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Hello Everyone

Posted By: Bann

Hello Everyone - 04/20/08 12:18 AM

It's nice to see a talk forum that actually talks about this issue. I'm glad this is here!

I've had a long battle with knowing something wasn't right with me for the past 11 years.

It has progressively taken it's toll on my body and mind.

I'm so glad to have found a solution to all the madness.

I had 10 Amalgams. At around age 11, I had a dentist, new to the field, tell me my teeth had crevices in them, and that he needed to fill all moler teeth on top and bottom of one side of my mouth (he did the same on my sister's).

He told my mom to bring us back in a week and he would do the other side. Gladly she didn't take us back.

Also, when I was a young adult, I broke one of the filled teeth half way off, well I had a dentist to put a metal mold around that tooth and place amalgam for the other half. I began to get sick after that, 11 years ago.

I don't like to spend money on myself, but knew if I wanted to be around to watch my kids grow up, I would need to do something now. I went to a couple of reg. doctors.. One did blood work on me and said I was perfectly fine. I told him my symptoms, my blood sugar going out of wack and that I couldn't make it to even get groceries for my family. (I would go to the bathroom at the store in hopes I didn't pass out before leaving). The doctor I thought was going to save me, told me, he didn't understand what I was talking about. And don't self diagnosis, with saying blood sugar problems when the blood work said I was ok.. He told me it sounded like I was depressed and needed antidepressants.

I went to another doctor who told me I had pmdd, with all the body aches, early menopause symptoms, and pelvic pain.
He wanted to put me on Yaz, and then we would talk about antidepressants. The yaz helped me, but It made me so dizzy and nauseous.

I'd read a lot about birthcontrol pills, and I knew that one hormone regimen is not good for all. I am now taking Pregnalone (sp?), it's an herb that helps your body with the vital hormones you need to function. (I can't live with out it right now, my pain comes back when I don't take it) Also, I'm taking lots of minerals, Zinc, Magnesium, Magnease, Selenium, vitamin Bs and E Lots of C.

(Blood work didn't detect my thyroid and adrenal problems, but my hands and feet were cracking).

I searched the internet everyday and night to try and figure this out. I felt like I was dying. That's when I came upon info about amalgam fillings and it all made since. I thought back to when I thought something was wrong at the beginning and realized that's when I had gotten a lot of the mercury put in my mouth.

I made the first step to call a bio-identical dentist. I'd read it wasn't cheap. Some were going to Mexico to get it done. The Dentist I'd called was a little bit more than the Mexican dentist, but not by much, but it wasn't cheap, that's for sure, but were not no more than a few extras on a new car, I thought I deserve this and would save on other things just to afford it, and I wanted to live.

She sent me to a bio-energetic place, where the owner used her bio-energetic testing to see what dental material would be compatible with my body before doing the work on me. She also checked to see how much metal I had in my body. She started at the top with all the metals and non came up except, Mercury. I can't remember exactly how much, but remember her saying 10,000 something, which when the report was printed it converts to 4mm (?) not sure what any of that means. She told me it was a lot, but was kind of careful as to not make a big deal out of it, but did tell me," I needed to get those out".

Anyway, I hope I'm on my way to recovery. I've had 9 of the 10 amalgams removed with the dental dam, chorellas. I go the end of this month to get the last one out. My dentist doesn't do the chelating thing... I don't know if I will do that on my own with a lot of research from the internet. I don't know of a holistic doctor in my area.

I want to communicate with others who have. or are going through this.

I wonder if I will ever get better some days, and others I feel so great.

For two days now I've had bloating that is unbearable. I stopped taking the Chlorellas for a few days and that is when It started (the Chlorellas make me have horrible smelling gas and I couldn't take them while riding in a car with others).

If you've read all the way to here, THANK YOU!

Please, If you have any advice for me, SHARE IT!

