Hi Angelbaby

Yes they sell some different products

1) Humaworm: this is the parasite cleanse I’m talking about and the one I have had good success with. It is a combined parasite, bowel and blood cleanser. You can take this on it’s own. This is what most people start with, its simple, just take 2 capsules before breakfast and two caps before dinner for 30 days…and wham bam thank you ma'am…all cleaned out.


2) They also sell a straight bowel cleanse called “Humacleanse”. This has no parasite killing herbs in it. HUMACLEANSE contains 10g psyllium, 10mg senna, and 10mg cascara sagrada in each daily dose. The added natural laxatives keep things flowing smoothly by helping the body rid itself of toxins and waste. Cascara sagrada stimulates the long muscles along the colon to work in a wave like action. This action helps to loosen the build up so that the psyllium can then trap and remove it entirely. Again you just take some capsules at certain times in the day.

Now….you can take both at the same time if you wish. It gets slightly more tricky because you have to take capsules at breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime….but that is hardly difficult and just a matter of arranging your life appropriately.
Why would you to take them a the same time?….the bowel cleanse will greatly help and speed removal of dead bodies and remove more waste/blocked gunk out of you than just Humaworm alone. I have done everything in every option. I have taken just Humaworm, I have taken just humacleanse and I have taken them both together. Any option is good. I am currently doing Humaworm only, I finished humacleanse on its own about 1 month ago.

The more bowel cleansing I do…the better I get. At first I didn’t even realise the bowel cleansing stuff was having much benefit, but after all the stuff I have tried I have realised that bowel cleansing is very very important and has played a very large part in me getting better. At first I had no idea it was mucoid plaque coming out of me and no idea that was the reason I was getting better. I killed the uninvited guests and removed their home…I got better quickly after that.

After 90 days of bowel cleansing, (that’s 2 x Humaworm and 1 x humacleanse, each is 30 days) I still have mucoid plaque coming out of me, each time it comes out I get a little better. What I’m saying is I was very congested and toxic and cleaning me out has taken a long time.

remember to drink plenty of water on the cleanses and 90 days inbetween parasite clenases. bowel cleansing can be done more frequently....i do humacleanse inbetween parasite cleanses.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
