Sunshine... when I was doing my parasite cleanse research and looking for a recipe for walnut hull tincture I ran into a page by hulda clark that recommended taking two big teasoons ( I took 3teaspoons a couple days ago I think, with half teaspoon of cloves) of walnut hull every two weeks, for ever pretty much to stay parasite free.

Well I did that a couple days ago... and you know how very long I ws doing the original cleanse... and sure enough Sunshine, ... score... not much but one white skinny thing a good 2-3 inches. can''t imagine what else it would be.

You can find it in her liver cleanse or parasite cleanse info, it's on the web. I think she recommends that because some of them can actually be hiding dormant in your body and then suddenly decide to come to town. Plus eggs you may have missed.