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Just got mercury test results

Posted By: strength

Just got mercury test results - 06/10/06 04:39 PM

Well to make a long story short,my mercury levels are 52,what is the first step i should take,i suffer from almost every symptom known,from anxiety,to dizziness,fatigue,severe brainfog,cold clammy hands and feet,hair loss,panic attacks,excess salivation,but somehow i fight it and am able to function to a certain extent,i fear driving long distances,flying,my balance and coordination are becoming limited.
I have 11 fillings and 2 recent root canals,one that has been crowned and the other wher the dentist filled it in and said if it doesn't bother you it can remain,which i chose the latter route,i have coated tongue also,candida blood test were negative,so please tell me what i should be doing prior to and during the removal of my fillings.TIA
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/18/06 12:17 AM


I am guessing Russ and Laura (who run this website) are offline, which is unusual.

My suggestion would be to start
Vit C
Vit E
Vit B complex

Find a dentist who will remove your amalgams safely.

Good Luck!
Posted By: Russ

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/18/06 05:50 AM

Sorry for the delay. Been really busy with work and it's been hard keeping up.

I second what Diana says.

I would take about 5000 mg of C daily and try to spread them throughout the day.

I would take about 400 iu of E daily.

I would take 3 or 4 475 mg capsules of algin 4 times per day. Make the last time before going to bed.

Let us know how it goes.
Posted By: strength

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/20/06 03:59 PM

Ok so thatt's 5000 mg of vitc,ok i just started a week ago,i feel bad somedays and others i feel like crap,i have my first dentist appointment on the 29th of june we'll see how it goes.TIA
Posted By: Russ

Working on Individual Symptoms - 06/20/06 08:29 PM

The C and E are there generally to protect you from additional mercury-related damage. C protects the body. E protects the brain. They won't make you feel much different, however.

Algin can help you feel better by preventing redistribution of mercury from the intestines back into the blood, so it can help, dramatically for some, including me.

If you want to work on the other symptoms you have individually, there are supplements that may be able to help with them. If so, just let me know which ones you're interested in working on first and I'll make some recommendations.

Thanks and keep us posted.
Posted By: strength

Re: Working on Individual Symptoms - 06/21/06 04:17 PM

Well to start i think i need to work on mood swings,depression,and just having energy and being happy.
Posted By: Russ

Re: Working on Individual Symptoms - 06/22/06 05:46 AM

OK, all of the symptoms you mentioned are commonly associated thyroid issues. Here's exactly what I would do. I would try the following herbal combinations and see what improvements you experience.

Depression and low energy is often associated with thyroid problems. I solved my low energy issue before my amalgams were taken out with this:
Thyroid Support (This is an excellent.)

Depression can be associated with several things. The best line of defense is well-known and works very well for many people.
St. John's Wort

I hope this helps.
Posted By: strength

Re: Working on Individual Symptoms - 06/22/06 01:43 PM

Okay,here's my problem my blood test show thyroid function as being normal,i also noticed that upon running my legs muscles burn,and tingle somewhat.
also within the past year my hair is beginning to thin rapidly,i mentioned it to my rgular doctor,he had me tested for thyroid function which was normal,then just ignored the entire problem.
Is this another sign of a thyroid issue?
I'm not 100% sure but i have heard that blood testing for thyroid function is not really accurate in diagnosing thyroid issues.
Sorrt for babbling on but i have to let them out as i remember them,i read in andy culters book about adrenal function,and an issue i think i also suffer from is the fact that i am slim,muscular,but my muscles tire easily and i am weak.
Any knowledge with that?
Posted By: Russ

Thyroid Tests Useless - 06/23/06 05:15 AM

Standard thyroid tests are generally useless for mercury toxic persons because they only deal with T4. T3 is the real issue when mercury is involved.

There can be other issues with the test as well.
Posted By: strength

Re: Thyroid Tests Useless - 06/23/06 12:31 PM

Okay so i may have a thyroid issue,do you think it's a good idea to take thyroid support,or is it necessary to get proof that i have a problem before treating it.
Posted By: Russ

My Body: The Best Diagnostic Tool Ever... - 06/24/06 06:13 AM

It's not necessary to get proof first. You can try it and see if it works for you.

During my amalgam discovery, removal, detox and recovery, I had:
  • zero tests,
  • zero doctor appointments,
  • zero doctor diagnosis, and
  • zero bills.

The only exception is, of course, my dentist bill and my blood serum compatibility test for finding a compatible dental material. The only other exception is the DMPS that I tried and then stopped after reading about the dangers involved.

Whether or not people get a test is completely up to them. I do believe that many (perhaps most) tests are unnecessary and given for the profit of the doctor, and that it's frightening how many horribly negligent lab errors take place in modern hospitals.

I just had to put a few of my thoughts into pictures today...

<img src="http://herballure.com/Images/Misc/Funny/Pharmacy,TakeAtYourOwnRisk.jpg">

<img src="http://herballure.com/Images/Misc/Funny/TheBILL.jpg">

<img src="http://herballure.com/Images/Misc/Funny/WhatDoYouThinkHesWorth.jpg">
Posted By: strength

Re: My Body: The Best Diagnostic Tool Ever... - 06/24/06 04:23 PM

those pics are funny but very true.
thanks for all the feedback.
i think i'm gonna order the thyroid support supplement,alot cheaper than a $150 doctor vist,and god knows how much for the test,just to tell me something i more than likely already know.
Posted By: Russ

Re: My Body: The Best Diagnostic Tool Ever... - 06/25/06 11:03 PM


Please ket us know how the Thyroid Support works for you. It made all the difference in the world for me when my energy started dropping.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Just got mercury test results - 03/18/07 02:57 AM

get the root canals properly pulled also. and don't ever have another one!
Posted By: strength

Re: Just got mercury test results - 03/23/07 12:16 AM

Man i don't even remember writing some of this stuff,to udate i have all but one amalgam filling rmoved,i also have one root canal that i will have the cap removed and either replaced or extracted,i also had 4 exrtactions since then also.
Posted By: Russ

Re: Just got mercury test results - 03/23/07 08:24 PM

You've come a long way since then, eh?
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 05/28/08 08:37 AM

Hi ... (((( Smiles ))))

I know I haven't introduced myself yet.. But..
I've just been lurking around the board but this thread caught my eye..
You said that you tried and then stopped DMPS after reading about the dangers involved..
Yet on Dr Mercola site it says...
It has an abundance of international research data and an excellent safety record in removing mercury from the body63 and has been used safely in Europe as Dimaval for many years.64 65 66 67 ..
And in this case for regressive autism..
And it is finally getting lots of mercury out according to the urine test..
First came out lots of lead then now mercury in the extreme..
And our Bio- Medical doctor seems to think it's pretty safe too..
And we've been doing it for over 6 months now almost a year..
I have noticed some reaction to the chelation like in behavior aggitation and feeling warm
to the touch .. But it seems to be real effective though I am concerned about the effects
from all that mercury floating around.. because of that we chelate for 2 days after, the rectal way.. and give her lots of supplements and juice.. and magnesium..
She's very moderate to severe though she can talk simple speak..
and do certain things like play the computer simple games and loves to swim..
We don't want her to get any worse but we do want her to get better and according to the challenge test with regular rectal chelation.. That she has been undergoing for along time frame now.. there was heavy metals comeing out but not as effective or as much as with
the IV chelation..
So what are the dangers??? What should we be looking out for???
I don't know if she will ever truely get well we hope she will..
Her sister did very well with it and she's a three time honor roll student at her school..
But she didn't undergo IV chelation just rectal and in my other daughters case..
It seemed to be more needed because of the challenge tests..
And her regressive autism ..
They don't have any metal fillings in their mouth and they never will..
I wish I could take mine out of my back teeth but..
That means I would have to undergo the drill and thats pretty loud I just don't know..
How that would go for me.. Though I may have no choice someday..
But the question is..
Could you please tell me what the dangers are and what to look out for..
plus.. ((( Smiles))) I like your cartoon pictures above..
Pharmacy take at your own risk..
And what seems to go with that is..
" Half the modern drugs could well be thrown out the window, except that the birds might
eat them."
-- Martin H. Fischer

And wouldn't that be tragic..... As..
Were allready loseing our bees and birds too the environment it's getting so polluted
out there it's effecting their immune systems and causeing them disease's..
Thats what I believe... Were ruining our own habitate and maybe it is the thrown away
drugs and chemicals and whatever else is in the water we all drink..
But.. Even with all that is going on in the world theses days...

