Originally Posted by Jeanie
You have unbelievable arrogance. Perhaps it actually masks something down deep, though. You repeated the above statement more than once however, so why the backtracking?? Now you claim playing with Linear? IMO he is many times the Christian you are even if there are issues he may be struggling with in Christianity. They are more within society than within the Gospel from what I can see. Even if you are "just" playing with him, why? You really think you can gang up on bullying him to "help" him??? I don't believe this is how Christ would or does operate.

I am not 'bullying' Linear. And the fact that he plays with everyone in his posts, making the same repeated assertions and assumptions over and over allows me to play with him in my responses.

As far as you are concerned, you are arguing for the sake of arguing. You flail around making accusations but you rarely address any questions directed to you.

I asked you only one question in my post above Jeanie, one question.. and that was, how do you balance your proclaimed lifestyle with your contrite LDS dogma? You can read the question above in it's complete context. Is it too difficult for you to answer one question?

You may think I am arrogant but your opinions have become totally unsubstantiated and irrelevant by now because of your refusal to address any questions directed toward yourself in a serious manner. You do not discuss things, you just like to argue, make accusations and insult people. That in itself is the definition of arrogance... you are apparently.. too good and above and beyond bothering to take anyone's questions seriously... too good and above and beyond ever looking at your own problems or inconsistencies... you treat everyone as though they are stupid simply for asking you questions and you use each and every opportunity a question is asked of you to fling your insults and name calling instead.. without ever addressing the inquiries. Is this just your brand of arrogant mormonism or is this how mormonism is taught everywhere?

Now you have 2 questions to address, the one above that you ignored and the new one I just asked. You can choose to respond to my post(s) or you can choose to simply respond again only with insults and name calling for the sake of your beloved desire to argue. My bet is that you do not answer the questions but call me names instead. anyone else want to wager?