5 stars again for outdoing the other creationists here with angry remarks and ignoring what this thread is actually about.

Knowledge does not mean that you cannot twist truth to your favor.

I have never once called a creationist a liar on any forum, yet it seems to be standard practice for creationists to do this to evolutionists here. As I said, if you're going to call anyone a liar, you ought to be prepared to back up the accusation with some evidence. "You're all the same" doesn't count I'm afraid.

So you believe that one sided debates is the way to go when evolution is the one side that ignores the other?

I believe that everyone should be allowed to state their positions within the rules of debate. Personally I believe this should include fair-minded moderation which gives warnings to people for insults and endless posts lacking substance or evidence for anything, but the only rules here appear to be against trolling. I certainly do not support censorship of anyone.

And so you also believe that snide remarks, personal attacks

So you deny that you have ever deleted anyone's posts? Your moniker is an uncommon one but I guess it's possible that there's another creationist Ikester posting on forums.

in order to win a "scientific" debate?

I'm not here to "win" anything. I do find it strange, though, that our two most recent creationist contributors here are so full of anger and venom. This is what I'm seeing, and not statements of your position backed up with evidence which is what would move this discussion on.

Example of categorization: Since you are an evolutionist who basically is anti-creation and anti-God.

I'm sorry if you feel a need to make these assumptions about me. But I'm also not the one who is refusing to engage with evidence presented and saying that I will instead completely ignore posts from any one person. If you want to do that it is of course your choice, but then I wonder what you will be posting in this forum if not evidence for creationism. Lots of insulting remarks about evolutionists maybe?

You're taking RAZD's comments very personally. Maybe you should consider having some time to cool off so that we can all have a rational discussion here. Tirades like this aren't pleasant for anyone. I don't know what got you so worked up before you came here but it doesn't look to me like talking here is going to help you with this.