I do like your site.....
Very informative very interesting..
I could learn alot here...

Take Care
Plus.. Oh wow.. You've got alot of faces here or is it Graemlins..
Whatever I like it ..<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif" alt="" />: Biggrin
Lets see if this works... This is my first post..
Lets see how it goes...<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/underachair.gif" alt="" />
This is all new to me here....
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 05/29/08 08:52 PM

Hi Lynn

Welcome to the forum & sorry for the late reply. I didn’t totally understand your post, are you chelating yourself or your daughter or are you just researching things, trying to figure out what to do and who to believe?

Re DMPS. This is a good chelator of mercury, it binds strongly to mercury and escorts it out of the body. It does NOT cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) so will NOT chelate mercury from the brain. ALA is the only chelator that crosses the BBB and removes mercury from the brain.

Is DMPS safe….yes and no.

Yes - It is safe IF taken correctly at the appropriate dosage and the appropriate timings.
If the dose is too high, you mobilise too much mercury, too much is redistributed around the body, symptoms and side effects are nasty and can cause irreversible problems. The bigger the dose the bigger the mobilisation of mercury and the bigger the problems.
DMPS last 6-8 hours in the blood stream. After 6-8 hours it runs out and the mobilised mercury does not have any DMPS to hang on to, so it redistributes around the body. If you take DMPS every 6-8 hours, it does not run out and the DMPS is continually holding on to the merc and being excreted. When you stop taking the DMPS, it runs out and there is some redistubution, which is why you must only take low doses. If you take low doses of dmps for 3 days every 6-8 hours, you will have one redistribution event at the end when you finish. If you take infrequent doses, like one a day, every day for a week you will get lots of redistribution events. The higher the dose the larger a problem.

NO – DMPS is unsafe if taken in high dosages and infrequently and/or both.

DMPS IV uses large doses of the chelator infrequently…..which means it is unsafe method of chelation.

Some people do just fine on the DMPS IV chelation protocols, but some people get really seriously properly hurt, like it takes years to recover from one bad round…..it is for this reason that it is unsafe. It is true not everyone gets hurt, but some do get badly hurt and you have no idea if you will be lucky or unlucky until it is too late.

For this reason safely should be your first concern.

Luckily there is a protocol with a proven track record, that does not seriously screw people up. it’s called the Cutler protocol and it uses low doses of chelators taken very frequently.

I am on this protocol and it is helping me and I have not been hurt from it.

You should buy “Amalgam illness” by Andrew Cutler…it explains all in great detail. Will be the best $35 you can ever spend on mercury chelation.


Any questions……………..fire away.

Good luck and welcome<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/02/08 10:06 PM

Hi Sunshine, ((( Smiles )))

Thank You..
It's for my daughter.. She has autism.. She use to do it the rectal way but the biomedical
doctor thought in her case the DMPS IV chelation way is the best..
She does the IV once a week and the mop up is two days of rectal DMPS follow up..
With drinking the supplements takeing probiotics VSL #3 Arctic cod liver oil , enzymes
ect daily.. She is more of a regressive type of autism and seems to be different then her
sister or most others when it comes to the first genetic testing we have had done..
Her sister has improved alot and is makeing lots of progress..
She chelates the rectal way DMPS.. Her sister though is not doing as well..
More severe.. Seems aggitated alot after the chelation agent..
I just worry about her getting any worse..
Sometimes I've seen improvement and then sometimes she seems worse..
First it was the lead mostly comeing out in heavy doses...
Now it's the mercury in the extreme level....
Her sister got lots better after her intestional/bowel got better like normal now..
But the other one has big problems in that department..
It's not normal and I just feel if her bowel problem was fixed..
She would get better too but first we have to get the heavy metals out..
We do have an MD provider.. She has an autistic child and she is very popular..
very booked and she doesn't seem to be concerned about it but I kind of worry
about it getting worse.. Though I've allways heard the saying a person can get far
worse before they get better but I just don't know.. She seems worse at times..
And the doctor feels we should do this untill the mercury shows up at a lower level
in her challenge tests then we can cut the sessions down..
But untill then she feels it's working well...
It's comeing out...
But getting the mercury out is what I really want to do..
If it's at that heavy of a level in her system..
It must be in her brain as well...
This makes her more ADHD and striking out at others in anger..
I worry about this more.. I want it out and she is almost a teen now..
My husband thinks I worry to much and I think he worrys to little..
I have to look at the paper work again and then I can say how much DMPS ect..
They are giveing her.. But I read about a hot hat they are expirementing with..
As metal binds hard like in the brain and a feverish condition can make it unbind
and get it out.. I'm not sure how that works and if it's safe yet..
She can simple speak she seems to understand what a person says..
She can walk can run can swim can swing and draw and color and is very strong and a great climber..
She's very athletic but her brain hasen't caught up to all that..
That makes it hard.. But she does smile and thinks or plots about what to get into next..
And it's not allways good it's scares me sometimes..
But the ALA.. I want too look into that..
One child is on the honor roll now and the other one well...
It's a different form of autism though she stopped self abusing years ago..
I mean thats good but I'm just afraid if she went back to that..
If we are doing the right thing for her..
It is heavy duty I can tell...
By her reaction to it..
But does that mean its harmfull to her???
Or good for her..
Thank You..
I will get back to this...
I have a homework project that is due that I have to help my other child with..
Then I will look at my other childs paperwork on her chelation..
And get back to you.. Thank You for your help...
And welcomeing me to the board..
I appreciate that...

Take Care

Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/04/08 01:04 PM

Hi Lynn ((( Smiles to you too )))

I like the way you write….like a poem!

I don’t know too much about autism, except that kids that chelate mercury out get better……and whether you chelate due to autism or amalgams…the risks, rewards, dangers and success’s are the same.
It’s the same protocols and the same risks.

I am mercury poisoned from my amalgam fillings, tattoo’s, contact lense solution, vaccinations, flu shots, played with it school, my mum had amalgams when I was born and my grandfather was a dentist…..so I am fully loaded up with toxic waste.

I do see/hear many people chelating in many different ways.
How you do it, how I do it as per the Cutler protocol and they are many other ways in-between too.
I will come back to this point in a moment….bear with me please………

I was very very ill at the beginning of last year. I was advised to do/try certain things and they just made me much much worse.
In trying to help myself I hurt myself…which was pretty demoralising!
Much of the advice I received from my doctors has turned out to be completely and utterly wrong.
So I was forced to educate myself.
I no longer trusted the doctors, because they made me worse, then they told me to “learn to live with the pain.”

I have learnt that almost everything my doctors told me over the years was wrong.

Now that I have educated myself I am at last getting better from the actions I have taken.

Much better too.

But still a long way to go.

Its been hard work, but the rewards are my life back.