Thanks again
Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Hello Everyone - 04/20/08 05:57 AM

Hello and Welcome to the forum Beth. Congratulations on figuring out that mercury is the root cause to your troubles. Think of all the millions and millions of people with amalgams in there mouth and think how few will ever realise what you have discovered, then actually take action to solve the problem? Not many! I believe I read that 11,000,000,000 new amalgam fillings are placed each year. We are the lucky ones, to have figured it out…..now you too…..Congrats! Big time Congrats!

The good news all your troubles are curable. Yes curable…but……it takes a long time, it takes a lot of work, study, research, yes there are very very few doctors that can be trusted and yes there will be many things you do to help yourself that will actually backfire and hurt a little…..but what u got….so do loads of others…you can learn from all the problems, mistakes, learn from all the crap advise from doctors that know just enough to really hurt you…….you can use all that and help yourself get much much better.

It does take dedication that’s for sure.

Amalgam removal is just the first stage in your quest to get better. Once you have removed the amalgams, you can then help your poor poisoned body get the mercury that is stuck in your organs ……… out! Amalgam removal is very much phase 1 of getting better.

Herb allure is very good for moral support, which is so important when your mind is buggered and our hormones are in tatters.
Chelation protocols is a little more haphazard. Basically two camps for chelation……one is using chlorella and cilantro and stuff like that….the other is the Cutler protocol. I use the Cutler protocol myself and I think that is the best and safest way to get the mrcury out of me. I think those other protocols are too risky, but some do just fine on them.(then again I hear repeated people with multiple problems on the other protocols, so I avoid them.)

One things for sure the sooner you discard your doctors and the sooner you research it yourself…the more you will understand of your problems and the sooner you can take safe actions to help yourself. There are a million different things you could do to help yourself….takes a long time to decide what and if its safe or not. You seem to have already figured out you gotta do the research yourself already…otherwise you would not be here now!

I’m not gonna blind you with too much science but here with some top tips:

1) Buy “Amalgam Illness” by Andy Cutler. Really really is $35 well well spent. Tells you why you are so ill, tells you its normal and not all in your head…you are poisoned, tells you how to safely get the mercury out and tells you how to support your compromised body in its time of crisis. An essential book, if you do nothing else…buy this book….100pct essential read. If you read this you will know 99pct more about mercury than all the doctors you ever met combined and you will know what to do to get better.

You can order it on this site, or if u are not in America, postage is cheaper direct from the man himself http://www.noamalgam.com/#howtoorder

Ummm….what else ……?

What else…………….personally I would avoid chlorella like the plague. Why?…read here……


this site is very good….gives you the low down on many mercury issues…….an excellent companion to the Cutler book


need to dedicate some serious time to reading it…but well worth it…..you can avoid so many of the common problems.

That will do for now….welcome….congrats……study, read, learn and ask lots of questions…someone somewhere will have done what are considering and help u out.

Take care and good good luck <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Bann

Re: Hello Everyone - 04/20/08 06:00 PM


You made me feel rewards deep down inside. I knew you understood me. I can't describe how I felt while reading your post. Not one person has ever understood me fully about this, and you did. It feels good to be here. Thank you very much.

You are right about the fact that people don't even know about this. I try to keep it to myself, but find myself warning others when I can. People act so weird about this. Some think I'm completely nuts.. I can only share with them about my encounter and hope they will take notes for themselves, even though I feel like they don't understand.

My family is understanding (my husband, and two children), but my mom and other relatives kind of make fun of me about it. I just try and think they are dumb to the fact.. It's not their fault. And sometimes I just get mad at them, and want nothing to do with them. It's hurtful when your mom doesn't even try and listen.

It was so many hours, days, months, and probably at least 1 to 2 years before I discovered this. It was not easy work at all discovering. I would start to feel bad and get online with the symptoms to see if anything would pan out. There were so many symptoms that it was hard to pin point it.

I checked out the links you put on your reply, and know I will be getting that book.. I checked it out, and it sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I needed that, I didn't know what I was going to do to get this stuff out. I'd read so many different things.

