Hi Skieslimit: I will repeat an earlier post which explains all. The pics above are the crystals i bought and put in my water cooler………….(Sos you have already read this)

Do you know anything about crystals? Well I don’t know anything about rocks and crystals and all that malarkey. Nothing whatsoever, just that its mega weird, and its for hairy bearded eco freaks in dirty smelly clothes, with dirty fingernails. Nothing could be further from my city orientated life. Nothing.

That water and salt book I read, was an awesome read, talked about getting the water you drink “energised”. Kinda like full of energy and life, atoms whizzing about ‘n stuff. It talked about putting quartz crystals in your water and magically make the water better, more full of life….weird stuff eh!

Anyway….i know there is a rock shop near me, full of freaks, so made sure no one saw me and I sneaked in and bought some. I bought 4 bits, about 1 inch square each. Rose, clear, amethyst, smokey….all quartz. I poured 1 glass of fresh water UN-rocked into a glass and put it in a cupboard. Then I put the crystals in the bottom of my water cooler. Then I went away for the weekend.
When I came back Sunday night I got another glass, this time from the water cooler that had the 4 crystals sitting in it for 1.5 days. I then did the Pepsi challenge. The water was exactly the same, except one had these four crystals sitting in it for 1.5 days.

And blow me over and call me a fishmonger……….they tasted different. And proper different too. it was subtle, I had to drink back and forth between the two, but 100pct defo……….different. The crystal water tasted much smoother and nicer. I got my wife to test it as well…….she though the same. And my little girl tried it too…..and she could tell they where different!………..and she like the one with the crystal better too.

Weird eh!

Oh yeah, I grew a beard last week too………………hahahahahahahaha
Looked like a health freak so I trimmed it to a goatee now.
I look pretty smart now! Dapper!

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
