my wife and I use a castor oil pack at least once a week now they play a vital role in my detox program , I never gave much thought to them before I started using them ,but now I know how valuble they are in detoxing the body ,I will probably use them for the rest of my life , but It is recomended that when starting out you need to do a session 3 times a week for 60 min each session , for the first 2 months and then just once a week after that , I prefer a heating pad instead of a water bottle ,so you can control the heat , most people aready have them in there home ,and are very inexpensive and easy to find if you don't have one

most fabric stores sell flannel cloth, half a yard is plenty cost about 2 or 3 dollars , and most drug stores will sell castor oil very inexpensive , you may feel very minor detox symtoms after your first couple of sessions due to the toxins being removed from the body , almost like a mild hangover