I decided to take this out into a separate post, since the issue is important, however, it is in reply to the post by Russ "Fluoride detox"
It was suggested to take calcium carbonate as a part of fluoride detox.
I believe this is not the best calcium supplement because it causes "acid rebound" and can result in an ulcer.
I ended up in a hospital with a perforated ulcer in 2000 because I was taking large quantities of it as a supplement to combat fatigue.
After 3 years in a nursing school I was very much aware about this, however, I did not realize that the effects can be so pronounced!

The only safe calcium supplements are those which do not affect stomach acidity.
All carbonates and hydrocarbonates reduce acidity at first by entering into a reaction with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, but stomach is trying to work against that, thus elevating the acidity.
Citrate, gluconate, chelated, acetate, even calcium chloride are much safer.

When I was in hospital with a perforated ulcer, I was asking doctors to give me calcium supplements to relieve paresthesia, but they refused, saying that in my condition it is better to avoid it, especially when it comes to dealing with such a "minor discomfort".
I was telling them that it only applies to carbonate, but to no avail. Only after my repeated requests a doctor relented and prescribed gluconate. I specifically said that I am not going to take any carbonate.

If one has to resort to fluoride detox, it is a good guess he or she has a pretty advanced skeletal fluorosis. But since advanced fluorosis renders a large part of the bone mass physiologically dead, unable to uptake calcium (in response to calcitonin) or to release calcium (in response to parathyroid hormone), you have to avoid taking large amounts of it at one time.
I take 1000mg per day, but I spread it out into 3 portions.

Excess concentration of calcium in blood plasma can cause problems - the least troubling of which is calcium rigor, which is manifested in cramps and headaches.
Again, a young person, who was lucky to grow up in non-fluoridated community, would have no problem with calcium regulation.
But if a good part of your bone mass is affected by fluorosis, then they would not be able to uptake calcium from blood plasma fast enough.
I heard it can even precipitate under certain conditions, thus actually creating crystals of calcium salts in tissues (including brain).
I heard that some researches claim this is a likely cause for Alzheimers.

You can read more about issues with calcium supplementation at http://www.deadwater.info/calcium.htm

regards: oleg