HI there. Congratulations, effort and hard work is always worth it. County Title! Nice!

Sorry, I been racking my brain but I can’t remember what it was she was doing. It was English wasn’t it?

Never herd of a recluse spider. Thankfully.

I have a spider phobia. So I avoid anything to do with spiders. Learning there names is not something I plan to do in this life. Little ones don’t count, but I will run a mile from big ones. Strangely I’m ok when I have gloves on? Not to sure why, but I feel strong and fearless when I have gloves. I guess I know they cannot bite me through my glove? Strange eh?

early to bed for me tonight, been busy.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
