I have taken Natural Cellular Defense (NCD). Basically it is clay. I took it for a month in May. This was before I knew I was mercury toxic. I still have my amalgams. For the entire month, since the first dose, I had incredible energy. It was amazing. I ran out and didn't replace it for a couple months. When I did, I didn't get the energy boost.

More recently I started drinking green clay in water. It is similar to NCD IMO, but waaaay cheaper. I had the amazing boost in energy within a few hours of the first dose. It last for 5 days, before I started getting detox symptoms. I feel better than I felt without it, but I am having detox symptoms off and on throughout the day and it changes day to day. I have been taking it for about 3 weeks now.

I just got my test results yesterday and found out I am mercury toxic. The clay and the NCD were part of the puzzle for me though, since they gave me energy the first dose. It made me realize that I was dealing with toxins. I hope this helps. I think clay/NCD is amazing stuff!
