Hi Shawn,

I have bad stomach problems and have had blood in my stools in the past. I was told that it was due to my IBS, poor digestion and severe constipation. It could also be hemmroids. I have recently been eating healthier, drinking filterd water and doing colonics. This has helped me a great deal thus far and I plan to continue this until I don't feel as toxic as I have been lately. I am 7 months post removal and I have been doing dry brushing, taking clay baths, walking, parasite cleansing and bowel cleansing, as well as my daily supplements. Somedays I get to feeling better and then I have a set back. It's like two steps forward 1 step back but I can feel myself getting stronger and I plan to continue my regimen until I feel healed. Overall, I am on doing much better. I hope you get to feeling better real soon.

"So great a power is there of the soul upon the body, that whichever way the soul imagines and dreams, thither doth it lead the body." — Agrippa, 1510