I would say the most important thing to do for YOU is to educate yourself in the ways of the body and how to get better.
Learn as much about chelation as possible.
Question everything.
Any questions you have……………..ask em.
My experience with doctors is horrific and I will never trust any ever again.
It is not that difficult to learn, you need to read a bit, but I know that you have all the energy in the world to help and cure your daughter.
If you learn the way to chelate and how it works then you can make informed choices and informed decisions about the health of your daughter and yours too.
Letting others decide your health for you is a road to disaster IMHO.
It was for me.

One thing is for sure, the person most suited, the person that will do everything in the world for your daughter…………..is YOU.
You are the one person in the world that will do anything and everything to help your own flesh and blood.
You have her best interests at heart.
If you learn some, read a book or two….you can make informed decisions to help your family.

Back to this bit…..i quote myself….

I do see/hear many people chelating in many different ways.
How you do it, how I do it as per the Cutler protocol and they are many other ways in-between too.

Along my travels, I see many people chelating, some get better, some get worse, some stay the same.

The overriding things I notice are ………..
1) People on the Cutler protocol do not get seriously hurt. Yes, they sometimes have rough times, rough rounds, but we are playing with mercury here and that is unfort inevitable.
2) People on infrequent doses, people doing IV chelation, people doing high dosages….SOME of these people get really badly hurt. I’m not talking about having a rough week because every one gets that…. I’m talking about getting screwed up for a long long time. And that is something I want to avoid and I assume you are the same too.

It is for this reason, because SOME people get really badly hurt, that I believe chelation needs to be done in the safest way possible.

When I say "my travels," what I mean is I am on 4 mercury dedicated forums, I read every single post, from all the different people chelating and I learn from peoples mistakes and avoid them myself and I learn from people success’s and try them too.

I believe the Cutler protocol is the safest method to chelate mercury because it uses very low doses, dosed very frequently so you avoid they inevitable redistribution at the end of each round. Any problems are minimal because the dose is so low.

Education is Key!

With education you will know for sure if you are doing the right thing or not and you don’t have to reply on a third party…..i.e. yr doctor.

The whole point of this post is that you read this book

“Amalagm illness” By Andrew Cutler.

It tells you how to safely chelate mercury and avoid as many of the pitfalls as possible.
You can buy if on this forum too...see the link at the top of the page.

Its only $35, and you will learn all about mercury and how to cure your daughter safely.

If you read the book you will know 99pct more about mercury than all the doctors you ever met.

You should also join this group http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Autism-Mercury/

It comes very highly recommended.
Many kids are getting better there.

Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/09/08 08:56 AM

Hi Sunshine, (((( Smiles ))))

Thank You So Much..
l'll read this tommorow as I'm up late just checking the board as I'm usually off on weekends..

But I feel the same way too.. I've learned the hard way myself..
Once life seemed you know.. normal regular and then one day..
I found out my kids had autism and then one day.. I came down with tinnitus...
and then one day.. hyperacusis came along .. and then one day...
Nothing seemed like regular normal again..
And I had to learn as much as I could to help myself get well..
It's days like that that you rate your H.M.O good O.K enough..
Then it's days like this you change your mind about everything that you seemed to know..
or believed to be true...
Oh plus.. the story behind me makeing my own smiles up..
On the message board I've been on for awhile because of my situation..
Though lots better now like cured of H ect...
We went to a new board and the new one had face features we didn't have on the old one..
And of course we all went overboard with them... me too..
And the owner of the board said don't go too overboard with the faces it takes up memory..
So not to take up to much memory /space.. I eventually created my own..
So instead of chooseing a picture/face..
I just wrote it out as the faces all seem to mostly smile anyway..
and it just stuck and others have asked me about that before..
why I do that.. And then I explain it to them and they say oh o.k. ya..
It makes sense now and I bet with all the memory/room I've taken up on the board over
They do appreciate it I believe..
But I only got the internet back then so I could go to that site because of what happened
to me..
And the others over there who have been through it and are going through it as well..
There was a sunshine registered on the older network board as well..
I wonder where that person is now???
I like that sunny name it goes with smiles....

You Take Care and Thanks...
I'll read it all tommorrow..
Glad I found you all here...
I just stumbled on this board by accident..
I was looking for something else and here you are... (((( Smiles ))))
And with everything that has happened to me in my life over the last years..
I still can smile and thats some feat...
It was really hard too....
At one time...

Take Care
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/09/08 11:41 PM

Hi Again Sunshine, ((( Smiles )))

I was hopeing I saved it in favorites but I couldn't find it I wish I did but..
I was looking up some of the people/authors Dr Richard L. Becker recommends..
And I think it might of been through looking up Mary Ann Block that took me to other
links that took me here...
The reason I write like that is because...
On the other board I've been on.. There are people from all over the world that go there..
read and post and some of them have explained they don't understand or read english that
well so they didn't fully understand or could not read fully what I wrote...
So.. I started breaking it up into one sentence at a time to make it easier for them..
Being from Germany, Holland, France just from all over the world..
I thought maybe it may help and now it's a habit, sorry...
Like the smiles thing so I wouldn't have to use the graphics so much..
I didn't realize as I was on the old network board and it seemed like such a small
group that it had spread so much that people from all over the world were reading the board..

And of course thats what the owner wanted to have the board accessible and easy to
find so I found my threads/ posts popping up all over the internet over the years if a
person searched for a certain subject..
Or many subjects.. And then of course..
After Leahs flu post..My eyes were opened and the subject broadened..
And then I started looking up this information for myself and she was so right..
It was so true and now I can't go back to the way I was before..
My children same age are autistic.. I came down with reactive tinnitus...
Then severe hyperacusis ect.. Then mercury became a part of my life like lead and
pesticides and all the other harmfull terrible things out there..
That could possible cause sound sensitivites and abnormal hearing and not saying I got
H from that.. But who knows what all the vunerabilites may be that can cause theses
kinds of conditions.. Medications can cause great harm and theses conditions too..
So can alot of things and the not sure and the unknown..
So.. I have kind of deveated from the norm one can say..
Of thoses who do not feel or see the world as I do..
Though many and some do even on the other board....
Till I found you all here and there may be other boards out there such as this..
But this is the best one with theses kinds of concerns that I have found so far...
In this way of shareing... for me... I don't know it just felt right..
Has that ever happened for you...
But I'm still a newbie here and I haven't read everything on the board of yet..
But I do understand and know how it feels..
When people may call you crazy for your condition or beliefs..
Like Russ's saying on the board..
And comeing down with hyperacusis is kind of like the same thing..
It took so long to get the word out that this is a real condition..
It's not an imagined thing..
It's a real physical condition...
Don't just give us drugs and therapists..
It took so long and alot of hard work for the trailblazers before me..
Before some of the medical world see's it as a more of a medical condition now..
Then you know.. So I know how it feels to be different in that way..
Then I found all of you and I believe you....
And I have my concerns as well...
About Kidney damage as Dr Becker brought that up today...
but my doctors office says they do the dip stick urine test every 3 to 6 months..
I hope thats good enough they said they could do another test..
I don't know if she will ever get really better but I hope so..
Thats why we are doing this...
And if she has lead, mercury ect...
Which I know she does by the challenge test in her system..
Expecially with autism, I want it out...
I want my mercury filling out..
This is just a mess that the world ended up like this..
But somebody has to tell it like it is so therefore...
Theses kinds of boards .. Who was there for the pink disease children???
Who spoke out among the skeptics of that time...
What a tragedy in history and hard to find ...
I didn't know about it and when I found out...
I cried... Oh well.. And here I am Thank You...
And I was wondering.. Do you know what Cracked Chorella is ????
Dr Becker was talking about it as a chelator on TV today..

Will read more later Thank You Sunshine...
Take Care
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/10/08 04:18 AM

Hi Sunshine, (((Smiles)))

The post that changed my life..
Woke me up, is on this thread...

