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What would you do? bottom line please #43459
10/11/08 12:03 AM
10/11/08 12:03 AM
katson  Offline OP
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I am a poverty stricken, w/chair bound (5 yrs) x-realtor who had 12 amalgams/root canals removed 10 months ago. I've been disabled and on disability since'97. trying to keep myself alive on next to zip, live alone...tried over the years to get real help, only to be told possible ms '84 secondary ms '97 als 2003 fibro,cfs, etc,etc dx's always correlated to additional amalgam placements. I was too out of it to figure it out until 1 yr walked away frustrated years ago. (I really was crazy I think)Now I want to chelate but don't want to starve while doing it..would like to start with algin or maybe modiflan?.I'm in Canada. kathy

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43471
10/11/08 12:40 AM
10/11/08 12:40 AM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Kathy,

I am sorry to hear of this, it's tragic and I really hope we can help you a little on this forum.

If it were me? I'd spend no money on any foods containing sugar and wheat/gluten. I'd knock those out for starters, as they are toxic and can interfere with your body's ability to cope with mercury as well as detox it. Sugar will suppress your immune system, feed yeast and cause all manner of problems. Wheat (contains mercury as a fungicide) and has gluten (which can cause illness). I would eliminate coffee also and reduce milk intake. It depends on how well you do with natural sugars/high carbs. You maybe ok with fruit, but I'd keep it limited and concentrate on proteins in meats, yoghurt (sugar free), eggs. So I'd start by knocking a few unnecessaries/baddies off the list.

If you can eliminate the bad? You'll still do yourself a big favour because your body has more chance to deal with the other problems and heal better. You may feel worse at first, as just eliminating those can cause a detox reaction.

Next? That is tough because you need to chelate the poison out of you. I hesitate to recommend some things, because I know mercury can be mobilised easily and make symptoms worse, but you really are stuck and I cannot recommend medical chelators, they are very expensive.

Believe it or not, natural Butter is recommended by Hal Huggins as a natural agent for mercury. Not only is it good for you but apparently naturally chelates mercury. Though I have issues believing that side of it, I know it does the body good. Unfortunately we know how expensive dairy food is, so not sure how well you can do with that.

Garlic is another one that may help you or it may make you feel worse. It apparently can help chelate/mobilise metals, but it is more of a mobiliser, so you would need to be careful because you do not wish to bounce mercury too much around, it can go into more sensitive areas. Garlic apparently changes the form of mercury into 'salts' (or something) which can more easily be eliminated by the body. It is recommended by a dentist here for his mercury toxic patients. Crushed garlic is as good as any and you can mix it with stir fry or anything. However, if you find it causes too many symptoms? Then you may need to leave it off the list. it's high in sulfur and some mercury people find their symptoms worsen too much with high sulfur foods. But some claim it helps them and feel it also helps detox.

Some people think cilantro is helpful, but it can also pass the blood brain barrier and may not be a wise move. Some do well, some do not. Be careful with this.

Algin is apparently very helpful if a person has mercury where the algin can soak up. But it's not a chelating agent. It can help with symptoms though and you may find it useful.

Your budget is very limited, so I would really work on changing your diet (if you haven't already) and concentrate on building yourself up. Good things to eat are meat, eggs (free range if possible), yoghurt (acidophilus), raw nuts/seeds, vegetables and maybe if you can limited fruit and non wheat, non gluten grain. Avoid yeast too if you have candida. I know this too costs money. So you maybe limited in what good foods you can buy. Just be aware of the damage of the bad ones.

Candida is a big problem with mercury toxic people and some wind up suffering more from candida than mercury, even if the mercury is the cause of candida. You might want to do a search on candida symptoms on the net. You maybe suffering this also.

I'm sorry I'm not much help. I'm really trying to find things you CAN do, without actually breaking you financially.....

If you really want to do a tried, tested and logical chelation programme? And you cannot afford the medical chelators? Then you could be a candidate for using alpha lipoic acid. It is an antioxidant and removes mercury from organs, which is what you really want. This is apparently THE one to use and you can use it alone. BUT, it must NOT be used too early on after recent mercury exposure or amalgam removal, or it may take more mercury into the brain. You need to use it 3 months or more post exposure. Becuase during those first 3 months, the blood levels of mercury reduce. Then you can add ALA to start chelating the organs.

