I believe that it is the failure to recognize this by creationists and/or biblical literalists (if I can coin such a term) that leads them to frequent displays of emotion, avoidance of information and ultimate frustration in these discussions - as is witnessed by numerous such posters here.

If a divine being stood before me now and presented me with a magick tome, instructing me to not only abide by it but also indicated that all truth comes from it and nowhere else and then if I were later to find that evidence before my very eyes contradicted what this .. "entity" .. had written, what choice would I have but to accept the newer, more compelling (not to mention visible) evidence?

Frequent displays of emotion have been expressed on both sides, so not sure what your point is on that one....I guess once again in an attempt to discredit the opposition? Perhaps you feel any display of "emotion" means it's not true? Hmmmm, well I'd think very carefully then about evolution if that's the case. We've seen strong displays of emotion from most on this forum and this is to be expected in any debate. Whether political, religious, scientific, etc etc. So once again, you've failed to make any point except your ongoing need to provoke.

I agree with you on the next paragraph. I would be very careful to take anybody's "word" for it, which is why we're debating on this forum right? All visions require testing also, even if they appear to come from God Himself. Theories also require testing. One needs to have something to test it by, if you do not have that, what do you have? Absolutely nothing. There has to be the truth and what you believe that"truth" is, will be your testing rod. We believe the truth is God's word. The fact you don't agree really makes no difference at all. When I look around me, I see evidence of design, not chance random processes that are responsible for this, as all things are run by laws/order. It is also common sense. I also see the evidence in God's word in my own life, and other people's lives. The events in the bible, I believe to be actual events. You may not, that's your belief, you've chosen not to. Your ideas of evidence, may not be shared by ours.