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"...true to myself..." —Frederick Douglass

Posted By: Russ

"...true to myself..." —Frederick Douglass - 12/15/05 06:27 PM

"I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence."

—Frederick Douglass
Posted By: Carla

Re: "...true to myself..." ?Frederick Douglass - 12/17/05 04:29 PM

It's a Hobson's Choice, though, isn't it, if the folks around you are meaner than a rabid weasel.
Posted By: Russ

Re: "...true to myself..." ?Frederick Douglass - 12/18/05 02:07 AM

Posted By: Carla

Re: "...true to myself..." ?Frederick Douglass - 12/18/05 09:50 PM

Does "hmmmmmm" mean you are considering my point of view? If the folks around you strongly disagree with you, but are all mild & gentle Christians, then it is easy to swim against that particular tide by being "true to yourself" in the style of Fred Douglass.

Try that with some other group who don't have the fear of hellfire to restrain them. Don't know about you, but I am no Joan of Arc.
Posted By: Russ

Re: "...true to myself..." ?Frederick Douglass - 12/19/05 08:03 PM

I have found that people are more responsive to the style and conviction with which a contrary idea is upheld rather than the content of the idea itself. This is?of course?due to the fact that most people hold ideas and opinions based on how they believe others will respond to the idea rather than the substance or truth of it. Therefore, it can be made "stylish" to hold an idea, even in the mob of opposing opinions, if the idea is presented in a way that convinces people that the idea will eventually "catch on".

A mass of opposing ideas is an opportunity for a passionate person to shine.

"Difficult choices can make heros or bad law."
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