It needs to be used at very low doses, every 3 hours (around the clock, so you need to wake during the night unfortunately. You maybe able to extend it to every 4 hours during sleep, but go back to every 3 during the day. The reason for the frequent dose is to keep the levels of ALA (alpha lipioc acid) even in the blood stream. This means that it reduces mercury redistribution (reduces it bouncing into worse areas, brain being one of them). You keep the movement of mercury more stable, even and safe and the removal more efficient.

You can do this for 3 days straight and then take a break of 3 days or more and repeat the procedure over and over. You do this until you are well. This may take months. This is an option for you if you can afford to get alpha lipoic acid. You can get it online, in healthfood shops or chemists. If you can get a low dose? Do so. Get the lowest dose you can find. if the lowest is still high? You may need to split the doses for yourself.

You would be wise not to start with a very low dose - e.g. 12.5 mg (half a 25 mg capsule/tablet). Some maybe get away with more, some may need to start with less. Depends how poisoned and sensitive you are.

Again this depends whether you can afford this also. People who are financially tight, need to have a grass-roots option for chelation and it should not have to break them financially, as much as they are already broken physically. It's unfair that people have to pay so much to fix what has been done to them by the dental profession.

At any rate, I hope that maybe you can do something at least in the meantime.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43499
10/11/08 03:47 AM
10/11/08 03:47 AM
katson  Offline OP
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thx Bex, I have reduced my diet to pretty much what you wrote as well as brown rice for the last 9 months... I also take bentonite clay when I can chlorella B vits and c Have taken iodoral for 1 year...I WAS ALMOST DEAD when I found the curezone iodine group...Believe it or not I am much better..(my thyroid, adrenals, kidneys etc had all but shut completely bowel/bladder cntrl, couldn't breathe/swallow, or see, write.Now on a good day I can write my name!I also have been doing a daily injection of thiamine 400 ml and liver extract twice weekly (brenner protocol) so you can see why I'm tapped out..all these things have cleared the way for the mercury poisoning to be very obvious...I just went thru a dump (mercury) I was told my eyes were weird and huge pupils etc (along with diarreah) so the merc dump ended today and so did all the toxicity symptoms. I do have some ala but I'm scared to try it just yet....what do you think of the algin? Where would I buy it? thanx so much , kathy

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43500
10/11/08 04:02 AM
10/11/08 04:02 AM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Kathy, congrats on doing so much already. So glad the iodine forum helped you! Are you taking iodine and in what form if you don't mind me asking.

You can get the algin on this forum. You can see the adverts for the products on the left side of the forum. But here is the link straight to the algin:

It may well help you with symptoms, if you are nervous to try ALA at this stage. Vitamin E, Vitamin C and selenium are good general basic antioxidants that along with the iodine should also help and support you. Magnesium also. When I was very mercury toxic, they helped me a great deal. If you can afford them, get good quality ones - a vitamin C powder with the bioflavanoids and natural vitamin E.

You are 10 months post amalgam removal and you are fine to use ALA if you wish. If you use it according to Andrew Cutler's protocol, you should be fine. Don't forget, you can start on very low doses. The key is to take it frequently (every 3 hours). if you happen to miss a dose or you're very late for one (over an hour late), then you may have to stop the round, wait a few days and start again, rather than risk redistribution.

However, perhaps you could try the algin first and see how things go and you could also take algin whilst you do ALA if you wish to do ALA later on. It may help pick up any mercury that ALA may not get in the digestive tract.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43502
10/11/08 04:54 AM
10/11/08 04:54 AM
katson  Offline OP
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Bex, I take iodoral which has both iodine and iodide..definitely owe being able to think again to this..I do take mag and E, have run out of selenium for now. will get more when I can. I wonder if I can get algin at a local health food store? Or something with algin in it. Have no access to visa/MC.Thanks for the link and info...really appreciate it. It's no fun being on the wrong side of this mass genocide plan!! kathy

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43505
10/11/08 07:38 AM
10/11/08 07:38 AM
angelbaby26  Offline
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Hi Kathy,

Welcome to the forum! I am almost 9 months post amalgam removal and have tried various supplements to get the mercury out. I have used Modiflan. It has helped me a great deal. It does not give me side effects which is a big plus for me. I have also used Extreme Health USA (Detox Toxic Heavy Metals) This is a a two step formula which is are Vegetarian Dietary Supplements. The first one I take in the AM is called Oral Chelation II, the second I take in the PM is called Age Less II. They are sold in one box and meant to be taken together. They contain Chlorella, Cilantro Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid as well as Iodine, Magnesium, Garlic and various other ingredients. Here are the links to both Modiflan and Extreme Health Oral Chelation for metals:

Bex has also given you some great advice. It's very important to control your diet which you say you have already been doing. That will definitely help. What has also helped me immensely is clay detox baths, colon hydrotherapy and parasite cleanses/zapping. All of these things do definitely add up but I've had to do one thing at a time to get where I am today. I do feel a lot better but it just takes time, patience and perseverance. If something doesn't work for me I move on and try the next. Best wishes to you. I hope you get to feeling better soon. There is a great deal of good information on this forum and it will sure help guide you to take the best route to regain your heath. Happy healing.


"So great a power is there of the soul upon the body, that whichever way the soul imagines and dreams, thither doth it lead the body." — Agrippa, 1510
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: angelbaby26] #43543
10/11/08 07:08 PM
10/11/08 07:08 PM
katson  Offline OP
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thx Angel for your experience/info..I was told this is a great forum. I definitely agree. I take clay internally as I couldn't get in and out of tub myself for the last few years. I am at a point now that I feel I want to try (altho fear slows me down a little lol)I also have severe heat intolerance. I have done clay foot baths successfully when energy permits, so may continue doing that for awhile. Thanks for the links! kathy

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43546
10/11/08 07:38 PM
10/11/08 07:38 PM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Kathy,

You should be able to get algin at a healthfood shop. You should try phoning around and see if you can get them to order some from Nature's Sunshine brand if possible, since it's supposed to be a reliable quality source. Find out who sells Nature's Sunshine products and go from there if you can.

I would be careful of using products that contain alpha lipoic acid, cilantro etc and taking them randomly, since they can cause problems and may cause mercury to be moved into worse areas. The safest way to use ALA is the Cutler way in my opinion. He has dealt with a few people irreversibly worsened by using ALA the wrong way. I have used a product before which contained ALA and didn't realise it and so I took it as a normal supplement. I was very very ill. I had symptoms of major redistribution and didn't know why. I found out when I looked at the ingredients! I had to then use Cutler's protocol with DMSA to help correct the reaction. It worked, thankfully.

If you can take ALA the right way at this stage, you may find you're doing yourself a big favour. however, if you feel nervous a bit to do it yet, then let us know how the algin goes for you. You may even find you could get away with some garlic, though it varies from person to person. The food version appears to be the safer. Supplement garlic caused me horrific redistribution twice when I used it and the toxins migrated straight into the gut area. This didn't occur with the food....odd eh? Though I realise that's an extreme unusual reaction and one I believe is more related to my condition (virus/infection) than anything else.

I hope you can find something that helps you. Vitamin C is essential in my opinion. That is one of the first and most effective supplements in my mercury toxic journey. A quality powdered one with bioflavonoids. I recommend it highly!


Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43551
10/11/08 08:52 PM
10/11/08 08:52 PM
katson  Offline OP
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thx Bex, the reason I'm gun shy about ala I think, is that before I realized about the amalgams and how badly I was poisoned, a naturopath put me on 250 mg/day dmsa (it wasn't pretty) saying "oh sure it's fine cause I even give this dosage to autistic kids" I've learned better, a very expensive lesson! Paying alot of money just for the visit, one at least would expect a minimal amount of 'expertise' ?

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43552
10/11/08 09:03 PM
10/11/08 09:03 PM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Kathy, that dose and dosed in isolation would have killed me! I took only one isolated dose - 50 mg of DMSA and was thrown into a psychotic mess.

Yet, I could take one 50 mg dose of DMSA every 4 hours and I was ok. I did get detox symptoms, but because of the frequent dosing, the mercury movement was kept even and consistent and the symptoms tolerable.

Even natural methods would throw me into almost psychotic states, so it's not DMSA itself, it's the mercury that's the problem and the movement of it.

ALA isn't the issue, but it's how it's used that might be. It's also WHEN it's used. So you may get just as bad symptoms from using chlorella or cilantro. They can all potentially cause them. It's what you use, when you use it, how you use it that seems to make the difference.