(((( Hugs to you ))))

And Thank You for being so nice to me..
It's been a couple of hard years...
It really has...
But I still can smile..
I try too, you can see that...


Take Care
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/10/08 10:46 AM

But I feel the same way too.. I've learned the hard way myself..
Once life seemed you know.. normal regular and then one day..
I found out my kids had autism and then one day.. I came down with tinnitus...
and then one day.. hyperacusis came along .. and then one day...
Nothing seemed like regular normal again..

Same with me….i got a long list of little things that didn’t work….individually they are manageable…………but collective…..not so manageable. I too feel betrayed by our health system….surely someone along the way should have noticed my problems….i did keep asking….…..but they didn’t….only the actions I have taken off my own back have helped and made a difference…………..i am happy you figured out something is wrong with the system and that it is down to you to help your daughter and yourself.

I will say….all the answers are out there somewhere….everything you are going through…..everything…..all the big and small problems............. all have been gone through before by some else….and they got better somehow…..the trick is finding out how they got better….but I promise you…all the answers are out there if you can but find them. I know they are because I have found the answers to so many of my problems in the many books I have read.

I like the way you write…just like a poem….don’t change it……I can tell I comes straight from the heart too.

What other boards have a “Sunshine” on it? It may be me, because I am on a few….

I think you will be fine, you have the tough mental attitude that is required to get better. Its difficult, it’s hard work, but you made it this far, you figured out mercury….so you must be tough enough to make it the rest of the way.

I’m gonna get boring now….and really say again and again to you…..buy that mercury book by Andrew Culter………..if that vaccination thread changed your life…..then reading the Cutler book will be a life changer for you to…because all you symptoms, all your problems are addressed in that book and he gives you a path to safely navigate your way back to health….and your little girl.

An important thing…..don’t rush into anything too quick with regard to mercury. It is very serious and doing the wrong thing can have double serious consequences…..education is the name of the game. We cannot trust our doctors anymore……so we have to reply on ourselves and to listen to what other people in the same situation have discovered and learnt….reading the Cutler book will set you both up on how to safely get better.

I do not know what cracked chorella is. Whatever it is I would not use it….it is not part of my protocol and SOME people get hurt from taking it.

If you still have amalgams in place you yourself should not take any chelators…because they will just pull mercury from your fillings and make you worse.

I am not familiar with Dr Becker…is he any good?

And Thank You for being so nice to me..
It's been a couple of hard years...
It really has...
(((smiles))) it’s a pleasure….i know what it feels like….to have so many things wrong and for the doctors to ignore, belittle all these problems….i believe that the courage it takes to get this far ….deserves some credit and some……<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/imnotworthy.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kewldance.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/applause.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/highfive.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bunnydance.gif" alt="" />

But I still can smile..
I try too, you can see that...
yes I can, and I look forward to seeing that smile when you learn, understand and make positive and successful actions to help your daughter and yourself. I promise you the feeling of healing is wonderful. addictive too.

Good luck and remember…..ask lots of questions…..<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" />

p.s. there is no limit on the smily faces here

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/catdance.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/catdance.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/catdance.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/catdance.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/12/08 12:38 AM

Hi Sunshine, (((( Smiles ))))

I agree so much with this.....
Did it put it in quotes by useing the UBB feature..
Oh no, I think it wiped it off the board....
I'm not sure how to use the UBB features as I just see the word quote..
How does that work anyway this is different then the features on the other board..
And then clicking quote...
It doesn't work..
Can you instruct me on useing the UBB features here..
Maybe I should allow scripted windows would that help???
But Dr Becker is on TV and he's the one that used the word cracked chorella and I'm not sure
how to spell it but it's suppose to be a natural way of removeing mercury..
Some herb or something, but Dr Becker is on the Christian network TLN and he's
a doctor and did warn about IV chelation and possible kidney damage..
He's like about the only doctor I trust these days..
Besides the Bio-medical one as she has an autistic child and thats why she gave up her
practice to do this and she's a highly popular doctor but still I just....
Feel some concern about it.. Still lots of lead and mercury are comeing out it's elevated..
Last time it was in the very elevated 30 mercury.. Plus they test the red blood cell elements..
But.. I'll look up that book "Thank You"..
And if I could just find out what Cracked Chorella is because he highly recommends it for mercury..
And yes I still got fillings in my teeth..
I do want them out and there was a Sunshine who had hyperacusis or tinnitus in the past..
On the old board.. You've never expirenced that have you???
If you want to have some real bad expirences with doctors..
Just come down with that disorder..
And try to get help... I'm like cured now but still...
I'll read the rest of what you wrote above later..
I need to digest it first and I see the quote quote words but no quote... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />

Take Care Sunshine
Lynn.. (((( Smiles ))))
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/12/08 05:41 AM

Hi Sunshine, ((((( Smiles ))))))

I haven't spent that much time on mercury forums..
I've been mostly letting the Bio-medical doctor make the call even though....
we do phone consulations once in awhile and we have lots of tests run and lots of
paper work in file.. Most of it early on was being done by rectal like my other daughter..
Then.. The doctor though it was best in her case because I guess of how more severe she
is and her age now and how she seems to be more metal toxic to get out as much as possible...
and when it starts showing a leveling out on the testing in her urine..
To slow down or go back mostly to the rectal way but I still feel that this may be hard on
her system and I did voice thoses concerns recently about the kidneys and they can do
another urine test.... I just don't know... it just wasen't on my mind when it was done the rectal way so I'm just not sure...
If it's really the best way to go... She's the doctor not me..
Though... I have to think about this because it's done once a week then following up with
the rectal way for a mop up ... but I don't want her to get any worse...
Then she allready is..

Lets see if this works now.. In quote..
I think the best way to learn from peoples mistakes or success is to read a message
board.. I'm a big believer in that too.. I just want to do whats best for her and thats hard
to know exactly what to do.. In her case.. As the IV chelation is a more recent thing..

When I say "my travels," what I mean is I am on 4 mercury dedicated forums, I read every single post, from all the different people chelating and I learn from peoples mistakes and avoid them myself and I learn from people success’s and try them too.

It did it again.. How come I can't get it in the box<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/questionmark.png" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/12/08 06:49 AM

Hi Russ, (((( Smiles ))))

I haven't read your whole board of yet or most of it but I intend to ..
And by the way.. My daughters name is Laura..
I guess I like that name as I picked it out..
She's my high functioning one as she's doing pretty well...
But I read what you wrote and it's good to know with the chelation therapy..
As I have a whole list of supplements that that get everyday..
And one is Arctic Cod Liver Oil and contains vitamin E..
And also lots of the buffered vitamin C power..
Plus Zen.. It's natural GABA have you heard of that before?


The C and E are there generally to protect you from additional mercury-related damage. C protects the body. E protects the brain. They won't make you feel much different, however.

