Nope, don't know anything about the mystic qualities of quartz or crystals. Though you could do the same thing to water with any garden variety rock... change the taste to a more mineral taste, soften it a bit, the salts in the rock do that (smoother and nicer = softer).. I prefer the taste of orange peel myself. Our water is pretty soft here already, not city water.

yea them chemtrails are another bit of malarky. It's one thing on a hot summer day when they say they are doing it to prevent global warming, it something else altogether when they do it in winter when it's already freezing outside or on cloudy days when they spray their junk above the natural clouds that are already keeping the sun away. somehow or another their logic loses me in midstream there. I think chemtrails are more like flouride, just another way for the gov to fritter away my hard earned tax dollars to illicitely cover up their toxic dumping programs.

you need to keep some feverfew on the shelf so that you can always be sure your weekend getaways are headache free.