Take it from someone who was very poisoned, very sensitive and would go into psychotic rages many times when trying to detox mercury. Andrew Cutler's protocol was the only one that kept things stable and started getting me well safer and faster. But admittedly some people may get away with what we've mentioned here and even do very well on it. I'd personally opt for one that has been tried and tested and done well for most people.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43558
10/11/08 10:41 PM
10/11/08 10:41 PM
katson  Offline OP
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thx've made me feel more optimistic! Also I believe The merc is in my spine and causing spasming etc. seems to have it's own mind...I will be mobile enough to get out of bed to a sitting position at times and the next attempt I will be in full spasm/paralysis, legs bolt straight and rigid! It doesn't seem to be triggered by anything at all. I've come to believe it's just movement of merc in the spinal need to clear this...if I could reach my own spine I would even try clay directly on it. any ideas?

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43563
10/12/08 02:01 AM
10/12/08 02:01 AM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Kath,

i'm glad I gave you a bit more confidence about it. there have been cures by the way of people with MS (in wheel chairs) and all. It is VERY possible/probable the mercury is in your spine and mercury causes tremors/spasms, all those things.

Well, ALA should get the mercury out of the central nervous system. So does cilantro apparently, but andy does not know how to use cilantro to recommend a protocol. So he sticks with ALA, unless a person does not like ALA and responds well to cilantro.

You need chelation that chelates brain/organ/nervous system mercury and these two appear to be the ones to do this. I don't think much else is that effective to really pull it out of there, but some mobilising agents might, but there is a risk when using them because they may not grip the mercury strongly enough to hold onto it long enough to get it out.

I'm not sure how strong clay would be to draw mercury out of there. Since you'd need something to really penetrate the spine/nervous system and brain too I think. the brain is the control centre is often physical disabilities can be brain mercury. ALA and cilantro both get at brain mercury also. Connective tissue/nervous system etc.

If I was you? I'd give the algin a go, bring vitamin C onboard if you can to add to the vitamin E and selenium and get mercury free fish oil. Try the clay and see how you go with those. Then i'd seriously consider ALA chelation at nice low frequent doses. You can have it as low as you wish. Even 6 mg if necessary. If you're nervous about reactions.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43566
10/12/08 05:09 AM
10/12/08 05:09 AM
katson  Offline OP
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thx again Bex..I'm going to start maybe 30mg ala/every 3 hrs /for 3 days as soon as I get the algin. I did try cilantro stirred up brain merc alright! Low dose ala sounds more 'controlable' We'll see....(God hates a coward) Will let you know how it goes. Thanks so much for the input. appreciate it more than I can say....kathy

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43568
10/12/08 06:42 AM
10/12/08 06:42 AM
Bex  Offline
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You're welcome Kathy. 30 mg of ALA maybe too high to start, be careful. It's powerful stuff. Depends on how high the dosage you have, as I know splitting it up can be annoying. I'd personally start on half of that or less. But it's up to you. Even more important is to stick to the every 3 hour dosage. So crucial is this, that even a late dose maybe risky. E.g. a dose over an hour may not be worth taking and the round should probably end, with a few days break before trying again. Redistribution is a very real risk and I have had enough painful experiences to know how important it is not to take unnecessary risks. Though it is annoying to wake up during the night to take the doses, it's a minor inconvenience when compared to the pain of redistribution. Also, you can extend it to every 4 hours during the night (but go back to 3 during the day) if you really need more sleep. But some people may get too many symptoms even from that and may have to go back to every 3 during the night.

Yeah Cilantro may need something to grab onto what it pulls out. I personally felt it stirred things up to much when I took it, which emphasizes why Cutler's protocol is done the way it is. But it does show that it caused symptoms in you, which is a good sign.

Even the algin may create symptoms and/or help them. You never know which way it'll go. perhaps you could try algin before ALA so you know what is doing what. Otherwise if you take both, you won't know which one is responsible. But it's up to you. Depends, as some say algin stirs up their symptoms and others feel it's making them feel better.

I think you're wise being cautious. I'd not consider that cowardly at all, not when you're dealing with this stuff. Mercury is evil. I know what it's like to have it stirred up and you feel like you'll go crazy. Definitely start with low doses of any chelating agent. ALA is very strong and you'll soon know if you have significant organ burden of mercury after taking it.

Take care!

