Well said, Bex. God's laws are for our own health and safety - emotional as well as spiritual and physical. If anyone ever really looked at the way we are made.....to think of how that is perverted or misused - it AIN'T right nor natural. (Throwin' in a little southern twang there). I don't care to get technical, but I know some gay people. I've never seen one who was truly happy.... And it isn't cause others can't accept them. Actually most people are very tolerant around here. Not all by any means. But I did not even intend to get this vein started. I think me and Mordred just rubbed each other the wrong way from the start. And obviously I don't know if he is even gay. I am, probably, going to feel the need to apologize at some point. Or at least get off for a while. Or permanently. I got on my own high horse about how a few creationists were treating the evolutionists for a while, but there is no way most people can just take and take crap without feeling like reacting back. I am generally a pretty patient person, but then to have people like Abishag ALSO sit there and tell me I don't know who Jesus is just cause I think He and God are two separate beings???? Mordred....now that I think about it, part of what I'm reacting to is her - so in doing that, I have actually over reacted to you. So I do, now, apologize.

I'm sorry. I'm very emotional today and, obviously, reactive. Full moon....You know. Star stuff : ) Seriously, though. Please forgive me. Could we maybe start over? I shouldn't have asked the personal question.....

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is." Albert Einstein