LinearAQ said
That's like someone saying he's a Bible scholar but doesn't understand Paul's explanation of the mechanism of salvation (Roman road). I am sure you would say that he is deluding himself concerning his Bible knowledge.

Considering the fact that Paul aka Saul himself was a bible scholar long before he had a clue about salvation it would hardly be a far fetched notion.

Quite a number of bible scholars are even athiests. Maybe you'd like to share their understanding of salvation with us? oh, you are already doing that, sorry I mentioned it.

What part of my debate is such an insult to you that you must hurl insulting rhetoric in my direction? ... snip..
Or is it that you do understand analogy but cannot control your desire to hurt others? Perhaps you need to work on some of your fruits of the Spirit.

Exactly what part of your debate is true? The part about bible scholars understanding salvation? Get a life. An enormous amount of bible scholarship today tries to prove the bible erroneous or problematic. if you don't care for my response, hurt feeling and tears will not relieve your pain, which btw you earned. Just correcting ya there, sailor.

as for the rest... follow your own advice please.

I said sorry in advance anyway. It's evident you love to toss garbage around. But I can't figure out why you think it's offensive when people clean your garbage up. trash is trash, quit being a litterbug. It's a lot of work being the garbage collector you know. You know... if you are not big enough to at least say thank you for the corrections, you might consider paying us for the task at least. there's always so much to do.