Pwcca, I didn't mean this to be a "mob attack" on Linda. I took a long time to type that out with the quotes and delayed the posting of it until later (I go off and online often when someone needs the phone, so I had it sitting on the screen for ages before I sent it). I had not even seen Laura's until I later scrolled up. Forgive me for that Linda, I was just trying to make a point and something that was already clearly made. Did not mean intentially to go compound the issue with a few repeated quotes in there as well.

My additon was in defense of Kent Hovind who receives an ongoing "mob attacks" by evolutionists on other websites. It's gone on for ages and still is. I've gone on and read them. I know what I believe about the man and no he isn't perfect, and oh yes he's gotten things wrong too. Haven't we all? but that does not discredit everything that he exposes by a long shot. Imperfect as "he" himself maybe, his revelations I believe, for the most part are necessary. Because many of us are in the dark over these things, unless someone points them out. Often people accept them without investigation.

Linda may not have used direct "name" calling to put a member of the forum down Pwcca, but she has used indirect putdowns, patronisations and accusations which has encouraged the very responses that she then complains about. That's the point that was being made here. No, I don't agree with name calling and admittedly she's not used that on any member of the forum. But she sure has used other ways and means to putdown. Who hasn't?

I wouldn't even bring any of this up if it wasn't for the fact there is a lot of nitpicking and magnifying, and fault finding towards the Christian/creation posters and anything they say or how they say it, and misinterpreting and deliberating on it and then quoting it out of context... and not really having all the facts straight at the sametime. It just finally erupted.

At any rate, I hope we can put this to rest and get one with the topics on here. It'll never be peaceful, it's a debate forum, so things will always get heated.
