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chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009

Posted By: Aaron

chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 01/02/09 05:12 PM

I thought that I'd start a new thread since the one from last year is so long. Since the days are short and the sky is usually overcast I can't see much chemtrail activity now. I thought that I saw a little spraying a couple of days ago.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 01/05/09 05:01 PM

Today it is partly overcast but I am seeing some evidence of light spraying. I saw one "X" that was partly hidden by the clouds.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 01/13/09 06:47 PM

I haven't seen any chemtrails at all during the last week because it's been almost totally overcast. In Ohio you see very little of the sun from November through March or even through April.

On an unusually clear day last January I saw a huge amount of spraying so I think that the chembombers keep active in this area in the winter even though I can't see them.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 01/22/09 08:17 PM

There still hasn't been any visible chemtrail activity in my area.

Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 01/23/09 06:53 AM

There isn't visible activity in our area much anymore either. Only a lot of fallout, but you have to know what to look for.

I wonder if this is what is happening in your area.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 01/25/09 09:38 PM

Russ, I don't have your sensitivity to the chemtrails so there is no way to be certain if I don't see them.

Originally Posted by Russ
There isn't visible activity in our area much anymore either. Only a lot of fallout, but you have to know what to look for.

I wonder if this is what is happening in your area.
Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 01/26/09 07:15 AM

Well, hang in there. It's been horrible here except for late last night and most of today, before dark.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 01/31/09 11:13 PM

I still haven't seen any chemtrails here although the sky was clear today.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 02/09/09 05:31 PM

This morning I saw the classic "X" pattern of chemtrails in the sky. It was faint but I definitely saw it. Later on I saw several more chemtrails. In one case I saw spray planes flying parallel courses and I would guess that they were only about 1000 feet apart with one plane slightly ahead of the other. I don't know what FAA regulations are for separation between aircraft but I'm almost certain those two planes were breaking them. I guess that FAA air traffic controllers are part of the spray program because they would have to be involved.
Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 02/10/09 09:14 AM

Thanks for the update.

I saw 2 jets spraying a couple days ago in the same formation as well. In fact, it's not terribly uncommon in this area.

Keep pushing on.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 02/17/09 02:11 PM

The chembombers are here today. I have seen several chemtrails including some in the classic "X" pattern and the sky is hazy. I also saw something new which is a triangle pattern.

Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 02/18/09 09:33 AM

Sounds like they are alive and well.

They are spraying here horribly tonight and yesterday morning. The air is almost unbreathable.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 02/24/09 05:04 PM

The chembombers are at work today over central Ohio. I have seen several trails and the sky is full of haze that I suspect is mostly man made.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 02/25/09 05:32 PM

There's some light spraying taking place today.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/06/09 01:19 PM

I saw spraying taking place yesterday and this morning. However, I haven't seen anything this year like what I saw last year on September 19th. On that day they turned the sky into a gray, soupy substance for hundreds of square miles around Columbus.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/09/09 07:06 PM

The chembombers are hard at work today in my area and the sky is very hazy.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/13/09 07:59 PM

The chembombers are here today and they have filled the sky with haze.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/19/09 12:15 PM

I think that the chembombers were here yesterday. I was talking to a friend last night and he mentioned the unusual haze and lack of distinct cloud formations. I didn't see any trails for certain but I think that the haze was man made.

This morning I have seen a few chemtrails.

Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/19/09 05:55 PM

We are having huge plumes in the sky today. I'm going to post pictures.

I'm sorry to hear what you're enduring there.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/22/09 01:58 PM

Today the spraying is heavy. I saw chemtrails at dawn and now (9:58 am) the sky is full of the haze that they have created. The chemtrails are not as dense as they used to be but I can definitely see them.

I am very agitated but I don't know if that is caused by the chemtrails or my own preexisting neurological problems. Perhaps it's a combination of both things.
Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/22/09 07:33 PM

I guess I'm lucky in a way. I know when we're being sprayed because of the salty-metallic taste in the air and the sinus-burn.

Others have to rely on other symptoms that indicate that they've already had a significant exposure.

Hang in there.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/24/09 04:09 PM

We have another hazy day in central Ohio courtesy of the ChemBombers.

Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 03/24/09 05:38 PM

Hang in there. You may want to try high doses of vitamin C to see if it helps with symptoms.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 04/02/09 12:19 PM

The ChemBombers have returned and I see multiple trails and a lot of haze this morning. This may turn out to be a heavy spraying day.

Russ, I don't have the symptoms that you do but I am taking some vitamin C along with other supplements.

It's funny to see how distracted the average person is by the media while this is going on right over their heads.
Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 04/02/09 06:10 PM

So true.

In the Mellenium, we will tell stories about what is happening today and the children will hardly believe how blind people were to what has happening right in front of their eyes.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 04/03/09 12:15 AM

Yes, I think that you're right.

Originally Posted by Russ
So true.

In the Mellenium, we will tell stories about what is happening today and the children will hardly believe how blind people were to what has happening right in front of their eyes.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 04/18/09 05:40 PM

After several days of overcast skies it was bright and sunny in central Ohio yesterday without a cloud in the sky. Today could have been a carbon copy of yesterday but the chembombers started working this morning and filled the sky with haze. They are still at work now (1:40 pm).

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 04/27/09 06:16 PM

The chembombers are hard at work over central Ohio today. The sky is hazy as it usually is when they are here.

A couple of days ago they were working over this area and I pointed out to some of my friends that they sky was hazy (without mentioning chemtrails). Nobody saw what I saw. I guess that people are so used to the chemtrail tainted skies that they don't know what it is like not to have them.

By the way, I got a bad cold or flu last week. This may be coincidence but it coincides with the swine flu outbreak that is in the news. I suspect that chemtrails have something to do with the swine flu. I read one man's opinion that the chemtrails do not spread biological agents (not sure if that is true) but that it weakens people and makes them more susceptible to catching various infectious illnesses.
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 04/27/09 10:39 PM

Hi Aaron, ((( Smiles )))

Weeks ago..
I came down with something that was not like any flu I can remember..
I had the worse headache it was severe and it seemed to be effecting the sinus's in my head not in my forehead but head..
Thats what the doctor at urgent care said it was..
It felt like I was going to have a stroke something moveing around in there..
and it also effected my heart it was pounding..
It was really a bad one had chills too but mostly theses other symptoms.
I wasen't sure I was going to make it so I went to urgent care and the doctor said it was some sort of virus not flu..
And he assured me the symptoms I was describing was not a person going to have a stroke and I have no history of heart problems.
I said how do you really know that..
Have you heard about anybody else with theses symptoms sick with this virus I have???
He said no he hasen't.
I didn't feel that assured from him about it because of that fact..
But he was right as I'm still here..
Or I'm just a fighter..
But with this virus there were relapses.
You felt like you were better then you got badly sick again.
If it wasen't for a phone call I got that day from a neighbor of long ago who phoned to tell me an elderly neighbor from long ago died from being sick himself ..
That she thought that I would want to know.
Not sure exactly what he had but..
She said her husband got real sick and had the same symptoms that I described as well..
It effected his heart and head..
It was the strangest virus.
I believe it was a flu I had the chills and the symptoms of a real bad flu but it was different then any flu I have ever had before.
It was like the killer flu except I survived it.
And it got really hairy there too..
I hope you don't get this but not everybody gets sick in the same way.
Some people don't get as sick..
I was the sickest in my home..
It hit me harder.

Try to stay well
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 05/09/09 01:23 PM

I've had this flu or flu like illness for about three weeks now. This isn't really new for me because I seem to be very vulnerable to respiratory infections. Every year I get an infection which causes me to hack and cough for several weeks. I have a coworker that has had a chronic cough for several years now. There's no way to be certain but I suspect that chemtrails along with other toxins have something to do with this.

Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 05/12/09 03:13 AM

Sorry to hear about this Aaron.

Yes, I think chemtrails have something to do with this. For example, last night we got hit very hard. There was a horrible chemical smell/taste to the air. I was wearing my mask, Laura was not.

She woke up with green sinul-mucus which is obviously a sign of infection. She also had other typical chemtrail symptoms, like pressure behind the eyes, headache, fatigue, brain-fog, etc.

Hang in there.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 05/15/09 01:14 AM

The sky cleared late this afternoon and I saw that the chembombers were at work in the western sky. I still have a problem with burning eyes and frequent blinking. Also, after almost a month I am finally getting over a nasty upper respiratory infection. I suspect that both problems have been caused or aggravated by the chemtrails.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/07/09 09:43 PM

The daytime spraying in the Columbus area has been very light the last few weeks. Last Saturday the spraying was moderately heavy.

