is usually made from cococnut shells or can be made from hardwoods like oak or maple , the wood or cococnut shells are not burnt all the way ,so it can keep its highly absorbant properties , many people confuse it to with grilling or cooking type charcoal , that type of charcoal has many different impurities and is very bad for you ( its not the same stuff) activated charcoal can absorb around 6000 known toxins including mercury ,this is why it is used in emergency rooms for most accidendental poisoning cases ( good luck at the dentist)
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/03/07 03:25 PM

Thank you both,
Thanks for advice,That's great that you only had 3 bad days after last visit.Sounds promising.I felt rotten since the last time ,early August,about 8 weeks,but am still eager to go ahead on Friday.Get this poison out.
I hope all goes well today.Thanks for tip about charcoal,will try &find some before Friday.
As for vit c,I've been getting fillings out with no local anasthetic so far anyway,as luckily
they were all on the surface of the teeth.But I had not heard of that before,never heard a dentist or doctor mention that.
Good to know.Thanks.

My books arrived today,Hal huggins, &Andrew Cutler,
I will be driving everyone mad with all this info.!!!
Posted By: cwli

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/03/07 05:03 PM

UK: www.baldswins.co.uk sell it £3 for 100g & many herbs, organic dried fruit/seeds(can send overseas). Also have kelp(which has algin). Order their free brochure.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/03/07 06:25 PM

My books arrived today,Hal huggins, &Andrew Cutler,
I will be driving everyone mad with all this info.!!!

which one you gonna read first?
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/03/07 09:06 PM

I have already read parts of Andrew Cutlers.But I'm like a child under the christmas tree,looking at both...
I guess this is the kind of forum where you can admit that you find all this stuff fascinating without being made fun of!

I cannot believe that on page 25-28,"description of chronic mercury poisoning" it describes me &symptoms accurately,except that I have not had a seisure (that I'm aware of)but Everything else to various degrees.
And in a strange way this is a relief.It's just spot on.

And I remember you mentioning to me in another post how
some of the remedies screwed you up,sulphur &chlorella...
I got a fright when on page 1 he says dangerous things you should not take incl, lots cysteine&glutithione,which I take.
I'm going to talk to practitioner in the morning.

How was your dentist visit today?Are all your fillings out yet?
Posted By: JK98

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/03/07 11:09 PM

"Any other tips? Don’t take any VIT C the day of the removal"

What you really mean is don't take any vitamin c within 24 hours before the dental work. Take plenty of vitamin c soon after the dental work.
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/04/07 08:59 AM

Thanks JK98 ,I plan to take lots vit C after!
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/04/07 12:32 PM

Well, I got my third quadrant of amalgams removed yesterday afternoon.

On both previous occasions this has totally screwed me up. All my symptoms flared up, including brain fog. Lasted about 4 days, then started to get better and I was ok by day 6 after removal. Then the whole process repeated again after 7 days, then again after another 7 days. Each time slightly less, but still horrid. This is the 7/14/21 day body immune cycle thing that andy cutler talks about.

So I was decidedly not looking forward to this trip to then dentist. I long to get this toxic metal out of my mouth, but I dread the aftereffects.

This time I felt fine afterwards. Last night I was quite churpy. This morning was fine, until 10am, until 20 hours after amalgam removal. Now all my symptoms are arriving and I got the brain fog coming in, thick and fast. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/04/07 01:06 PM

Hi Sunshine,
Sorry to hear symptoms back with a vengeance.
I am dreading the dentist visit tomorrow,not so much the visit but the afterwards,I have not recovered yet from the last trip,about 8 or 9 weeks ago,but want this mercury out of me.
I don't know if I'm doing the right thing,but don't feel I can keep putting it off.I've already postponed it twice...which meant arranging childminders &cancelling &all that kind of thing.Basically I've been annoying everyone else.But think I made the right choice to wait as I was so sick.
I think I'll go ahead tomorrow because I don't know if I'll ever feel well enough to go. I could feel worse in a few weeks
with or without the fillings,who can tell.At least the coldsores &cold I had is gone so at least I'll be able to breathe.