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43746
10/18/08 07:18 PM
10/18/08 07:18 PM
katson  Offline OP
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Hi Bex, I'm on my 2nd day using 25mg (give or take) ala..thought I'd start with this and use chlorella to help escort it out until I find algin. I've stuck with every 3 hrs so far except was 1/2 hr late once. Can hardly wait for tmrw to be over. Hardly have time or interest for food. Also 'Diarreah is full force. Do feel a little 'clearer' than I did! any comments would be welcome. kathy

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43788
10/20/08 02:32 AM
10/20/08 02:32 AM
katson  Offline OP
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Hi, I blew it and slept 11/2 hrs past my 12pm dose so stopped. I will resume in 2 days? I can say that I sure felt better on than off the ala (even without the food! Has anyone ever stayed on ala continuously? thx, k

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43795
10/20/08 09:40 AM
10/20/08 09:40 AM
gdawson6  Offline
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You can stay on ALA longer than 3 days...Andy has said this himself...and it can even be better if you are feeling good...its when the symptoms start piling up that you know you should stop soon. You still need to take breaks at some points as it prevents you from excreting copper and zinc properly.

I would wait maybe 3 days to to give it a little time after stopping.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: gdawson6] #43796
10/20/08 10:14 AM
10/20/08 10:14 AM
jinx1983  Offline
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katson dont take chlorella with ala!!!

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: jinx1983] #43806
10/20/08 03:17 PM
10/20/08 03:17 PM
Birdlady  Offline
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I know you are very short on cash. There is one thing that I bought which made detoxing SOO much easier. And that was a timer. Setting an alarm clock doesn't work. You need something that resets itself automatically for 3-4 hours with a touch of 1 button.

This is the timer I bought off of amazon for $15. I'd recommend it for EVERYONE doing the frequent dose detox. That way you're not constantly checking the time like crazy.

I actually wrote about it on my blog, so here's the link to it.

I also wouldn't take chlorella. Save your money. I know some people even on here will disagree with this, but it really doesn't bind to mercury like all of these websites claim. All it will do is stir mercury up without pulling out of the body. This will cause you to have more symptoms and feel terrible more often.

Chlorella is not a substitute for algin.

Last edited by Birdlady; 10/20/08 03:20 PM.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #43815
10/20/08 05:26 PM
10/20/08 05:26 PM
katson  Offline OP
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Thanks so much for the direction! The most frightening aspect of this hell is watching my body and brain betray itself. All of your input is absolutely priceless to me.I stopped the chlorella and am phoning around to find algin.Will buy a timer and give it three days before resuming the ala. Again, thank you all for your help! kathy

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43818
10/20/08 06:33 PM
10/20/08 06:33 PM
jinx1983  Offline
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ktason it's not just as birdlady says that chlorella doesnt bind to emrcury as well as ala, what's even mroe important is that chlorella is a sulphut food that will mobilise mercury and increase its concentration in the bloodstream and once u will take ala you will open this extra stirred up mercury a way to your nervous system, which u dont want as i've read if i'm not mistaken that u have a neurological problem. please familiarise yourself carefully with the cutler protocole.

ps. i know what u mean about the body and esp brain betraying themselves. stay strong kat

Last edited by jinx1983; 10/20/08 06:35 PM.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43820
10/20/08 08:16 PM
10/20/08 08:16 PM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Katson, don't worry I've done that many times and so has everybody I know. You can get away with about an hour over time, but beyond that it gets riskier. So I think you did the right thing.

Yeah, I think 2 days is probably enough time to wait.

ALA should not be taken continuously like this full-time because apparently it increases the intake of copper and something else. Plus the stress of chelation and broken sleep. the body needs breaks to recuperate.

The longest you can stay on it apparently is about 2 weeks. If you really want to do that, I'd probably try a week first and see how you go. The largest dose I think is about 200-300 mg. I'd stick with low dose until you can safely increase a bit as you tolerate it. Many start of as low as 6 mg - 12.5 mg.

I agree with Jinx. If you're going to do the Cutler protocol, then I would not start mixing stuff with it that Andy has warned against. High sulfur foods, chlorella, garlic, NAC, MSM etc have the power to move mercury around and quite wildly. For some, they may respond well to sulfur, others can be quite devastated by it because of its affinity with mercury. It doesn't tend to grip tightly onto mercury and lets it go and can drop it anywhere. Lots of things can redistribute mercury and a certain amount of this is unavoidable, but I'd be careful.

Familiarise yourself with this link here. Contains some valuable information and in a nutshell too!