Today I saw a few chemtrails but there is no heavy spraying yet.

Maybe they are focusing their efforts on other areas now.
Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/08/09 09:28 AM

Do you ever see jets leaving short tails that dissipate in just a few seconds?

Those are the ones that burn my sinuses the worst.

These are getting a lot of airplay on YouTube and people are saying they are contrails.

Not so.

I've been watching the sky all my life and I've never seen a trial behind a jet, long or short, until 2005. I've watched probably well over 10,000 jets having lived in areas with much air traffic for years and years.

Hope you hang in there.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/12/09 11:53 AM

Yes, I see short contrails fairly frequently. I thought that they were real contrails.

Yesterday and today I have seen some that I'm sure are chemtrails because they are miles long. However, the level of daytime spraying is still pretty light. I haven't seen the "pea soup" level of spraying in some time.

Originally Posted by Russ
Do you ever see jets leaving short tails that dissipate in just a few seconds?

Those are the ones that burn my sinuses the worst.

These are getting a lot of airplay on YouTube and people are saying they are contrails.

Not so.

I've been watching the sky all my life and I've never seen a trial behind a jet, long or short, until 2005. I've watched probably well over 10,000 jets having lived in areas with much air traffic for years and years.

Hope you hang in there.
Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/13/09 11:17 AM

The amazing thing is that all of our long chemtrails have been converted (several months ago) to short chemtrails.

It's amazing that out of every 50 jets I see, 49 have trails.

This is amazing considering that of all the thousands of jets I've watched in my life across the country, I've never seen a contrail.

Today, it's hard to find a jet without one. The only time I see them is when I'm near the airport.

Posted By: Sean

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/14/09 04:21 AM

Originally Posted by Russ
The amazing thing is that all of our long chemtrails have been converted (several months ago) to short chemtrails.

It's amazing that out of every 50 jets I see, 49 have trails.

This is amazing considering that of all the thousands of jets I've watched in my life across the country, I've never seen a contrail.

Today, it's hard to find a jet without one. The only time I see them is when I'm near the airport.

I got days here without seeing a thing! I see alot of it lately too, which is good.
Posted By: Russ

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/16/09 12:06 AM

The amount of overcast weather we're having here has now set records. You can see the clear morning, then they spray, then the sky become overcast.

They are in the process of creating famine.
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/20/09 04:03 AM

Hi Russ, ((( Smiles )))

I believe it..
The weather is all messed up & the air is all polluted..
I've been gardening for years and things don't grow as well as they use to anymore.
Years ago I use to have lots of tomatoes and the crop now doesn't look at all the same as back then..
Herbs and garlic is doing much better then the fruits and vegetables are..
They need to be fertilized more too.
Miracle gro galore.
I've seen better days..
Out in the yard.

Stay Well
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/24/09 12:47 PM

I have seen almost no daytime spraying in my area during the last few weeks. There isn't really anything else to report.

Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/27/09 04:10 AM

Hi Russ, ((( Smiles )))

What you wrote on the board a few days ago..
I understand it now.
So much has been posted on the board since then so it's hard to describe what your wrote now maybe I'll find it later.
But my husband was watching the history channel and said you got to see this..
There talking about chemtrails and I don't think he really believed me totally about the chemtrails before but..
But now he does.
They were confirming them as it is really happening and explaining them with an added feature of the military with mystery and intrigue.
But it's happening and other nations are doing this as well and we got to do it first..
Weather control ect..
And we may all be destroyed by this by 2025..
There was more to all of it but I noticed they first made one feel that they weren't alone with this that it's true now..
Shocking but we can all handle the news..
It can and is very dangerous to us.
But in a calming excepting resigned way.
Kind of a numbing effect..
It was unnerveing to me after reading what you wrote..
But I could see the controlling factor they were putting across by controlling or provideing the facts and information for us..
Like don't we want our miltary to succeed with this??
Even if it may destroy us all..
They made it sound logical matter of a fact but dangerous in a strange about way.
Like entertainment..
The way they presented it..
It was just another thing on TV..
You explained how they go about it so well.
I think it had something to do with the Ron Paul factor ...
I remember reading what you wrote on that..
If I could find it you described it so well..
What they are doing to us.
And they really are..
I see them too overhead.

