Blessings to Bex and everyone 'trying' , as best as we humans possibly can, to 'walk as Jesus, Himself walked'.

You are absolutely right, Bex! I agree 100%, in that we should 'test everything against the Word of God." Yes, all things are subject to Him, the creator of the entire universe!

We can't even fathom the awesomeness of our Great God! For those who truly are interested in understanding our Lord, I recommend reading the book of 'JOB'. That book should greatly humble each one of us.

The answers that God Himself, the Creator of the Universe, gave to Job are astounding! We read "God Challenges Job" in Chapters 38-41. WOW! I must remind myself of these verses often!

The big question? "When did God answer Job's plea?" Please read Chapter 42 verse 10 "When Job prayed for his friends... God gave Job twice as much as he had before." WHOA!

Amazing, isn't it Bex, that this forum was intended for 'Politics/political' discussions, and the Lord is using it for His glory, once again?

You are most kind and helpful, Bex! Thank you for your insight into Scripture. We are all down here on this little planet earth, to "Glorify God"'s not about us, it's all about HIM!
You have a beautiful heart, Bex! Keep shining in this dark world for Jesus! We are to be His 'salt and light', to a dying world. You are doing a marvelous job.
May God's grace, mercy, and love be with you!
Sincerely we press on, in Jesus!
One of His Followers, Abishag <><

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]