I will never again underestimate the power of the mercury.
Sorry for the complaining,it sounds like you could do with some cheering up.
The "to wit"part of the "entertainment"in this forum is funny,especially Russ' 20 ways to maintain a healthy level of insanity.
May the force be with you ,Sunshine.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/04/07 05:33 PM

feel like i have been runover by a truck head is all swimmy brain fog is crashing over me like a greatt big wave of fuckedupness i had to take the day off work i am a vegetable now <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> i was doing well and now im all censored up again <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/04/07 09:06 PM

Hi Sunshine,
Sorry that you feelin so bad.Remember that it's only temporary and you'll feel good again.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/04/07 09:18 PM

hi sunflowr yeah no pain no gain good luck topmorrow hopr u feel betterthan me
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/05/07 05:58 PM

Hi everyone,
Just got back from dentist,it's 2 hour drive each ways,so been a long day
The great news is there are no longer any mercury fillings in my mouth.I feel fantastic about that,really high at the moment
but taking it easy anyway,because I also felt great straight after the last visit but ended up in an awful state for 8 weeks.
Took lots of charcoal,before &after,lots vit C after too.Shower when I got home.
Didn't need local anasthetic so I was delighted.
I feel so wonderful!

Sunshine, are you feeling any better today?


Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/05/07 08:21 PM

hello mate thats great news i 'm over the moon for ya i cant wait to get all mine out too yeah im a little better today it kinda comes and goes in great big waves of brain fog n my head hurts and i keep squinting and staring at stuff for to long. but yeah better than yesterday. this morning and yesterday was the worst fog ive every had..............yeah i just been staring at the screen fo rtoo long so id beter go n brush my teeth or something
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/06/07 07:12 AM

Wow, that was one hell of a rollercoaster ride I was on these last couple of days. Definitely the worst I have ever had the brain fog. Most distressing indeed. It was coming and going in great big surges, up and down all day long.

Some good news; the majority my other regular symptoms did not make an appearance this time around, just a full-on hardcore headfunk.

I have one more amalgam remaining. One more little funker to be rid of now.
Since I had such a huge reaction again this time on this quadrant removal, I no doubt will have a similar reaction 7 days later, and 12 days later and again 21 days later……lovely! Something for me to look forward to!

Worst seems to be over for now at least.

How u doing Sunflower?
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/06/07 04:30 PM

Hi ,Hope you're having a better day...
It's a bit of a consolation if you get some relief from symptoms & not have them constantly,well maybe that's debatable.
I'm not sure I understand what people mean by "brain fog"
I've heard it mentioned ALOT on this forum.I'm guessing it's like the heavy sleepy feeling that you sometimes get and don't realise how bad it actually is untill one day when suddenly it lifts and you feel clearer.???and literally feels like a fog has lifted off you. I feel like that in my whole body sometimes it's unpleasant.
I feel ok today.Found it hard to go to sleep,was so happy after getting all the fillings out,but thismorning I just lay in bed not wanting to get out,but I was not exhausted,just nicely tired,I felt like what I describe to be a normal,explainable tiredness,after a busy day yesterday.

The lovely thing I noticed is that my mouth feels like new,
no metal taste thismorning,I keep feeling my teeth with my tongue &feel like something huge &so significant has happened.
A huge change.I can't fully appreciate the significance just yet.Maybe I'm in shock!
The way my dentist described it as"the mercury tap has now been turned off "& now it's time to clean up the mess.

There's alot of other stuff going on in my personal life right now,so I'm trying to figure out &seperate mercury symptoms &other things.Things are always that bit tougher to deal with when you are rundown.
Sorry if I am sounding negative.

Anyway you are nearly there,only 1 more funker to go,as you say.It's definitely hard to be patient when you just want them all out!these little funkers causing such enormous problems.Disabling millions of people.We are doing the right thing &going the right way...Keep up your good work
By the way don't mind my spelling funkers is definitely supposed to have a c in it.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/06/07 09:26 PM

Hi Sunflower. Today was better than yesterday, but not by much. Foggy-rollercoaster ride, one of the clattery, bumpy ones too, not those nice smooth metal pipe jobs.

Yeah, brain fog, I used to wonder what everyone was going on about, and now I know. Each time I have had some amalgams removed the after-effects of brain fog have been getting a little worse after each removal. This time was real distressingly bad. It must be the exposure to the mercury on removal, and each time a little more is added to my body burden? Unfortunately, even with protection, contamination is unavoidable.
Hit in the head with a sledgehammer?
That describes it pretty well, but for me, it is most associated with a gigantic come-down, after a big night out clubbing until 9am, but without the fun, if ya know what I mean.

And my lower back is killing me, which is my kidneys getting over worked.
And my shoulders are killing me, which is my liver&gallbladder getting over worked.

To be fair, I am distressed at the moment. No way can I go to work in this state. No way can i…..anyway…yeah…I have other things too. Its difficult to have a life with brain fog, I truly want this crap to end soon.