I appreciate all your advice, more than you know<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/stretcher.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thanks.gif" alt="" />.

Posted By: Sunshine P

Re: Hello Everyone - 04/21/08 11:34 AM

You made me feel rewards deep down inside.

Ha good. You deserve the praise. Very few people get to where you are now. Only the toughest and bravest people manage to ignore conventional wisdom and find the root cause to their problems. Well done!

I knew you understood me. I can't describe how I felt while reading your post. Not one person has ever understood me fully about this, and you did.
That’s because I been there too, trying everything and nothing making any difference…was a most painful and frustrating time for me. When I figured out it was the mercury, when I read “amalgam illness” everything clicked perfectly into place. Reading that book was like reading my symptoms…like reading my whole life story…..was immensely rewarding to know I was not mental…LOL! We are not mental, we are poisoned by mercury, all the troubles we have are symptoms of this poisoning. It is cured by chelating the mercury out. Takes 2-4 years, but your health will be gradually rising during that time.

You are right about the fact that people don't even know about this. I try to keep it to myself, but find myself warning others when I can. People act so weird about this. Some think I'm completely nuts.. I can only share with them about my encounter and hope they will take notes for themselves, even though I feel like they don't understand.
– I have given up now. its too difficult for people to understand. If they really want to know..sure I tell them…but it’s not really worth it…people just think I’m a freak and in my work…that’s not ideal. Now I just say “yeah, was a bit of a nightmare…the fillings in my teeth where leaking and poisoned me. Just takes a bit of time to detox the stuff out of me.” I just leave it at that. The less said the better. I call them Muggles….LOL

It was so many hours, days, months, and probably at least 1 to 2 years before I discovered this. It was not easy work at all discovering. I would start to feel bad and get online with the symptoms to see if anything would pan out. There were so many symptoms that it was hard to pin point it.
I had my amalgams in for 10 years before I figured it out. My health has been going down the pan for 10 years……its going up now thankfully.

I checked out the links you put on your reply, and know I will be getting that book.. I checked it out, and it sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I needed that,
if you read the book, you will have all the knowledge you could possible want about mercury. You can self diagnose from the book too. Even if you decide not to chelate as per his protocol, you will at least have the opportunity to choose not to….this is something that is so lacking within our society. We have almost become outcasts because we have decided to take our health back into out own hands.

Take care, read lots, learn lots, ask lots of questions and if someone suggests a special cure yourself of mercury protocol....ask....there are many rubbish protocols out there and they hurt like hell. painfull experience is speaking here. mine!

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" /><img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/byebye.gif" alt="" />
Posted By: Layla

Re: Hello Everyone - 12/03/08 03:36 PM

Sunshine P, thank you very much for this!!

I was wondering how to go about it all & googling Cutler protocol etc is now opening my eyes to some things...
will research this some more... smile

Thank you!!
Posted By: kyle82

Re: Hello Everyone - 04/09/09 01:07 PM

i just want to share my case. im kyle and im having frequent migraines since summer began. i am already bothered and I think this migraines has gotten more severe eversince I knew im having it. any advice please.
Posted By: Bex

Re: Hello Everyone - 04/11/09 01:08 AM

Hi Kyle,

Welcome to the forum. I'm very sorry to hear that you are suffering such a torment of frequent migraines. I know a few members in my family that have this, though obviously not as frequent as yourself.

As we are not medical professionals, but rather people who have experienced ill health - we may only be able to offer you our own experience.

I am not overly up on migraines, though I have heard they can be genetic/chemical/allergic. So it is very difficult to pinpoint what it might be in each individual case.

For me, most of my mysterious chronic health problems were brought on by the very amalgams in my teeth. I had no idea that these could be the cause of many ailments - migraines are one. So I suffered without remedy.

