Hi So Sick ((( Smiles )))

Late last night I read this thread more in full detail..
But it seems like whatever it was came about from a misunderstanding of sorts and then took on a alife of its own..
It's seems some things may have been said in the heat of passion that should not have been said..
Maybe from perceived slights or hurt feelings or a lack of sleep or from being sick..
I have no idea not going to go there..
But I hope whatever it is can be worked out in time..
With a better understanding..
Weither in being tired or frustrated ect..
And I've had my not so good days as well..
I tire out too at times..
I'm not perfect...
It's O.K. to agree or disagree in something..
Thats not a problem here at all..
From what I've read above..

But it does say in 2 Timothy 2:24..
But a slave of (the) Lord ought not to quarrel, but to
be gental towards all. apt to teach forbearing, in meekness
teaching thoses who have opposed,
if perhapes God may give them repenetance for a full knowledge of (the) truth.

But it allso says.. 2 Timothy 2:22 But flee youthfull lusts,
and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, with the (ones)
calling on the Lord out of a pure heart. But refuse the foolish
and uninstructed questionings, knowing they generate quarrels..

And I think that could be true in the frustration of trying to
carry on a conversation with someone who is uninstructed in
the fullness of the message of the Scriptures as well ...
Or the understanding of ect..
In that direction or way..

I think it is the frustration that is showing up here..
Correct me if I'm wrong..
The frustration you say you feel So Sick..
And as you wrote above..
I have already apologized to Russ..
I think thats good for some of the things that may have been
said out of frustration or misunderstanding..
At the time...
But what I'm saying here is..
How are you doing now...
Are you O.K?????
We do care about your wellbeing it has nothing to do with that..

All that I can think of now is..
1 Peter 2:6..
" Behold I lay in Zion an elect, precious stone, a Corner- foundation; and the one believeing in Him shall not be ashamed,
{ Isaiah 28:16 }

1:13 Peter: And who (is) the (one) harmimg you if you become
imitaters of the good? But if you truely suffer because of righteousness, blessed (are you).
But do not fear their fear,
nor be disturbed.
{Isaiah 8:12,13}

Seek peace and pursue it if possible..
That seems to be a good one here right now..
I hope I don't get in trouble here for this...
But I was just concerned about how So Sicks is doing...
As part of the group here...
Misunderstandings happen...
And sometimes frustrations set in as well...
But we can get beyond them..
It can be worked out....
Is it weak to be gental at times...
I don't think it is....
There can be strength in weakness too..
I hope you feel alittle better now..

You Take Care