Stay Well
Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/28/09 12:08 AM

I saw a few chemtrails today. Now the sky is mostly overcast. So far this summer has been cooler and darker than average. This could be due to weather control which involves the chemtrails.

Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/28/09 04:29 AM

Hi Aaron, ((( Smiles )))

Thats so true..
It's been summer like then it gets cold.
Then it gets hot again and then cooler..
I mean really cold..
It's a normal summer and then the tomatoes and the fruit trees are confused by all this back and forth..
They are truely ruining this planet.
Just like the Bible said they would.
That they do.
I don't believe they will ever stop.
And it will all play out just like whats written in Scripture.
We just have to all hang in there and pray for God's grace in our lives..
What else can we do but that??
To survive this.

Stay Well
Posted By: Sean

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 07/29/09 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by Aaron
I saw a few chemtrails today. Now the sky is mostly overcast. So far this summer has been cooler and darker than average. This could be due to weather control which involves the chemtrails.

They can cause Cirrus clouds if you read on it, that or weather seeding which they have done for years on end IMO. Are they spraying something yes IMO, but what is it exactly or the purpose? I would love to know the whole but I don't.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: chemtrails in central Ohio, 2009 - 08/05/09 03:53 PM

Today is another dark and gloomy day which is unusual for mid-summer in Ohio. Since it's overcast I can't tell if they are spraying today.

I think Russ' theory about using weather control to eventually create famine could be correct. In industrialized nations few people will starve but food will become more expensive. In third world nations the effect of this could be devastating.

Posted By: Russ

Dimmest Days in History - 08/06/09 03:59 AM

Posted By: Aaron

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 08/08/09 01:47 PM

Yesterday morning I saw spraying and in the course of a few hours the sky became almost completely overcast. In the afternoon I saw something odd. It was a small spot on the clouds that seemed to be glowing with a purple light. I could see it better with my sunglasses than without them. I wish that I had had a video camera with me to film it.

Perhaps it was nothing but it could have been a visual manifestation of HAARP or some other electromagnetic weapon.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 08/12/09 03:46 PM

I haven't seen any chemtrails for the last few days. Of course they could be spraying at night.

Posted By: Russ

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 08/13/09 05:08 AM

In reference to your previous post...

There seems to be more and more of these light-related anomalies going on lately.

I'm going to try and keep my camera handy.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 08/30/09 04:17 PM

There has been no visible chemtrail activity in central Ohio during the last week.

Posted By: Russ

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 09/01/09 06:06 AM

Good for you.

Today was horrible. The salty-metallic taste to the air was possibly they highest I've ever experienced.
Posted By: RachelBartlett

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 09/02/09 07:43 AM

I look at infrared satellite films of Europe each morning, and of course they are spraying at night. Also, a few months ago, I saw (what I call) mushroom clouds for the first time. They were doing it in Italy first, then in Spain, and these clouds start as tiny dots, and then suddenly grow extremely big -- like 50-100km in diameter, and what they seem to do is push chemtrail streams and chemtrail clouds into the direction of heavily populated areas where these streams would normally not go. They then use HAARP to spread them out real flat so they will cover large areas.

Heck, I have become an expert at predicting the weather in Berlin just from looking at satellite pictures and detecting those tiny mushroom cloud sprouts.
Posted By: Russ

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 09/03/09 08:38 PM

Very interesting.

I am suffering greatly from the health effects of this spraying.

When they spray, I have symptoms that are identical to mercury poisoning: Absolutely identical.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 09/06/09 03:18 PM

After seeing no spraying for the last few weeks the chembombers have returned to central Ohio. I have seen dozens of chemtrails in the sky today.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 09/07/09 10:16 PM

The chembombers are here today and they are flying the classic "X" pattern. X marks the spot but what are they marking?

Posted By: Aaron

Re: Dimmest Days in History - 09/15/09 03:59 PM

I saw several chemtrails this morning but the sky is clear now.

Posted By: Aaron

October 1, 2009 - 10/01/09 05:44 PM

There is heavy spraying here today. A lot of artificial clouds are filling the sky.

Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/02/09 02:06 AM

Hi Aaron, (((( Smiles ))))

If it's in the name of global warming so called saving the planet..
They would all pretty much willingly spray us with anything..
If it's in the name of trying to so called prevent an illness..
The medical community will shoot up our babies toddlers & children & adults with mercury & antifreeze and all sorts of toxins no problem..
So whats the difference as actually there is none..
But of course you know that by now yourself.
So does Russ..
Thats what they do to us because some believe there doing good..
Some have no idea what they are really spraying..
And some are just pure evil.
And some just don't care.
It's a job to them.
Like you say....

I guess that FAA air traffic controllers are part of the spray program because they would have to be involved.

Try To Stay Well
Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/03/09 01:42 PM

Yes, there must be a number of co-conspirators involved in the spraying program. The FAA has to be in on it because air traffic controllers see the spray planes on their radar. The Air Force and DOD must be in on it too. Maybe even pilots for major airlines are in on it because it's hard to imagine that they are unaware of the spraying operations. All of these people are probably told to keep quiet because the spray program involves national security at the highest level. Also, they are told that they will face serious consequences if they try to reveal the truth to the public (assuming anyone would believe them).

Originally Posted by Lynnmn
Hi Aaron, (((( Smiles ))))

If it's in the name of global warming so called saving the planet..
They would all pretty much willingly spray us with anything..
If it's in the name of trying to so called prevent an illness..
The medical community will shoot up our babies toddlers & children & adults with mercury & antifreeze and all sorts of toxins no problem..
So whats the difference as actually there is none..
But of course you know that by now yourself.
So does Russ..
Thats what they do to us because some believe there doing good..
Some have no idea what they are really spraying..
And some are just pure evil.
And some just don't care.
It's a job to them.
Like you say....

I guess that FAA air traffic controllers are part of the spray program because they would have to be involved.

Try To Stay Well
Posted By: Russ

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/04/09 10:31 AM

It's a big operation, to be sure.

Tonight was horrible here. Between about 1am and 4am it was intolerable... Very painful.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/04/09 08:42 PM

It seems that we're having another lull in spraying here. Of course they still could be spraying at night or when it's overcast.

It's probably safe to say that visible chemtrail activity has dropped a great deal since I first saw chemtrails two years ago.

Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/09/09 01:10 AM

I was outside this afternoon and saw a plane flying over my yard and it was clear skies out
and I saw it clearly the plane flying and 4 trails comeing out of the back..
As I watched it I noticed that the four streams comeing out of it merged into two
and then eventually disappeared leaving no trail of it that it was even there..
Very quickly not like in the past..
It just cleared up.

And I saw another one flying further out and the same thing the sky turned back clear but then eventually theses white hazy looking cloud formations appeared in the sky..
In a previously clear looking sky.
And I just wonder??
Maybe they have some new updated technology where the trails doesn't linger as long as it spreads outward into hazy skies??
Because people have noticed the trails lingering on in the sky??
So they can spray more and not be noticed as much as before??
I know what I saw and was very surprised by it.
Technology does change from time to time maybe they are trying to make it not linger
as a trail form for long but in another form of spreading it out??
I watched the whole thing happen and was surprised by it.
I've seen them linger before in sky.
What could it be, but they are flying out here in the daytime
as I see them do it when out in the yard from time to time.
Anybody see anything such as this..
Posted By: Russ

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/09/09 05:07 AM

Maybe they have some new updated technology where the trails doesn't linger as long as it spreads outward into hazy skies??


Here are a couple links talking about just that:

Chemtrails Change From Huge Plumes to Short Quickly-Dissipating Trails After 4-Day Break

Plumes Change Overnight
Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/10/09 01:39 PM

There has been no visible spraying at all during the last week.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/11/09 04:34 PM

Today the spraying is heavy and the sky south of where I live is full of an artificial haze.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/20/09 02:08 PM

The spraying here was fairly heavy yesterday and I also see them spraying this morning. The sky is full of milky white clouds that I believe are mostly or totally man made.

Posted By: Russ

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/20/09 07:53 PM

Same here. There are many short trails that are hard to spot, the air smells/tastes horrible, and there are fake clouds daily.

We call these fake clouds "torn cotton" clouds because they look somewhat like cotton that has been torn apart.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/21/09 03:36 PM

They are spraying today but the trails are very faint. I see an "X" in the sky outside my office window but it's not very prominent.

