Cocomacpump! Hahahaha

Thanks Sunflower <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/twothumbsup.gif" alt="" />

Sos, did you take a picture? Come on! Pictures! If you don’t I will! LOL

Yes, that’s the maintenance program she does. That s why I took the bloody Clarkia stuff, but obviously I left too much time in-between my parasite cleanse and starting the maintenance, because I had major symptoms. I am still suffering from that you know. Bloody shoulders hurt all the bloody time. Ouch! I am sure it was a migration event. I blasted them so they moved elsewhere. Shoulders pain mean bile duct trouble with gallstones. So maybe liver flukes or hookworms. The book I’m reading is hardcore parasites, wow they are tricky MOFO’s

For the Clarkia you are supposed to take 10 drops in one go, once per week. (I took 5)
I did not realise Hulda said two weeks….did you keep the page number?

It is amazing that after all the attacking you have done, that they are still there and you are still killing them.

I think you are spot on to keep up the maintenance. Good thinking Batgirl! I think its great that you are never happy sitting around doing nothing! You just have to keep trying stuff…I think that is a very good quality in a person.

I must admit; I am desperate. Totally desperate. I got so many good things happening to me, that the few things that are not progressing are really annoying me. These bloody shoulders…ouch!


Parasite cleanse starts Saturday!
Bowel cleanse starts Saturday!
Essiac Tea starts Saturday!

Oh yeah baby! Lots of fun and games starting then. Just in time for Chrimbo too! it’s gonna hurt me, but will hurt them more!

I will have to stop chelating with DMSA, which is a bit of a drag, but I feel the need to kill lots of bugs.

Did I tell you about the Essiac tea? I started it. I did 4 days, started low dose. Wow! That is a strong detox. My pee went really dark and smelly. My shoulder started playing up even worse than normal. This was in the middle of round 5 last weekend. It was too strong a detox, and right in the middle of a round….so I had to stop taking it. DMSA rounds and parasite cleanses do not go well together I have discovered.

This morning I saw the most wonderful sunrise. Utterly beautiful, don’t know what color it was, probably pink, but wow….the whole sky was alive with color. Made me smile all the way to work.

Oh yes………….Sos. Big meeting with my builders about my doors and posts……I have instructed them to use linseed oil as per your recommendations <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