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43834
10/21/08 12:49 AM
10/21/08 12:49 AM
katson  Offline OP
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thx it's been 11/2 days off of it and I can't tell you howweird/awful I taking 10 steps backward! can barely type this. I keep thinking I want to visit the S.O.B. dentist who did this..there'll be a special hot place in hell for these people...

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #43842
10/21/08 02:03 AM
10/21/08 02:03 AM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Katson, it can do that. It can also make you feel worse ON round sometims too and better off or the other way around. The mercury is still being moved, even after you stop and it's being reabsorbed again. Some has been removed, the rest is reabsorbed again until the next round, which is probably why you are feeling ill.

Thing about chelation the way Andy does it is, it can actually make you feel better during it, because the chelator is constant in the blood stream and is continually grabbing mercury. So you can actually feel a relief of symptoms (though not always). Then you stop and that still moving mercury is left and of course it circulates and gets reabsorbed.

As you are healing, you will always feel like you're going backwards, especally with mercury. It used to do that with me and I find it despairing. Just when you think you got rid of a bit, more surfaces and the entire thing starts again. That's how much of the stuff is probably stored deep in tissues that needs to come out.

Yes, my anger at dentists and what they have done to me has been at times terrible. I'm not sure how many of them are to blame and how many have been brain washed into believing it's "ok". I find now however that there is little excuse considering the publicity, so when I see a dentist today who still uses mercury, I am pretty digusted to say the least. Surely they would be interested and concerned enough to look into the matter on both sides and err on the side of caution regarding a known neuotoxin?

More and more people are finding out though and it's slow, but it's happening. Biologic dentists are on the increase as more people are more health conscience and aware of mercury dangers in amalgam.

Keep on with your ALA Katson! Get that poison out of you (in a safe way of course ;)). You have my sympathy and empathy, as i know exactly what it's like firsthand and the agony too of detoxing/healing from it. Painful stuff. Andy refers to it as "tremendous suffering". He's correct. At times the sufferings from it are almost unspeakable. You can't really convey it or put them into words.

Take care!

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43852
10/21/08 04:47 AM
10/21/08 04:47 AM
Birdlady  Offline
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The dentist who did this to me is a family friend! The dentist prior to that is dead... The only reason why I don't get mad at him is because he is exposing himself to mercury EVERY day he works. It's affecting his health, his receptionist's health, and his dental assistant's health! I have thought about writing a letter to him, but I truly think it would be a waste of my time. These dentists are brainwashed.

The dentist I went to to have them removed is a very open minded person. Early in his dental career he bought the lie that the amalgams were safe too. That's what they preach in dental school. Then one day he started to do research and it led him to completely ban mercury in his practice. He told me that they had to call a hazard material waste service to take it away...LOL That takes a lot of guts to do. He had to admit to himself that he poisoned patients! I can't imagine what they would do to someone's subconscious.

A lot of these doctors have their pride at stake. This is more important to them than their patients. So that is why they won't listen to you or even attempt to look into things. They would have to admit to themselves what they were doing was dangerous and perhaps even fatal!

The dentist who put these amalgams in my mouth thought he was helping. He did, in fact, help me at the time. My teeth were really bad. However, about a year after all of this dental work is when my health went downhill FAST. As much as I want to point the finger, it is as much as my fault as his. I should have looked into it further.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #43872
10/21/08 10:44 PM
10/21/08 10:44 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Birdlady
I know you are very short on cash. There is one thing that I bought which made detoxing SOO much easier. And that was a timer. Setting an alarm clock doesn't work. You need something that resets itself automatically for 3-4 hours with a touch of 1 button.

This is the timer I bought off of amazon for $15. I'd recommend it for EVERYONE doing the frequent dose detox. That way you're not constantly checking the time like crazy.

I actually wrote about it on my blog, so here's the link to it.

I also wouldn't take chlorella. Save your money. I know some people even on here will disagree with this, but it really doesn't bind to mercury like all of these websites claim. All it will do is stir mercury up without pulling out of the body. This will cause you to have more symptoms and feel terrible more often.

