Why don't you believe evolution occurred? Is it because you believe that one billion years of evolution from the primordial soup should have resulted in something more advanced than space alien elvis?
If as the bible suggests, there were only a few people in 2000BC at the time of the flood, how are there six billion now?

Does'nt the bible also say the sun revolves around the earth?

No the bible does not say the sun revolves around the earth.

I don't have to bother believing in evolution or wondering about so many things. I don't believe in God and Jesus because my mommy took me to church. I actually had a salvation experience a dozen years ago or so, he healed me of a few things then, he led me through so many things, and this is just another, not a fun lesson this one. I wonder what is next. I have learned many invaluable things from this current experience. I was considering taking my daughter to the doctor for one of those cervical cancer vaccines for instance, well we're past that now and she will never visit a dentist either. far as evolution, when I experienced the awesome presence of the Lord and the life that he is, we are dead compared to it, I no longer questioned him..I worshipped him. I have no doubt whatsoever that this life, this earth, is God's creation. No doubt whatsoever, And I know he has a plan for my life, in fact I am sort of living it already. I am his creation and I like it that way.

hope that answer satisfies you.

when are you going to help us sue these dentists Jill?