

Have I implied you are unintelligent in every thread? Gosh I'm so sorry. I'l try to keep things simpler. I'll do my best to keep things within a K-7 age range.


Another insult, bravo! I'm glad I could help you meet your weekly quota. What is the number of non-Christians that you are required to treat poorly in order to maintain your Good Christian status?

None actually. But ask a stupid question and you get a stupid answer, you know. It probably has more to do with inertia, maybe it's physics.

Where did you get the idea that I said Christians should be required to fight for their rights? I said that Christians should get the same rights as members of any other religion. If they are being denied their rights then they should fight for them. I will try to be more clear in my responses.

Thanks, that would be nice.

Exactly which 'Christian' beliefs do you believe I believe that would support a Christian theocracy?

Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:8 - 10: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates

Kind of hanging on a thread there aren't you?

How exactly do you see this Christian Theocracy working? Should it force my Christian views on the general population, Catholic Christian views, Mormon, Evangelical, Pentecostal, which? Do you actually believe all christians everywhere actually agree on everything?

They seem to want their moral code to become law. Some are appropriate: No stealing, no murder. Some don't seem appropriate: No Homosexuality, Limits on free speech, No other God but ours.

hmmm... and I would have thought it was the other way around. I think if you look at the real world you'll see a certain type of long established law and certain others who don't like those laws who want their moral code to become law. Homosexuals are a good example of that. You could throw polygamists in there too I suppose. Mosty sex battles going on in that realm, it appears. Limits on free speech? Hmmm and I would have thought it was the other way around. I think if you look at the real world you'll see a certain type of long established law and certain others who don't like those laws who want to suppress free speech, especially as concerns the right of certain religious groups such as christians who might want to pray in public, or sing hymns or carols or mention thier faith in a graduation speech. No other God but ours? Hmmm and I would have thought it was the other way around. I think if you look at the real world you'll see a certain type of long established law and certain others who don't like those laws who want to forbid the mention of one religion to give their own more space to grow. I realize you deny that evolution is a religion, and I can agree with you to some extent in that, but only some extent. The problem I have with it is that if evolution's main opponent is not religion...Christian, Jewish, Muslim, whatever... then why are the proponents of evolution so vocal about not teaching things like creation and other religious beliefs? It's not as though math teachers are on the podium arguing that creation interferes with geometry.

One could say, from the examples you've given, that we either already live in a theocracy, or that evolutionists are attempting to make their god supreme.

Then you think it would be ok to tell Muslims and Hindu's that they cannot practice their religion?

Where did you get that idea? It sort of jumped in here out of the blue.

I think it's perfectly fine to allow muslims to practice their religion. However, I do not think it's perfectly fine for them to kill family members or others who want to leave that religion. Nor do I find the mass hysteria that erupts when they feel offended particularly pleasant. In regard to Hindus, I find their caste system more than just a bit inhumane and their burial customs extremely distasteful. But they are free to do what they please, as long as they are able to keep their customs and behaviors contained within their own communities. However, if members of their own communities complain of mistreatment, then it becomes another issue altogether if they choose to look to the rule of established law for recompense or justice, in the USA for example. In their home countries, Egypt or India for example, the rule of law is alredy established to uphold their primary religious beliefs, Muslim or Hindu. Many muslims and Hindus actually come to the USA seeking relief from persecution, so exactly why you pose this question this way is questionable in itself.

You think it is ok to make certain books, movies and artwork illegal?

Such as?

Maybe you can help me out by showing me something that makes me understand where I have been duped. Remember, K-7 only

Your views are extremely slanted in a way that presents Christians as being the enemy, as wanting a theocracy etc.

The truth is, without Christianity... and by Christianity I must exclude catholicism for one major reason which you will see, and so I refer to Christianity as post-reformation... without Christianity chances are excellent we would all still be living in a theocracy, of kings, ruled mainly still by the Catholic church. Christianity brought an end to theocracies throughout Europe. it was a very bloody battle. Yet there you sit, with an apparent elementary school understanding of Christianity which allows you to comfortably view Christians as the enemy without ever acknowledging them for your freedom. Either you were poorly instructed, deceitfully instructed, or skipped school. Only you know which, but your views are well developed from that elementary level of error.