I try really hard not to swear on these forums. I only swear when I’m really censored up

Congrats on getting all yours out, I seriously envy you.
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/06/07 10:06 PM

Hi again Sunshine,
sorry you feelin so bad.Wish I knew something to say to cheer you up.Have you seen the scottish seagull shoplifter &the animator vs animation over in the
"entertainment,"they are good fun...might distract you for a little while anyway
About the swearing,yes it's different than talking,when you swear it's forgotten in a minute but if you type it's like a monument to your frustration,I go through phases of being angry &then remember it's more beneficial to save the energy to recover,
and help/inform others about the mercury.
Been reading some of the posts...
I have noticed some of the mercury poisoned people on here seem to have a great sense of humour,I reckon that should be noted on the list of symptoms.

I read in an earlier post by you,don't remember which,but you said you an ex-party animal.I am too.I wonder how many people on here are2.
I often wondered how friends my age,who did all I did&more & I'm sure some of them must have mercury fillings too,how they are still carrying on with their lives seemingly ,reasonably
"healthy".Who knows.

I made a resolution to myself today,when I started feeling tired again,that I'm going to just take it one minute at a time.

You said your back &shoulders hurt,are you drinking lots water &eating well?I'm sure you are!I've been lucky and don't suffer from any of that kind of pain.Except if my blood sugar level drops,then I get back pain &the tops of my arms hurt &everything gets heavy,within 10or 20 mins of eating something this pain is gone.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/07/07 09:28 AM

Even knowing what I now know about my health, sickness, how to eat correctly etc, everthing, I think I still would have been a party animal no matter what. It was just so much fun. How could I have turned my back on a way of life that was so incredibly exciting and exhilarating? The excitement for the coming weekend used to start on Monday morning, building up excitement as the next party drew closer and closer, to a crescendo of frenzied wild nights. Week after week, year after year.

For as much trouble as I am now in, I had at least equal as much fun back then. In fact I think more fun then…..that’s how electrifyingly Ecstatic it was! The partying and the abuse my body took then was extreme, but the partying didn’t put mercury in my mouth. The partying did however help the mercury come out of my teeth and into my body, which was then unable to detox it correctly due to all the abuse my body had been through with the class A, B & C consumption.

But that was the Good Old Days, now I have to cope with the consequences of my partying and the mercury my grandfather put I’m my mouth. Yes, he was my dentist! Funny old world isn’t it!

Operation “Do-anything-that-might-help” has been in force these last 4 days:

This morning I Oil Pulled for 1 hour with VCO. Three twenty minute sessions, trying to clean up my blood while watching the Grand Prix. I had lots of metallic tastes in my mouth so hopefully some good will have been done.
I then drank 2 pints of salted water.
I then drank 3 cups of dandelion tea.
I just had my usual breakfast, salad. Dull….but safe, along with a mega dose my usual supplements.
Next up is another very hot Epsom salt bath, into which I will also add 1 cup of baking soda and one bottle of hydrogen peroxide…..lovely. Sweat the stuff out!

Next I have to cope with the in-laws and my mum all coming for lunch. I will need my brave face all day today.

Good to have another ex-party animal with us <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: SoSick

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/08/07 02:43 AM

There's a difference between activated charcoal and plain charcoal.

If you are using OTC 3% hydrogen peroxide in your baths Sunshine, you might want to be aware that OTC 3% H2O2, like you buy at the pharmacy, often contains mercury as a preservative.

You should be using 35% food grade H2O2, and use about 1/2-1 cup in a big bath full of water.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/08/07 02:09 PM


Oh! It’s funkin’ jungle out there. Every which way I turn I’m surrounded by bloody chemicals and £$*&$*$ mercury. No wonder everything is so screwed up in this world.

Sosick, you are a star, thanks mate. I owe you one.

Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/08/07 02:41 PM

That's mad about the hydrogen peroxide.
I use about 2 handfulls of seasalt in my baths,and maybe once every 2nd week I have a seaweed bath,
with it's called "atlantic seaweed bath"on the pack it says
"this natural product is high in sulphur and iodine(amber tint).
It also contains Vit A (retinol),Vit E and is rich in natural oils."
the product is a block of dried fucus serratus/seaweed
which rehydrates in the water,and not the powdered stuff.
It makes me feel great,but tired afterwards.
As I have been taking the N.A.C. ,maybe I've been overdosing on the sulphur???

are you feeling any better?
I've been doing the oil pulling for about 2 weeks,with sunflower(cannibalism)&sesame oil,but never thought of the virgin coconut oil,thanks for that tip! I use that for everything else,it's great stuff.
Is the salted water for minerals or what(now I remember Andrew Cutler mentions it in his book..)does it help much?
Never tried the dandelion tea,I have a garden full of these wonderful plants...

Your grandfather was your dentist.Is he still alive today?
He obviously believed them to be safe.

Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/08/07 09:09 PM

Hi Sunflower.
I Googled hydrogen peroxide and yeah there’s loads of chemicals and crap in it! I couldn’t bear reading too much <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> Oh well, I continue to learn something new everyday.

The worst of over now thx, I still feel spaced out, but nowhere near as bad as the weekend. At the time it always feels like the end of the world, thx for reminding me that it was only temperary. it was the worst i have even been unfort <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> Now I have the 7/14/21 days body immune cycle reactions to look forward to for the next three weeks! At least I now know why its happening, which makes it slightly more bearable.

1 hour of Oil Pulling is hardcore! I think it made a difference because yesterday i was significantly better than the day before and normally I only get better little by little. I used to have multiple food intolerances and for some reason other oils made me really sick, but VCO is excellent and causes me no trouble. I too use it for so many things.

Water & salt: at the start of the year I discovered I was chronically dehydrated and had been for all my life, not helped by sitting underneath an air conditioning unit for the last 19 years! I have been on The Watercure for 9 months now and than means I drink at least 2 liters of salted water everyday, on top of anything else I drink. I use Himalayan rock salt as it is full of minerals, 92 different minerals I think, and hopefully not full of pollution. I benefit big time from this Watercure, it’s simple, easy and makes excellent sense (to me).
I know u don’t need another book recommendation, but for more mind blowing knowledge:-

“water & salt” by Dr Batmananghelidj

“This book challenges the medical establishment at the deepest level. Dr "Batman", following more than twenty years of research and experience into the healing effects of water and salt, has come to the conclusion that almost all our diseases are the result of chronic dehydration. Instead of treating people with water and salt, we are "poisoning" them with drugs, which bring their own risks and can kill people. The book is clearly written for the layperson to understand, but the doctor goes into all the physiological reasons of why our body needs water and how it is constantly signalling us that it is in drought. It all seems so obvious when it's spelt out! I found the book compelling reading and almost instantly cut out caffeine (tea and coffee are prime "dehydrators") and started on The Water Cure. Be prepared to have your old beliefs challenged, but, when you read the testimonials written by people who have recovered from cancer, diabetes, incontinence, asthma and allergies and so on, you might think again. Could be your life-saving read!”


My old granddad is long gone now.
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/10/07 09:25 PM

How are you doing these days?
I hope you're feeling better.
I have tried the oilpulling with the VCO,it has a lovely taste.
(I wondered though is it ok to spit it into the sink when you're finished,you know the way it solidifies at room temp.
I boil up some water &pour it down to rinse the sink,so hopefully no hard coconut oil down there.)

That book "water &salt"is going on my list,sounds great,I reckon most of us are walking around chronically dehydrated.
I recently read parts of "the bodies many cries for water,"
but can't remember authors' name,but also really interesting.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/10/07 10:05 PM

"the bodies many cries for water," – yeah thats the same dude, Dr Batman.

VCO – yeah aim right down the plug hole, don’t hit the sides. I just run the hot tap for 30 seconds. You don’t want that toxic crap on you. When I first OP-ed, I forgot and just spat into the sink. Then I shaved in the same sink, I remember thinking what a smooth shave it was. Then I read whats in it the stuff u spit out! Not a great way to start the day, …you live and you learn! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />

After 4 days of hell I have been gradually getting better. Operation put-myself-back-together-again has been in full effect, this week I have been adjusted by my muscle tester, seen my osteopath & re-arranged and had 1 hour with my Alexander teacher and relaxed. This is along with the usual dry-skin brushing, oil massages, cold showers, hot showers, Epsom salt baths, poison baths with hydrogen peroxide, watercure and the kidney cleanse I doing at the moment, I also did 2 days with only veg juice for breakfast and lunch (no solid food) to give my digestion, liver, kidneys a break. And works busy. And home life is busy. So yeah….as ever…..full on….time is flying by.

I do feel something has changed since the amalgam removal last week, and I’m gagging to get the last bugger out, but I must hold back until I feel tip-top.

Last thurday at 11 am(20 hours after amalgam removal) was when the 4 days of hell started for me. I fully expect to be getting a repeat performance this Thursday at 11am too….not looking forward to that in the least. Last week I really thought that was it and I would never get better again. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
I just wanted to get that down on record…see if my prediction actually happens….tomorrow, Thursday at 11am I expect heavy duty brain fog, should be less intense that last week but still nasty. I truly hope I am wrong. And I hope I don’t bring it on myself just by thinking it too!

