Thank you Russ and Laura too. I think without you, CTD and those like you, I'd have given up bothering on here long ago. It also helps to know there are others out there reading this and maybe strengthened by the information given, strengthened in faith too.

Eventually you have to let them go, because they are in such a state of confusion (self deception) that they even go so far as confusing statements, and making wrong accusations, as though other people are so blind, they wont' read the posts themselves, but will instead, take their word for it. Trying to answer them the best way you can is impossible. I cannot always hunt down every quote, that can take a long time. I've done it before. But to those that read and know the bible, I am fully aware they know exactly what i am talking about.
And those better with chapter and verse would have no problems at all pulling them out I'm sure.

Funny thing is, these people here, deny a literal interpretation of the bible, yet the literal interpretation of the beginning adds up to the literal crucifixion and a literal ressurrection, which is the entire point. It's the hope of all Christians (to die and rise again). To deny a literal fall, is to deny a literal sacrifice and resurrection. You can then put Christ's miracles in the same "symbolic" interpreation box, and then eventually, perhaps He Himself is up for "interpreation" too. You can see where this leads. Both beginning and end. depend upon the other and this is why Evolution goes by attempting to destroy or throw doubts on the literal beginnings, so that the rest crumbles. Destroy the foundations and what can the righteous do? Throw doubts on the literal beginning, and Christ Himself is up for the same symbolic interpretation. All things that follow the fall can then be denied as being literal and true, but rather nothing more than a set of story tales that we can do what we want with (including Christ).

Their confusion is theirs to keep. The bible at least is clear and doesn't change according to their whims and fancies. Thank goodness for that. They failed to even get the point of my posts and didn't want to either. So really, leave them to it. Watching them on here at times makes my stomach sick, but I guess I'm unwell and more emotional than I might be otherwise.

Meanwhile, thanks again for your Creation contributions to this forum in the past, present and any in the future that is a great confirmation to many people out there who know that God hasn't lied, doesn't lie, and the events spoken of in the bible, just as Christ's ressurection, were real events. Which means, thankfully, there really is a GOOD NEWS.