And any method of selection that preserves the one and eliminates the rest adds beneficial mutations to the hereditary lineage of the organisms. After 1,000,000 generations of such selection you have 1,000,000 beneficial mutations. Biology has been doing this mathematical computation for 3.5 billion years in billions of species populations and trillions of generations.

Your mistake (and thereby your misunderstanding) lies in this:

How does a species survive after 1,000,000,000,000 harmful mutations?

Do you really think that a minuscule 1,000,000 beneficial mutations (a very generous number indeed) will produce something highly ordered in light of the sheer number of harmful ones?

Of course you do. You call it "natural selection".

OK, so where are all these harmfully-mutated fossils?

Evolution does not say...that the eye (or any other feature, such as "Hands, feet, lungs, arms, legs, ligaments, arteries, muscles, joints and cartilage, finger nails, tendons, bones, ears, nerves, hair, etc., etc., etc.") forms all at once, or whole, but develops over time from earlier simpler versions by the process of accumulating beneficial mutations by selection

First, the context is symmetry, that is: How do all of these parts form perfect mirror images of each other?

Secondly, if "unfinished" parts were formed (already mathematically absurd), they would not be considered beneficial until the entire component was finished. Therefore, they would hinder (not help) the organism and that organism would be "selected out" before anything complex could form.

Strangely, if the eye were developed all at once, there would be no excuse for the backward facing retina in mammals (versus octopus)

Actually, Kent Hovind deals with this very issue in his excellent video:

Lies In the Textbooks

In fact, it's not an issue at all. It a necessary design feature.

Have a look.

You've already demonstrated that RussTolution is ridiculous, and we agree with you. Curious that you keep going on about a dead horse, rather than move on to reality.

Curious that what you're calling RussTolution was taught in schools the world over up until the past couple years, that is, until they began backstepping.

Have a look:

Redefining Evolution: The Great Retreat Begins

At the very least, this is dishonest. In all reality, it is pure fraud.

And what is the purpose for such widespread fraud?

Because, as I have said:

Evolution is a social control. If you believe it, you are controlled.

Have a look:

Evolution Solves All Kinds of Problems

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