Sorry to hear u havin a rough old time too, hang in there, it will pass. I remain extremely envious of you…………….no amalgams! Lucky lucky lucky girl! You can now officially start healing…… <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/10/07 10:06 PM

Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/10/07 10:20 PM

That's one hardcore health regime you have going on there.
You may be going through a rough patch but if you keep that up you'll be flying around the place.
You certainly deserve to be you are working so hard on regaining your health.
You will reap what you sow.
You only have 1 more to go & are being patient &doing things in the right order.I rushed into things,but hope I have not done any damage.Taking things slow for a while now,1 day at a time.

Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/11/07 12:00 PM

“You may be going through a rough patch…” <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> Overall, I am in fact going through a very good patch at the moment! I have managed to kick the multiple food and chemical intolerances which had been an utter utter total nightmare for such a long period of time. So I am already reaping what I have sowed. Everything I try takes me I little bit further away from my toxic limit.

Yeah, its hard work too all this hardcore health regime, all this enables me to just about keep my head above the water. I look forward to the day when I do not need to focus so heavily my health. Unfortunately it has become part of my daily life. Without doing all these things I could not continue with my life which is just about still in one piece, but only just. I am still working, but many things have had to be dropped.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/11/07 01:39 PM

It is Thursday 11th oct at @ 228pm – it is exactly 8 days to the minute since I had my 3rd quadrant of amalgams out. I thought the brain fog would hit at 11am this morning, but I was wrong, its coming on thick and fast right now. great big waves washing over me. how strange everthings slowiong down I am tingling all over my head throbs and my teeth feell like I have been punched in the mouth my hands are stuggliong to type feeling like I just had a joint, all swimmy and detached. Feels likethis ishappeningtooneelseand im just a bystander.itsgettingworse bythe minute. Itdonsthurt yetwhich is nice this is like taking e
Thisgonna beanotherfuckedupridesee u ontheotherside
Posted By: sunflower

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/11/07 05:09 PM

I don't know what to say except I hope you feel better soon,
I felt awful for about an hour today but after felt better,it goes like that with me,but it's so unpredictable.
I think I've been lucky,so far anyway.
Sunshine, hang in there

Posted By: Tumbleweed

Re: Activated charcoal 4 dentist visit? - 10/11/07 10:35 PM


Looks like in the space of an hour and 39 minutes you went from doing pretty well to awful. Man - that is a dramatic change! Hope you feel better soon.

You're on the prayer list with everyone else...

Posted By: Sunshine P

Ouch! - 10/12/07 10:23 PM

I’m out the other side now, phew and ouch! Thanks for the support, its cool seeing the kind words, even if I couldn’t see straight until now.

That was some hardcore heavy duty headfunk on Thursday. It was so strange waiting and anticipating the brain fog to arrive. Amazing that I have learned enough to know roughly when its gonna hit. Was very surreal. It came on so fast. One moment all was calm, the next boom, I was washed away in a tsunami of fog & confusion……as I said very surreal. It did start hurting, pretty soon after that post too.

When you’re feeling fine, it’s sometimes difficult to remember exactly how bad the bad times got. Looking back at the above post…..man oh man…. It takes me right back.

Thankfully, as bad as it was, it was not as bad as last weeks attack which was ........................yeah worse. Out of sheer desperation I have provisionally booked the last amalgam for removal on Monday. I should probably wait another week or two, to fully recover, but I just want this funking stuff out. Its gonna screw me over whichever way I do it, slower or faster. Maybe when the last one is out, the after-effects won’t be so bad? Maybe I will start getting proper better? Finally?

I don’t know, I may cancel it. I’m going on holiday in a week and half and would be real cool to be merc free then. But I need to be able to drive for 10 hours in a day, so I don’t know….by Monday I will be thinking straight again and prolly cancel, but right now, I just want it out.

Think I almost OD-ed on my supplements these last few days. Vit C took a pounding! I was popping those mothers 10 at a time.

Posted By: sunflower

Re: Ouch! - 10/17/07 09:52 AM

I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better.
I also overdosing on the Vitamin C,it's keeping me alive I think,you know they recommend it to"bowel tolerance"well my body seems to need ever bit as there's none left over ,I worked it out,I've been taking between approx.15,000 &25,000mg a day and they are helping me survive this.
Water &Vitamin C,fresh vegetables and importantly the support of people on this forum,who truly understand.

Hope you are strong and enjoy your holiday,lucky duck!
Just one more filling to go,that's great,you did the right thing to wait,I understand completely the feeling of urgency to get them all out asap.Just one more,won't be long now,you're body will thank you for being kind &waiting.
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Ouch! - 10/17/07 09:14 PM

Yeah, better now, although I had a battle with some parasites this week which was a little itchy. It will pass soon enough.

See u later Sunflower <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
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