Hi Sunshine
Like your rocks. Are you putting them in your drinking water? How does it work and what can it do for ya? I am up to trying anything to get well faster LOL. Let me know.

Hi So Sick
I agree about the colan cleanse stuff. I think constipation is what keeps my stomach in such bad shape. It is doing better but not as good as it should be. I have some colan cleanse stuff on order and will be here soon. I bet I can get things moving right along then. LOL I put oil on everyday too and my skin just seems to drink it right in...is that all part of detoxing, my skin has really been getting dry on some days. Some days is real smooth and pretty. I am on my last week of parasite cleanse so that could have alot to do with it.
I want to get an aloe plant, have had several and I have killed them all. Maybe over watering....don't know. I am really good with all my house plants, what could I be doing wrong?

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.