Plus.. Hi Sunshine, (((( Big Smiles ))))

Seems like you've been through so much..
So we have alot in common as so have I..
I don't know if the mercury in my teeth are makeing me sick..
They could be the cause of alot of things..
And not good for ones health thats for sure..
But how would one know unless one takes then out and then feels better eventually..
But regardless, the possibilties of what it can cause is worth haveing them out..
My husband got all of his out but one..
Which he will have taken out soon and I don't know if his dentist has taken any special
measures in takeing them out but..
Just the fact that my children have autism could mean biologically that they could be
doing me harm
But they do leak I'm sure and even though I have no cavities of yet..
They need to be taken out as they put stress cracks in ones teeth..
And they don't last forever and thats why it's nice I was allowed to talk about hyperacusis
here.. It is still a concern to me even though lots better because..
I just don't know how the dentist drilling is going to work for me..
I haven't been to the dentist for drilling since my T and H..
And I'm doing so good now..
So I'm thinking of waiting towards the end of the year...
When schools in session and things quiet down just in case it doesn't go that well..
And I don't know if just maybe the mercury exposure of takeing them out..
May effect my ears as well in the short term..
I'm just not sure but the dentist is waiting as we talked about it over the phone..
Awhile back.. Glad I found this board.. So much information here..
And glad you like the way I write by breaking things up..
Like a poem.. I bet you haven't seen many out there doing that..
It's because I've wrote so much that sentence structure and breaking things up..
Seems to help some others understand me better...
When I do that so it become a habit for me..
Except I don't do that when I write letters..
It's easier with a keyboard and I like the dots now.. (((( Smiles ))))

Take Care
Lynn ((((( Hugs )))))
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/13/08 05:40 PM

If you read the Cutler book you will fully understand why Chlorella is a bad choice of chelator. It will tell you exactly how, what and why it can be dangerous. As I said I would never use it. The risks are too high and I am not willing to risk taking something like that……but the choice is yours. I don’t expect you to take my word for it, which is why I recommend you read the Cutler book.

Ok, you have amalgams in place….so that means that until you remove all amalgams…taking any chelators…that’s chlorella, cilantro, dmsa, dmps, ala….will be a very bad idea and will greatly hurt you and put you back on your healing path.

Well I am a Sunshine and I have Tinnitus, I don’t have Hyeracusis…which I think is an aversion to loud noises….but tinnitus is constant for me. Although tinnitus is not a major concern for me, I guess I must have it only mildly, from my reading there is not much you can do except chelate..anyway…it does not hurt me…it is there in the background all the time……but it does not hurt me so I live with it. I have other physical and mental issues that effect me much more.


[ q u o t e ] …………message………. [ / q u o t e ]

(obviously take out the spaces I put in…if I din’t put the spaces in it would just quote me!)

I don’t know anything about rectal chelation. I know about colonics, emena’s and all that murky business, I am a huge fan and highly recommend them, but nothing about rectal chelation.

If it's really the best way to go... She's the doctor not me…
as I said I have had very bad experiences with doctors and I will never trust any ever again. I am sorry to say that you need to change the way you think about doctors too, they do not know everything and many of the things they think they know......... is wrong.

I don't know if the mercury in my teeth are makeing me sick..
if you read the Cutler book you will know 99.99pct for sure if you are or you are not mercury poisoned.

If you have amalgams in your mouth, have had all the usual flu shots and vaccinations and you have chronic illnesses that will not go away….thats a pretty big sign post for you.

But how would one know unless one takes then out and then feels better eventually..
you can self diagnose from the book. also you can do a hair test, both for you and Laura and from that test you can get some very valuable information about your health and it may indicate if you have a mercury problem. apart from symptoms and amalgams in your mouth it is the best way to know if you are or are not…

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/amen.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/13/08 09:27 PM

Hi Sunshine, (((( Smiles ))))

Now it works.. When I first came to the board today..
I couldn't reply to anyone and I have two posts to reply too..
And then I looked at who's online and my name wasen't there..
So I finally signed in but it wouldn't stay.
And then I signed in again and I got a flat line on all the reply features..
It must have been some malfunction somehow..
Thats never happened before to me..
Anywhere.. Do you know what it was????
Has that happened to you before ???

Take Care
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/14/08 05:29 AM

Hi Sunshine, (((( Smiles ))))

So you have tinnitus.. I have it too..
Most people with hyperacusis have tinnitus...
My tinnitus has improved from the worse though..
It's more like regular tinnitus now..
I haven't searched through the whole board yet...
I hope to do that next week.. I think I have corrected the problem..
Remember me everytime I log in.. I think that will fix it..
I just never thought about that because on the other board all I do is go there and I'm on..
Maybe I checked that long ago too.. I just forgot to here I guess..
But everytime I came on from day one here..
I never had a problem with that this was the first time..
So I wasen't sure what was wrong..
I think I found that book your talking about on this board when I started searching around..

But really didn't get to read everything yet.. But will try to next week..
It's just been a busy like week for me plus staying up too late a few nights here and there..
And posting on two boards as I've usually just been on one..
Of course untill I found this place... Will be back...

You Take Care Sunshine
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/14/08 11:25 AM

don't know why you could not log in....

Take care<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/17/08 12:51 AM

Hi Sunshine, (((( Smiles ))))

Whatever went wrong seems to be O.K. now..
I would love to get my fillings all taken out of my teeth...
And I'm thinking of starting on that by the end of the year...
I've had them in there most of my life and so I don't know how it feels to be without them..
But hyperacusis is worst then just...an aversion to loud noises….
Thats the problem for me when it comes to removeing any fillings from my teeth..
I had very severe hyperacusis at one time plus reactive tinnitus..
My condition was very bad at one time and now I'm doing very well...
And this description is good but doesn't give the disorder justice...

A person with hyperacusis feels as if the whole world is screaming at him.
The dripping of water in the faucet, a child crooning to himself, a radio playing from a distance, car horns from the road outside...
all these sounds are perceived by the person with hyperacusis as loud and blaring.

The bad thing about having hyperacusis is that the person has no way of "turning the sounds off."

I could hear the water running through the pipes at one time.. The electrical system and the
sounds comeing out of lights and the rumbling vibration of sounds and cars blocks away..
I could hear through walls and sounds outside sounded like they were inside my ears..
I had to take to my room it was so bad.. and there's one thing for sure... Theres more
to it then just loud..

I had distortion of sounds.. It just.. Hyperacusis can get really bad like tinnitus can as well
As of now, the only sure thing that researchers know is that exposure to loud noises contributes to the progression of the disease.
And thats where the problem of the drill comes in..
I can be around pretty loud now.. But that is not only loud..
but has vibration added to it but I do want them out..
But hyperacusis can also go with Bell's Palsy,
head injury, fibromyalagia, lyme and other medical conditions as well..

Who knows exactly why I became vunerable to this condition in the first place..
Something made me vunerable to this.. I think it could have to do with medication
in the past as medications can cause hyperacusis as well .. The problem is..
It seems everything about can.... And then I wonder for me if the exposure to
mercury could make it flair up again.. I don't know what just haveing theses fillings in
my teeth do to me now.. I just don't know...

But rectal chelation is just done rectally instead of orally or by IV..
And I don't chelate myself but if I got theses fillings out..
I'd probably do the rectal myself and just clean all the toxins out...
Get rid of it..
Unfortunately in this world.. I think hyperacusis is an up and comeing condition..
More people will be comeing down with it because of the vunerabiltes that may cause it..
And how loud the world around us is theses days..
And toxic it is and it can't be healthy for the brain and auditory system..
And after I started looking into it.. About heavy metal's and ear disease ect..
The more concerned about it I was... Since I had really bad hyperacusis..
Lots of people/kids like it loud too...
Concerts, boom box's ect...But thats not the only thing it takes I believe to make
a person prone to come down with this disorder.. It takes something else too.
There's that something else factor....
The book sounds like good reading..
Is hyperacusis in there?????
I bet tinnitus is too..
I wonder if myoclonus is or the sensitivity to letters or eating noises..
That has to be neurological based..
Glad I found this board.....
The second part of my search begins here...

Take Care Sunshine
Lynn ((( Smiles )))
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/17/08 11:42 AM

Oh, that hyperacusis sounds horrid! (pun intended!) I did a quick search and could not find much….doesn’t mean anything to me this thread…..


I do know that some dentists cut the amalgams out and do not drill. Some obviously do drill. FYG it does not take very long to remove amalgams…3-5 minutes per amalgam…so its not a long time…but depends on how many and how much works is required.

