Originally Posted by Jeanie
Mordred: You have put words in my mouth and described my personal beliefs as limited.

Jeanie: Oh...and you haven't indicated as much to me....I guess putting in "not to be condescending....or..."not to be" anything makes it not so.

Again, I'd appreciate a direct quote, preferably with a post number so that this can be verified, and so that I can make sure my words aren't being taken out of context.


No you may not.

J: which tells me what I wanted to know. No problemo...but makes sense. "Not to be offensive......"

It tells you that I am not here to discuss my personal life. You asked where I lived once and I also refused to answer (on that occasion I didn't say no, I just didn't reply). If you ask me what State I'm from and I refuse to reply will you also say 'That tells me what I wanted to know'? I suppose if what you want to know is that I don't yield personal details about myself then, yes, it tells you what you wanted to know.

The fact of the matter is, Jeanie, in every post I've tried to be careful not to offend anyone, yourself included. And on the occasions that it happens I demonstrate a concern for those feelings involved and try to reword what I am saying. You cannot seem to return the favor, nor are you the least bit concerned about my feelings being hurt on this issue. I wonder what your reply would be if I had come to this forum saying I believed in God from the very beginning.

We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands. The loom of time and space works the most astonishing transformations of matter.

Carl Sagan