Yes that's the plan! (liver/lung/kidney cleanses)

Since all of these cleanses will be my first, I plan to take them very slow. I don't want to send myself over the edge. Slow and steady works best for me!

I have been working on improving my health since December '07 and although I have tried numerous things, I can tell I've got a lot of toxins out so far... but I'm FAR from done! Pacing myself has really worked for me. I've had to take things VERY slow!!! In the beginning I was very toxic and super sensitive to everything but the Amalgam Illness book has really put things in perspective for me and reassured me that I wasn't imagining things or going crazy!!! Not to mentions the sound advice from you and others on this forum. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/imnotworthy.gif" alt="" />

The Humaworm/Humacleanse is still going well for me. I did have a rough night, the night before last. I woke up @ 2:00 am with heart palpatations and feeling crappy. I had that bad impending doom feeling again....scary! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dead.gif" alt="" /> I suspect it was either die-off or the mercury backing my system up since I have not been chelating since I began the Humaworm products. I'm hanging in there.... Six more days to go! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/dance.gif" alt="" />

"So great a power is there of the soul upon the body, that whichever way the soul imagines and dreams, thither doth it lead the body." — Agrippa, 1510