Well, CTD, I've lost all remaining respect I had for you.

When you presented a graph of curves jimmied to make the curves appear as straight lines, and I tricked you into revealing the truth, I was "hiding the pea". I have a hunch you're still stinging from that one, and putting me down just doesn't soothe the pain.
The truth is that you did not understand the graph and tried to pretend that you were an authority on the topic when you did not recognize a log-log graph.

Curiously your deception is pointless: the truth "revealed" is still the truth that was presented to you before you showed that you did not understand the graph, so even your pretense accomplishes nothing but a way for you to pretend you are something you aren't.

The fact is that you are a fraud.

No it ain't. Even if it were true, it wouldn't suffice.

Say for example I claim the night is darker than the day, and you claim the day is darker than the night. Say I'm 3 years old and don't know why. Do you really think this makes me wrong, and you right? Get real!
Except that I expected you to have an argument based on fact and not fantasy. I expected you to behave more like an adult than a 3 year old.

My mistake.

I see nothing else you say that is worth the time to reply, it's just more of the old avoid, misrepresent and hide from reality typical CTD posting.

You can't admit when you are wrong, and sadly you are wrong often and repeatedly.


we are limited in our ability to understand
... by our ability to understand
Rebel American Zen Deist
- to learn - to think - to live - to laugh
... to share.