Nice dodge. I listed evidence for evolution and even explained what I personally think is most convincing. I chose a simple piece of the puzzle which doesn't even need a link: the fossil record. It shows sorting all around the world. The sorting is constantly tested, with every fossil that is found. Every fossil found in situ shows it. It's up to y'all to give an instance where this is not the case because it would be an extraordinary scientific discovery. Other pieces of evidence for evolution can, and have been, developed in other threads. I also asked SoSick if there was something else she'd rather focus on here, like the (lack of) evidence for a flood, but she has so far been unwilling to do so.

So in reply to my questions about the fossil record, one of you accuses me of abusing my child and the other posts an inane cartoon. Another ringing endorsement for the validity of creation "science" then.