
did it take you a longer to write that nonsense or make it up?

I will refrain from calling you a dingbat outright and assume there is a problem somewhere in your understanding of biology and genetics. But between hereditary traits and mating songs I simply sighed and gave up on bothering with the rest.

hope it was fun to write because probably you are the only one who will ever read it over and over again since it's a bunch of crap.

The changing characteristics of hereditary traits are not evolution, my dear. They are the numerous variations of possibilties that our genes carry, without any hint of us ever changing into apes or monkeys or vice versa and et al to any species.

I really don't desire to get involved in this dingbat discussion again anyway.

It's clearly evident that you will do whatever you feel you need to do to deny the existence of God, the creator God. Yet the one thing you will not do is seek God to know that he is real and tha he is our creator.

scardy cat. afraid to ever seek to know if God is real ha ha ha. poor thing wittle waz wit his big ideaz. as yeller as a dandelion.

poor wittle thing afwaid to seek God.

that be about it waz. that be the diagnosis.