Posted By: Russ

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/23/09 03:47 AM

Yep. They are doing that here all the time too. The trails are faint but they burn my sinuses just the same.

Here is a page that may be interesting and helpful:


It also has a link to my story on it.
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/26/09 10:08 PM

Yep, (((( Smiles )))

There busy busy busy out here too..
I guess time is getting shorter for them not much time left.
Maybe they think they are prolonging their existence in the process of elimnating us.
Maybe they see the signs of the times too and in knowing this earth system will be comeing to an end eventually..
By an Almighty God with swift judgment at the end of this system.
Maybe they are trying to fight any of thoses changes from comeing about by trying to mess with the planet in some way.
The Bible does say they try to do battle with the Almighty.
Maybe this is a part of it too and we're just all pawns in their battle for their existence.
Of course they will just end up destroying us all physically but of course they can only take that so far.
They continue on till the end.
With this madness that according to Scripture will get them nowhere..
It's awful to have to go through it though.
But how else can we see how terrible this system really is and..
How much better God's offer is.
I watched a few times The Cosmic Conflict DVD.
The Origin Of Evil
Hosted by Doug Batchelor
It was a beautiful sight how can anybody not choose that???
I don't know, it looked mighty good to me!
In comparison to this..

Try To Stay Well
Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 10/30/09 11:18 AM

It was overcast most of yesterday but I saw a few chemtrails through the clouds so I know that they were up there.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 11/12/09 02:23 PM

I have seen a few signs of chemtrails in the last couple of weeks but nothing definite.

The weather has actually been unusually nice for Ohio in November.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 11/14/09 02:52 PM

The spraying is heavy today and the sky is full of chem-haze.

Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: October 1, 2009 - 11/23/09 11:02 PM

Purple Haze all in my brain lately things don't seem the same.
According to J.H.. ((( Smiles )))

Wish they would stop as well..
Not until the end of time it seems.
They sure don't make it easy do they.
They seem like they are in a rush lately.
Time is getting short for them I guess.

Try To Stay Well
Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 11/29/09 04:08 PM

The sky was clear at dawn today. At about 9:00 am I saw some signs of spraying in the western sky. Now the sky is full of haze that I think is from the chembombers.

Posted By: Russ

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/01/09 08:46 PM

Yes, that's probably true.

Several months ago, they large plumes turned to short haze-causing plumes here in this area. Here is a link with more information:

Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/01/09 08:57 PM

The sky was totally clear and blue this morning. It was unusually nice for December. However, the chembombers came this afternoon and now the sky is full of the fake clouds that they have created.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/06/09 04:12 PM

The chembombers are at work today over Columbus. I've seen at least two planes but I'm pretty sure that there are more than that.

Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/14/09 09:34 PM

The sky was overcast most of today but it broke up some in the afternoon and I've seen several chemtrails.
Posted By: Russ

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/14/09 10:36 PM

Sorry to hear about that Aaron.

We are having the same thing. The sky is overcast but I occasionally see chemtrails intermingled in the sky.

Of course, as usual, the air has the horrible taste of salty-metallic and chemical flavors.
Posted By: Lynnmn

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/16/09 03:01 AM

Hi Aaron, ((( Smiles )))

The skies are getting more polluted out there.
The air does feel thicker and more dry.
But the people who are getting it really really bad at this time is the erased residents of Slovenia.
Could you imagine living in a country one day thats not your country the next day because you have become erased.
Blotted out of the books by your government with no legal status.
With no right to appeal.
Losing your job getting evicted and all services denied.
You just don't exist anymore.
Surprising that can happen in this day and age but it can.
Now that, plus chemtrails really really sucks!
Doesn't it... ((( Smiles )))
Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/17/09 04:58 PM

I saw a few chemtrails this morning and now the sky is mostly overcast. I suspect that much if not most of the cloud cover is artificial.
Posted By: Aaron

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/18/09 01:34 PM

The chembombers are hard at work over central Ohio this morning. At one point I saw four parallel trails in the sky. However, as usual almost no one sees what is happening right over their heads.

Posted By: findthetruth

Re: October 1, 2009 - 12/20/09 01:33 AM

They are very agressive with spraying. I believe they are using drones to spray.
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