Evolutionists commonly call I.D. and creation science "religion". And they don't have many kind words to say about either. I.D. is called "religion" merely for claiming a creator is extremely likely to have been involved. Such a claim doesn't meet too many definitions of the term.

Why should I be sensitive about a religion someone doesn't even realize they've been duped into following? Tolerance is one thing, but anything more's just about out of the question. If an evolutionist wants respectful treatment of his religion, let him acknowledge worshiping natural selection and the god of chance-based-upon-one's-own-wishes a.k.a. self. Let him acknowledge that the evobabbler is his high priest/prophet.

Because I'd hate for someone to accuse you of simly blowing hot air when I'm more than certain you can lay down the proof for us right here.
I'm guessing the real reason you'd hate to see someone make a false accusation against me is you'd hate to see the record set straight as it has been on more than one occasion. In this arena, slanderers tend to harm themselves a lot more than they harm others.

But since I'm taking the time to post, here is something we can all laugh at:
ScienceDaily (Jun. 21, 2007) — Scientists at Université du Québec à Montréal have reconstructed the genetic history of a population of mouflons (wild sheep) descended from a single pair. The researchers demonstrated that the animals’ genetic diversity increased over time, contrary to what the usual models predict. These results contradict the belief that a population descended from a small number of individuals will exhibit numerous deficiencies and reduced genetic diversity.
Further on
“We took the DNA from these samples, and looked at specific genetic sites,“ explained Renaud Kaeuffer. “We expected that the genetic diversity of this population of mouflons would be very homogeneous, and that this genetic diversity would decline over time. Instead, we observed the opposite.”

The researchers attribute this increase in genetic variety to natural selection, as the timeframe was too short for this diversity to be attributable to genetic mutation, and the Islands are much too isolated to have undergone migrations. “This variety can be explained by elimination, over the generations, of individuals with low genetic diversity. In small isolated populations, related individuals are likely to reproduce amongst themselves, resulting in inbreeding and homozygotes.
Neither the professional evolutionists conducting the study nor the journalists reporting the story caught this glaring error.

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070309103157.htm is a sister article about the sheep.

Dark Matter + Dark Energy = Dark Truth

"We find that such evidence demonstrates that the ID argument is dependent upon setting a scientifically unreasonable burden of proof for the theory of evolution." - Judge Jones Kitzmiller case

"To Compel A Man To Furnish Funds For The Propagation Of Ideas He Disbelieves And Abhors Is Sinful And Tyrannical." - Thomas Jefferson

"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?" - Thomas Jefferson