I looked up Hyperacus it is not in that book, but tinnitus is. Ear problems are common in mercury toxic people. My ears get a bit full of gunk sometimes, always have…..its a minor thing and dooes not hurt…but when I do….i just put a little drop of castor oil (gotta be organic) on my finger and stick that finger in my ear then go to bed….does nothing for my tinnitus but completed cleared out all gunk and all dryness and all flaky skin (fish food we call it.) My daughter got earache the other day when she hurt her leg….a dap of castor oil in the ear…..completely cured overnight….did it three nights in a row…..just to be sure….she knows it works.

The search will continue for a long time…the more you learn…the more you understand….the more questions are asked…..but I promise you….all the answers are out there somewhere….i have found a zillion answers of this last 18 months of reading……and it has been most: interesting, rewarding, exciting, satisfying, educational & beneficial to me, my health and ditto for my Family too. we are all healthier because if the reading I have done.

I just read the original work of Weston A Price “Nutrition and physical degeneration” written in 1939….wowwowowowowowow…heavy but extended my understanding gigantically….a heavy but wonderful wonderful read.

Take care young lady<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/17/08 07:25 PM

Hi Sunshine, ((((( Smiles )))))

The sun is comeing out today...
I like sunshine.. I went to that site and life sometimes comes around in circles..
As what I read in that site in regards to sound therapy...
Meaning.. Here I have two middle school children with autism.. One hypo hearing
one hyper hearing.. and then I come down with a condition that has to do with sound sensitivity disorder...
the auditory pathways, brain ect.. but even far worse and because of that..
I had to do pink noise therapy and I did it for 2 years..
and they got part of my sound therapy one children more then other as I had to start out with it in my room or a back bedroom..
as I had to completely remove myself from the noises in a common household..
though mine is not common but with the way it's going theses days..
It's getting more common people being effected with theses kinds of conditions but..
First alone with it and then my quiet like daughter with me alittle bit and then I was able to carry it around...
the house playing it where ever I was by a portable player..
Carrying it around with me the SSSHHHH broadband pink noise as part of my day..
As it was a building up to process of a desensitization program and I had no idea..
it would benefit my children as I did it because I had too do it ..
and now my one child is not hypo acting deaf anymore or tuneing people out she's engageing...
and my other child who is more severe and use to cover her ears to sounds and
complained about " too loud "and it got worse after..
a special ed bus incident with a up to loud 2 way radio and after that she would no longer
go in the downstairs bathroom the IF's or respite provider could not make her go in there
and I new why.. I knew what was wrong and what she heard in that bathroom as I was going through H..
It echoed in there the acoustic's were horrible sounds bounced off the walls as it was a
small bathroom with no window and others were baffled by it why she would not go in
there for a very long time..
But as I said I did 2 years of pink noise therapy and far more then that of music therapy at home and I do think that benefited them..
in someway as the hypo hyper got better and my H is like cured though even Dr Jastreboff wrote in his book..
Tinnitus and over-sensitivity to sound are common and hitherto incurable,
distressing conditions that effect a substantial number of the population..
But he writes about TRT..
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy and it's about regaining ones tolerances back for H..
Not a cure but a desensitization therapy expecially with hyperacusis and it varies on the rates of betterment ..
and now I'm like cured but I still have problems as I did not get my normal tolerances back.. There's been other lingering things too.. But much better..
I wasen't sure what you meant "sorry " as...
In that site or a book or on a seach..
But on hyperacusis as with on a search it's all over the web easy to find like...
SSSS4/ Misophonia eating noises do they bother you?
People complaining about sounds that bother them that are ruining their life its just ramped and growing and I've been in that world...
for so long and then theirs thoses diagnoised with autism as well..
what a group I found myself in, what a mess..
It's just all messed up like the world is..
It's all converging into one and here you are with your dilemma and somehow..
And somehow it all fits with the level of harm of just alot of things unnatural in our environment and in our world today..
we all found each other..
But I like what you wrote..
It is self evident so it makes you wonder whats comeing next on the agenda???
As you know it's biological and more so by now and the imperfections are passed on
from generation to generation in our genes but our genes don't tell the whole story
as what came first the chicken or the egg...
I was reading in the paper today that gene activity changed in patients who altered lifestyle and thats it..
We've been changed by the environment by the toxins they put into our body and they
have delivered this in many different ways over the generations go back into history..
It messes with our hormones and causes all sorts of biological changes in people and
it's being going on in history all the way back to alchemy may be all the way back to the beginning of human kind ..
when imperfections came to be and they manipulated it and made it worse we are very
easy targets.. We are easy to rile up..
They play us like a fiddle they have studied us and they have figured us out..
So what are we doing here???
I've thought about that over the years and it's only for informing and educating and makeing choices within this system of things..
because this is going to all play out anyway..
the damage is done the harm is here and this is what they want to do..
they will not stop they will just find another way to deliver it and another product to put it
in there just like in history.. same story but even worse now as it's all comeing to a head now..
and not everyone will believe that to be true.. Your up against that..
Same story in history too..
But about getting the fillings out without drilling....Cutting it out..
Can you direct me to that site.. I'm new here so I was on a different course before..
But actually kind of the same frame of thought of mind..
I just had more other problems to take care of first and of course supporting and helping others are what theses support message boards are about...
In whatever way we can and everybody is individual in that need..

Thank You Sunshine....
I appreciate all your help...
And your welcomeing me here..
It really helps..
Being a newbie and all... (((( Smiles ))))
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/17/08 09:39 PM

Oooooh, your story of your woe’s……oh so familiar to me….boo hoo. I don’t have the same problems, but I have a host of problems that caused me equally to have a nighmare-ish life ….and for a long time too…..10 years my health has been crashing. I wouldn’t bore you with my story today…but I know what you talking about because I been there…..it was a miserable time……absolutely miserable…….boo hoo to us both. You have kids in the mix too…..double boo hoo

SSSS4/ Misophonia eating noises do they bother you?
nope…and I don’t know what you talking about.

It is self evident so it makes you wonder whats comeing next on the agenda???
As you know it's biological and more so by now and the imperfections are passed on from generation to generation in our genes but our genes don't tell the whole story as what came first the chicken or the egg...
if this subject is interesting for you….then that other book I just read
Sunshine said: I just read the original work of Weston A Price “Nutrition and physical degeneration” written in 1939….wowwowowowowowow…heavy but extended my understanding gigantically….a heavy but wonderful wonderful read.
then this book will blow your socks off. It is heavy duty….but…..its like the missing link! let me see if I can find a review……oh yes…..here we are…..


