When the first two human beings sinned and disobeyed God, they brought a curse upon themselves and the entire world. The corruption of the world and deterioration of original genetic perfection, according to the bible, began after the fall

Bex, were you aware that this interpretation of the Bible comes from the historically Platonic philosophy of the church? Plato, a Greek philosopher, taught that we live in a world of forms.

The forms that we see, according to Plato, are not real, but literally mimic the real Forms. In the Allegory of the cave expressed in Republic, the things we ordinarily perceive in the world are characterized as shadows of the real things, which we do not perceive directly. That which the observer understands when he views the mimics are the archetypes of the many types and properties (that is, of universals) of things we see all around us.

The idea here is that everything we experience in this world is a "shadow" of its corresponding, truly pefect Form (which is a kind of universal or archetype unattainable by any one object in the real world). The parallels between this and what you are claiming about the world before the Biblical Fall are self-evident.

You might enjoy learning a bit abot Plato. He was probably the biggest influence on ancient Biblical scholars, including St. Augustine.

Just out of curiosity, what is your speculation about how the ideal world would have worked? If there was no death, would there have been no births either? What is your idea of the "perfect" person? What is "genetic perfection"? What specifically do you think is wrong with the world now and how would it have been different then?