Chlorella is not a substitute for algin.
Honestly I can see what you are saying Birdlady, but I did not feel terrible more often or have more symptoms on Chlorella for some reason, I just felt better overall as a matter of fact! I was healthier taking it, maybe I didn't have that much Mercury in me from that tooth and that wasn't the main problems and Candida was (Chlorella helps with that in the gut)? I got my tooth out and the dentist told me to take it, and I did improve and feel better over the years, but mainly when I had CANDIDA DOWN! That seemed to be the key. How did Chlorella effect me like this but do more damage? Did it do more damage? I felt better, thats the only thing I can go by.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #43873
10/21/08 10:58 PM
10/21/08 10:58 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Birdlady
The dentist who did this to me is a family friend! The dentist prior to that is dead... The only reason why I don't get mad at him is because he is exposing himself to mercury EVERY day he works. It's affecting his health, his receptionist's health, and his dental assistant's health! I have thought about writing a letter to him, but I truly think it would be a waste of my time. These dentists are brainwashed.

The dentist I went to to have them removed is a very open minded person. Early in his dental career he bought the lie that the amalgams were safe too. That's what they preach in dental school. Then one day he started to do research and it led him to completely ban mercury in his practice. He told me that they had to call a hazard material waste service to take it away...LOL That takes a lot of guts to do. He had to admit to himself that he poisoned patients! I can't imagine what they would do to someone's subconscious.

A lot of these doctors have their pride at stake. This is more important to them than their patients. So that is why they won't listen to you or even attempt to look into things. They would have to admit to themselves what they were doing was dangerous and perhaps even fatal!

The dentist who put these amalgams in my mouth thought he was helping. He did, in fact, help me at the time. My teeth were really bad. However, about a year after all of this dental work is when my health went downhill FAST. As much as I want to point the finger, it is as much as my fault as his. I should have looked into it further.
Birdlady I would say they are braindead! Literally from the Mercury they deal with everyday. I read dentist have a higher suicide rate than many? Thats a fact but I forget where I read it at, google it lol. I bet if they knew what they were doing and what they have done to others then some would not be able to live with themselves, it would make them feel horrible and in reality killers. If they know and deny it then they are guilty, if they don't know and are brainwashed then God might forgive them (Thats not up to me). Read up on the suicide rates though from Dentists, they kill themselves with this stuff, literally! I wonder why THAT is NEVER on the news? MOney, it's that simple, the root of ALL EVILS in this world. I wonder how it feels to sell you soul for riches, temporary comfort on Earth is not worth a SPOT in hell IMO.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #43917
10/22/08 09:23 PM
10/22/08 09:23 PM
Birdlady  Offline
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I also read that dentists had high suicide rates, but when I went to look it up there is no real evidence of this. It's one of those things that just gets repeated over and over again until it becomes "common knowledge".

I know that dental assistants have higher rates of autoimmune disorders (crohn's, fibromyalgia, lupus etc) than the regular population. That in itself is quite interesting.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #43918
10/22/08 10:41 PM
10/22/08 10:41 PM
Bex  Offline
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If they're breathing in toxic mercury everyday, then it's no surprise that a few would suffer mental symptoms and one of them is suicidal thoughts and many people who have mercury poisoning are afflicted with such thoughts and some even go through with it. It's a sad thing, but that's what this toxin can do. Dr Hal Huggins talks about it.

And a higher amount of birth/reproductive problems in dental assistants too and dental nurses apparently. Which is why, by law, in some areas it is required for a sign to be put up warning against the effects of mercury on pregnancies (and I think reproductive effects).

I would never work around mercury. I can't even walk into an office without becoming more poisoned.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #43921
10/22/08 11:47 PM
10/22/08 11:47 PM
Birdlady  Offline
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Think about how many women dentists are exposed to mercury vapors for years and then decide to have children. All of the toxins in her body gets transferred to the baby through the placenta! I bet that baby would be born with an unusually high mercury blood level.

I can't remember the exact number right now, but the number of babies being born with a mercury blood level above what's "acceptable" is rising each year. This makes me wonder if that's the reason why some children can take the 20+ vaccinations and be OK. Whereas another baby takes those same shots and gets diagnosed with "autism". I have to wonder if they were simply exposed to metals in the womb.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44005
10/24/08 01:39 AM
10/24/08 01:39 AM
katson  Offline OP
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Hi Birdlady, Read your 'Nightmare' story..hit home for me. I too have adrenal/thyroid stuff, I take cortef (low dose) and florinef. Funny how all adrenal/thyroid tests read normal eh. It gave me a little energy/strength so I'm scared to go off it.