This book distills the research of Weston A. Price, a dentist and independent nutrition researcher. In a decade of travel around the world, Price and his wife studied the health, dietary habits, and chemical composition of food of dozens of traditional peoples of various racial backgrounds. His research was done at a time when many such groups still lived free of the influence of Western civilization and what he called "foods of commerce," i.e. heavily refined and denatured foods.
One could question whether 60 plus year old research is relevant today, but I found his work powerful and persuasive for a very simple reason.
Health problems sent me on a quest to find the best dietary information, but I soon found myself mired in contradictory claims, opposing research and special interest groups, as well as outright deceit. First I would read about how one vitamin or mineral was good for this. Then I would read that the very same item was bad for that. You shouldn't combine X with Y, or needed to add tons of Z or W, except on Sundays when the moon was almost 3/4 full. I became very disillusioned with the incredible complexity of nutrition. As I read more and more deeply, I also became annoyed at all the disinformation and profiteering behind much of the so-called research.
I reached this bottom line: While we understand proteins, carbs, and fats reasonably well, and have a pretty good handle on most vitamins and about a dozen minerals, there is simply an immense amount we just don't know. We are researching minerals at about 5 per decade (around 50 to go - a hundred more years at our current rate). There are around 5000 enzymes in bee pollen alone, and few of them have been researched. There are an unknown number of phytochemicals and other things we have yet to discover that have been constituents of our food for perhaps millions of years. Science moves very slowly, and it could easily be several hundred or 1000 years before we get it all sorted out. And that doesn't take into consideration the power groups who insist on muddying the waters for profit's sake. Modern science is quite obviously incapable of giving us complete answers to our nutritional questions. It just plain doesn't have them to give, nor will it for a long, long time.
Then I found Price's work. Basically, he was the Tony Robbins of diet - he sought out the healthiest people on Earth and studied what they had done for hundreds and thousands of years to stay healthy. He looked at their Traditional diets as well as what happened when they adopted Western diets. The results are in this book, and it is well worth your taking the time to read. While others have followed his work, the changing nature of the world now make it impossible to duplicate his research today. His work stands as a pivotal piece in science and health as well as in history. This represents the cumulative knowledge of millions of people over thousands of years in a laboratory that includes the entire world. Definitely non-trivial.

Taken from here: http://www.amazon.com/Nutrition-Phy...ks&qid=1213736808&sr=8-1

If you have amalgams and your kids have autism then the Cutler book should be top of your pile……but this book is a tower of strength….and you will learn so so much…….everything makes sense now….to me anyway….

Tinnitus and over-sensitivity to sound are common and hitherto incurable
utter poppycock! Incurable…….rubbish! I don’t know anything about H…but I do know that “incurable” is complete rubbish…..i have been told everything I have wrong with me is incurable and I will have to learn to live with the pain forever……..i proved them all wrong so far(although I still have a way to go)……as I said…..ALL the answers are out there somewhere….if we can but find them…….i have found lots of lots of answers so far and I only been looking for 18 months. “incurable” just means that that doctor does not know what to do. my mother was given a “incurable” diagnosis………she was told to learn to live with the pain……I CURED MY MUM! I found the solution and advised my Mum what to do, she listened, she did some simple things….and a life time of “incurables” became cured! Doctors are useless! (yes….i have a issue with Doctors…LOL)

You are on the tip of the ice berg Lynn….right now…you are standing right on the tip of the ice berg…..in time you will explore where you are and discover whats underneath the water……and its huge! There is a whole world of healing and getting better right on your door step……you are very close…..as some point you will figure it out….you are very very close.

These forums are great, a real eye opener….but if you delve deeper…read some of these books everyone keeps banging on about………you will learn how to cure yourself and your family……I promise you. You are close. There is no rush…..take your time…but you are close now…keep your eyes peeled…..

Cutting out the fillings…..i don’t have a link……but I know some dentists do cut them out…I think maybe Huggins does (do you know of him?) His clinic will do that. If you search dentists in your area, read their websites, or just call them, they will tell you in 2 seconds flat if they can cut them out or not….just google search dentists in your area. Ok ok …I will have google for you….i am googling “amalgam removal cut”….this is the first hit…..

The dentist and dental nurse will be wearing separate respiratory masks to avoid inhaling the mercury vapour. The surgeries are equipped with negative ion generators and air filters to also reduce mercury vapour levels. Very powerful suction systems are standard and special burs are used to cut the amalgam quickly and produce minimum mercury vapour levels.

but…you need to find someone in your area.

Thank You Sunshine....
I appreciate all your help...
And your welcomeing me here..
It really helps..
Being a newbie and all... (((( Smiles ))))

My pleasure, my pleasure, my pleasure

I hope to get the ball rolling with you……the more you learn and research the more good youcan and will do for you and your family.

Good night! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/zzz.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/17/08 10:42 PM

Hi Sunshine, (((( Smiles ))))

I agree.. With boo hoo too as I did alot of that myself as well ..
I cried alot back then.. Thoses where bad times..
And there's more to my story then just that...
It got real bad at one time...
But ten years of crashing health Ouch!...
Thats real hard too and even though I've allways had my problems such as
everybody else in this world some more then others..
Some more then me....
The world looked pretty average normal basic to me at one time..
And then it all came crashing down pretty much at once.
And then that led me on the search like alot of people are doing theses days..
Like here.. But first I had to come to some shocking reality...
And I just couldn't believe it at first then thought I would check it out for myself..
And now.. I can't deny it I've come to far to go back to that place in time..
Ignorance is bliss.... Ignorance is not.. Oh Well...

And Thank You I will look up thoses books for sure..
And Do Eating Noises Bother You ?
Is a name of a thread with lots of people suffering with this condition on it..
Though not on this board/network.. Interesting reading though it's a wake up call.
Thats all I've gotten over the last couple of years..
Wake up calls...
Maybe there's a reason for all this maybe not...
Maybe just plan bad luck and liveing in this world at this time..
But finding a cutting it out dentist in my neck of the woods...
That will be hard and not only that..
Out there it may be night time..
But out here it's full of sun...
And the board posting time clock is off for me by a couple of hours..
I've had some late nights recently being on two boards..
But not that late but late enough...
But... I don't like haveing this metal in my mouth...
I think it's much better without..
And I just can't remember how that feels they have been there for so long..
And about what Dr Jastreboff wrote in his book...
I agree, everything is cureable if we could just find out what that cure is..
Except.. The end of life as not everything can be cured in this lifetime..
But I agree with this...

ALL the answers are out there somewhere….if we can but find them…….i have found lots of lots of answers so far and I only been looking for 18 months. “incurable” just means that that doctor does not know what to do.

Take Care Sunshine..
And sleep well.....
Thank You
Lynn ((( Smiles )))
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/18/08 03:46 PM

And Do Eating Noises Bother You ?

Wake up calls…..yeah…they keep on coming…….i must be near the end????? Probably not!

Maybe just plan bad luck and living in this world at this time..

I think/believe I am lucky and I think you should think that too. Lucky to have figured it out. Lucky to have figured out why I am sick. Now that I know why I was so ill I am free to take active steps to heal and cure myself….and are you too.

Think of all the amalgam in people teeth! 100,000,000 amlgams are placed in teeth each year….thats a lot of teeth, that’s a lot of people, that’s a lot of poor health. Why do you think there are so many sick people around? There are sick people everywhere I look….everywhere everywhere everywhere and most of those people don’t even know they are sick………things people take for granted….they are all signals of ill health…..

No no, for sure we are the lucky ones to have figured it out, because now we can take active steps to heal and get better. Do not doubt that….heal and cure! I will, I have and you can too.

If you don’t / can’t mess with the mercury now…there are plenty plenty of other things that you can do that will drastically help you. You need to research a bit a bit…..but all the answers are out there……if you want any pointers let me know….but if you hang around this forum you will see plenty of exiting things and exciting people trying new things and getting better.

Doctors! Oh god how I hate them. my daughter tore the ligaments in her ankle a while back. Was in a cast for 3 weeks. Cast off for 2 weeks, but was not healing very well…..so we saw various doctors……they just discovered she broke her ankle! How could they miss that! tossers…most of them…..i really really hate them….i have had such bad luck with themmmmmmmmmmm…..
Cast needs to be on for 6 weeks for a broken ankle……..
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/20/08 03:51 AM

Hi Sunshine, ((( Smiles ))))

Even with everything I've been through.. I feel lucky in the way...
Lucky I was able to have children some people can't..
One seems to be doing pretty well mostly mainstreamed and been on the honor roll a
few times.. the other one not so good but she can walk she can run she can smile...
And she says.. I love you mommy so.. So I'm gratefull for that and life is a gift...
We are lucky just being here no matter how hard it can get .. we could not be here...
Never been born.... Lucky to figure it out and get like cured with my hyperacusis..
better with my tinnitus.. Some left over ear problems but it could have been worse..
And even though.. I made it through some how.. life is a big school house allways
learning.. sometimes not.. life is a choice yet limited somewhat in our circumstances
but still there are choices within that to be made...
Thats a lot of Amalgams and yes your right.. How to compare when they have been
in their so long.. I guess I could feel better.. Life in a natural state with natural food and
natural air all the things we really don't have theses days no wonder so many people with
auto immune problems and also getting sick.. It's not natural to have all this mercury
being injected and placed in your mouth or in the air, water or whatever other products
it may be in theses days, a human created problem for sure..

