The NCD is safe to take with fillings in. From all of my research, it does not pull mercury from your fillings. I think you jumped up too high too soon and were having a strong detox reaction. If you are chemically sensitive like me, you should be taking it very slowly - I was recently told by my dentist to try to take 1 or 2 drops 2-3x per day and stay at that dose for a while before increasing. A second dentist I spoke with told me to take 2 drops 3x per day for 6 weeks and then check in with him. Drink lots of water too.

I'm about to try it again today so let me know if you have any questions. I had the same thing as you by the way - felt great for a few days at the beginning and then crashed. But I want to try to get on a low dose and weather the storm for for a while and see how I do.