I was GREATLY improved by a radical change to my diet. This probably saved my life and sanity. Though the amalgams were still there, it reduced many symptoms and this included vice-like chronic headaches that were becoming worse as time went on. Not migraines, but chronic pressure/pain in the temples. Once I eliminate sugar, wheat/gluten and yeast from my diet. I went through a detoxification, so many stored toxins, even in the brain area, started to loosen up and come out. This was not easy to deal with, but at the end of a few weeks, I felt like a renewed person.

I was alleviated of many serious symptoms. However, this did not remove the source - amalgams. Candida - overgrowth of yeast, is a situation created from low immunity, which amalgams can cause because they contain mercury, which is a known neurotoxin.

I advise you to look seriously into this if you have not already as a possible cause or contributing factor into what you are experiencing. It appears that weaknesses and genetic tendencies become exaggerated through toxcity. If you reduce your overall toxicity, no matter WHAT ailment you suffer, you can then watch and see what symptoms begin to reduce or even disappear.

This may not be a cure if the underlying cause is amalgam or something else, but it is at times, a life saver. Diet can do much to reduce unnecessary extra miseries, regardless of what the underlying problem is. Your body may just thank you for it and yu "may" just get a reduction in migraines as a result. It's worth a try either way.

But I will warn you that you may go through a detox process and that is not always easy. You may also get an increase in craving the very foods that could be causing problems. These foods are typical in causing many problems in people and a trial by elimination is probably the best way to find out if any are the culprit or at least adding to the toxic burden.

I also took onboard more raw foods in salads and that made an increased positive change also by further cleansing.

I'm sorry I can't be more specific in regards to the migraine, but hope this might help you. Somebody also mentioned the herb "feverfew" I think in helping migraines. I'm pretty sure they mentioned it on this forum. At least for bad headaches. So that "may" help you also. But I recommend cleaning up your diet first and if you have amalgams, take a look into the amalgam issue. Do NOT get them removed in a rush. It can be risky. They must be removed by a reputable biologic dentist, because they release more mercury as they are being drilled out. One must have full protection during this process and skilled hands. It can be done gradually too.

And later detoxing the mercury out of the body can be done also.

Posted By: Bex

Re: Hello Everyone - 04/11/09 05:00 AM

Kyle, by the way. I found these comments when I was searching for gluten allergies:

I have to agree! After being TORTURED with massive migraines 4-10 times a month, I attempted a gluten free diet to see if it would help. Within 2 months my living hell ended, and the migraines vanished. I had no other symptoms, and no doctor would test me for gluten intolerance. I know what worked, though- so I'm not going back!

The reason why Celiacs usually gain weight on a gluten free diet is because their disease causes malnourishment as a result of exposure to gluten. I am not a Celiac, nor am I allergic to gluten, but I found that a diet low in or free of gluten reduces my migraines and cleared up my sinuses, and, incidently, does tend to keep me extra slim, mostly because I choose more "live" food like veggies, roots, and fruits when I want a carb instead of filling up on bread-like substances. But to each her own. I tried going off dairy and that did nothing for me at all even though I was allergic to it as a kid. Every "body" is different and no one diet will be right for everyone, so the only people who must be obsessive about being gluten free are Celiacs, for whom gluten is like a true and real poison.

So you see how grains containing gluten can be notoriously bad for people and cause all manner of symptoms? Mercury from amalgams can be one reason too, either directly by it's toxicity, or indirectly by what else goes wrong because of it.

It was essential that i gave up sugar/wheat/gluten and yeast in order to get relief from symptoms and that included severe headaches. For those with more serious candida problems? They may need to reduce or eliminate natural sugars also in fruit and high carbohydrates in all grains, carrots/potatoes/peas/corn/beans, milk etc. But that depends on level of severity. Simply cutting out the sugar/wheat/gluten/yeast can be enough.
Posted By: revival

Re: Hello Everyone - 02/11/13 01:10 PM

Hi! nice to meet you all.Myself is Alex from New York.I am happy to join you people.It will be nice to share and discuss here.I want to enhance my general know how.

Thanks to every one.
Posted By: Russ

Re: Hello Everyone - 02/13/13 10:53 PM

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