Most of the problems on this planet is caused by humans in some way..
Throwing everything out of balance and out of it's natural state of being..
It's hard to get back what we've lost..
and no one can control everybody elses actions so there it goes..
Just got to ride it out.. but I'd like to get this heavy metal out of my back teeth someday..
It couldn't be good for my health..
And I haven't read everything yet on this board as there is alot to read.....
And I plan on staying as long as I'm welcome too.....
Thank You.... ((((( Smiles )))))
So there's no due date right now for me....
Haven't even started yet....
I've been on another message board for years and I've allways been
welcome over there too as.. so far so good... Nothing outrageous...
I'm pretty benign... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/roseinbloom.gif" alt="" />: easy going yet full of passion at times..
But I've had mess ups by H.M.O's providers before..
Like the ankle thing for your daughter..When you know somethings not right..
But you have to go through all the hoops anyway.. But right now......
I've got some supplements from Dr Becker..
Glucomannan fiber, mastic gum caps, milk thistle ect....
Just a few things he talked about on TV that just may be good for your health I ordered
awhile back.. He was talking about probiotics today and research and I believe that
supplementing ones health is the best way to go.. I also found that book you were
talking about on this website and I still haven't gone through all the features of yet..
To see everything thats on this site still need to go through it.. I haven't been here
that long so it's still new to me.. You've been around for awhile so you've probably
have went through it all.. But he was talking about omega 6 reduceing pain and
inflammation of arthritis though I don't have a problem with that but anything that
reduces inflammation is good.. It's omega 6 from flax or borage..
It's got fish- flax- borage in it.. I figure I'd just try all this and see how I feel and beside that.. It's good for your health anyway..
If you have mercury in your body you have inflammation so I figure anything that cuts that
process down.. I'll take.. But I do need to read that book too.. I just got the book No More
ADHD No More Ritalin by Dr. Mary Ann. Block.. I figure if you support people who put themselves on the line by buying their books or products..
It sends a message of support for them though I don't know if that would change the world much anyway....
But it may change the person reading/ingesting it..
And Thank You So Much for being so supportive to me..
I'm not exactly sure what the pointers are yet that I'm looking for..
I know it has something to do with my teeth and health though not bad but..
I want to learn as much as I can in that direction here..
And just other things too I have learned so far from this site...
It's truely different then the other board I've been on..
It's like the best of both worlds when it comes to support and information and shareing.
Lots of information and interesting reading as well here..
It's just a real nice board...
And it's been around along time too..
I guess I just wasen't looking for it..
Before I found it .. but I'm glad I did...
Lots to read here for sure.....
And Russ is one busy guy but O.K..
I like to read what he writes...
And he does alot of research as well..
On all sorts of topics of interest.....
Lots to look up here.....
Lots to read....
It might take me along time though but I'm in no rush..
I'll get there someday.........
And I think I read somewhere on the board you just had another child..
Congratulations on that too....

Take Care And Thanks....
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/20/08 04:03 PM

<img src="http://herballure.com/ForumExtras/Images/mnalqbqynp.jpg">

Thanks <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Just got mercury test results - 06/20/08 09:33 PM

Ohhhhhh Sunshine, ((((( Smiles ))))))

Thats beautifull Thanks......
Babies are so cute...
I just love them....
It just takes them so long to get here though....
Thats the hard part the 9 months..
If there was a way to bypass that...
It would be easy a piece of cake....

Thanks Sunshine...
Posted By: MercuringMe

Re: Working on Individual Symptoms - 06/20/09 05:03 PM

I just started on this site. Just started chelating. When I got my fillings out my symptoms went way up. It's been a month. I have had terrible anxiety and mood swings.

My doctor prescribed Tryptophan to raise my seratonin levels as it is a seratonin precursor, it's called 5HTP, I think, check with your healthfood store. But I am still trying to find out if it's okay to take these things with DMSA, my doctor prescribed both, but he's made a lot of mistakes.

Also, you should support your organs with accupuncture, your kindeys, stomack, liver, etc.

TAKE BENTONITE CLAY with silium husk and capriiolic acid, 3 times a day. It binds to mercury and yeast in the stomach and is quite safe. Get INTERNAL USE clay.

TAKE BENTONITE CLAY Baths. To draw it out of your skin.

Try Zeolite. It is vulcanic, like bentonite, so it has a broad, neutral surface to bind to heavy metals. It's just a a mineral.

DO FAR INFRA RED SAUNA, it helps draw out the poison with sweat. Maybe take a clay bath afterwards.

Get some Modified Citrus Pectin and Alginates (Dr. Iliaz) in California sells it. Don't take his follow up detoxifier. It has ALA in it, which you are not to use until you have had your fillings out for 3 - 6 months. It draws mercury from the brain and can be toxic, I've gathered from blogs, including Andy Cutler's, if taken too soon.

Sorry you are not well. But these things help. A multi-source B will help moods and your body. B2 and B12 especially.

May God send forth his word and heal you.

Best to get percelin fillings and caps if you can. Most of the homeopathic dentists do them. But they are expensive.
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: Working on Individual Symptoms - 06/23/09 07:06 AM

Here's the articule I mentioned above awhile back, ((( Smiles)))

On the link it has expired..

Link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071203/hl_n...s_57VJRIF?

And the story:

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Fever can temporarily unlock autism's grip on children, a finding that could shed light on the roots of the condition and perhaps provide clues for treatment,
researchers reported on Monday.

It appears that fever restores nerve cell communications in regions of the autistic brain, restoring a child's ability to interact and socialize during the fever, the study said.

"The results of this study are important because they show us that the autistic brain is plastic, or capable of altering current connections and forming new ones
in response to different experiences or conditions," said Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, a pediatric neurologist at Baltimore's Kennedy Krieger Institute, who was one of the study authors.

The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, was based on 30 children with autism aged 2 to 18 who were observed during and after a fever of at least 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

More than 80 percent of those with fever showed some improvements in behavior during it and 30 percent had dramatic improvements, the researchers said.
The change involved things like longer concentration spans, more talking, improved eye contact and better overall relations with adults and other children.

Zimmerman's team said the fever effect had been noted anecdotally in the past by parents and doctors.

Lee Grossman, president and chief executive officer of the Autism Society of America, said he had noticed it in his own son, who is now 20.

But he noted in an interview that the study's authors said expanded research was needed on the fever effect and its implications.
"It's good that they've noticed this and are bringing it forward," he said.

People with autism spectrum disorders suffer in varying degrees from limited social interactions, lack of verbal and non-verbal communication and other abilities.

As many as 1.5 million Americans have some form of autism, according to ASA. It is not known what causes the condition.
Zimmerman said that while there currently is no definitive medical treatment, speech and language therapy started as soon as possible after diagnosis "can make a significant difference."

He called the fever research, headed by colleague Laura Curran, "an exciting lead" that could help point the way to a treatment that would reconnect the autistic brain.
He said the fever effect was believed found only in children, whose brains are more "plastic" than those of adults.
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