Bex, I wanted to start 2nd round today but have to wait for anyone with transportation to beg them to find the timer for me. I am sooo not used to being totally helpless and dependant on the charity and timetable of others.Don't some people have family for this? lol

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44052
10/24/08 07:22 PM
10/24/08 07:22 PM
katson  Offline OP
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I gratefully stand corrected! My older sister dropped in just now with a TIMER! I will start the ala as soon as it goes off! (just making sure it works correctly first) I am soo happy/relieved.Next the algin....a good day to all, kathy

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44067
10/25/08 01:25 AM
10/25/08 01:25 AM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by katson
Hi Birdlady, Read your 'Nightmare' story..hit home for me. I too have adrenal/thyroid stuff, I take cortef (low dose) and florinef. Funny how all adrenal/thyroid tests read normal eh. It gave me a little energy/strength so I'm scared to go off it.

Bex, I wanted to start 2nd round today but have to wait for anyone with transportation to beg them to find the timer for me. I am sooo not used to being totally helpless and dependant on the charity and timetable of others.Don't some people have family for this? lol
My idiot Doctor in 04, yeah your Temp is low but you dont have a thyroid problem I guarantee you thats now your problem from this test, well I take Iodine or Kelp and my temp rises and I tolerate cold better for a year after that, guess that was not my problem huh wink Doctors sucks, period.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44080
10/25/08 06:01 AM
10/25/08 06:01 AM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Katson, so glad you got a timer! I have been very lucky that a relative of mine was often my arms/legs when I was very ill and unable to get around as much. So yes, I have found family a godsend!

I wish you all the best with the timer and the ALA! Please keep us posted on any symptoms/improvements you may experience.

Take care

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44081
10/25/08 06:16 AM
10/25/08 06:16 AM
katson  Offline OP
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I had/have hypert symptoms from the merc/lead.. Yeah, I fired my gp after 25yrs of... duh? I believe they do know better (in the light of sheer repetition dealing with patients) How could they not? They literally 'bought' into what they knew was going to be a very lucrative sp.)market and are staying til they get their bucks and then gone. (most of their patients, the dentists supply I think!) They'll be next to the dentists in that 'hot spot in hell'

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44110
10/25/08 10:13 PM
10/25/08 10:13 PM
katson  Offline OP
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Hi Bex, I'm in day 2 ala timer is sooo much easier!( thanx Birdlady )This round is different again..totally uncoordinated and no interest in food again..Is that common? My God here we go...I feel absolutely 'shattered' can't describe it Bex..shaking someone said the world is ending, feel strange, scared etc..I hit edit to add this...later k

Last edited by katson; 10/25/08 10:58 PM.

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44112
10/25/08 11:44 PM
10/25/08 11:44 PM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Katson,

Yes, I understand this completely. The suffering from mercury, including when it's being shifted around, can be diabolical. It is a diabolical poison afterall. One that can reduce anybody to a dribbling mess (depending on level of toxicity/sensitivity).

Every round can differ from the other. Depending on where the mercury is at the time and many other things I'm sure. You can have good rounds, bad rounds, shattering rounds and on it goes. I think this is the painful side of it, because it's unpredictable. Even when you THINK you're ready to take it on, once it hits, it can be intolerable.

The feeling of doom, or that nothing is going to improve, is quite normal. Suicidal thoughts - normal. It is awful because even the most positive of people can become suicidal with this poison. It is often a slow and painful ongoing process. The sense of things never ending and the person wanting to die can become overpowering.

ALA does not tend to suppress symptoms at all (DMSA can). Emotional symptoms tend to be common with ALA and fearfulness etc can occur. Oddly enough, so can euphoria! But again, it's apparently more an emotional type of response, as well as increased depression, anxiety etc. This could well mean you're on the right track, but you may need to reduce your dose if you're taking too much. You may also need to warn other people, because they may need to know if you are in a really vulnerable state like this and may need to understand that you are trying to detox.

When you can respond, could you let me know what dose you're on? I'd be interested to know. Some have to take as low as 6 mg. I hope you're going to be ok. Do not keep going if you feel you're risking yourself too much. Rounds can be stopped if that is the case.

Increased symptoms are unfortunately expected and the more poisoned you are, the worse they will be. Any symptom is possible with mercury. Loss of appetite, excessive appetite (gain/loss of weight), terrors, phobias, passiveness/aggression. It just plays the emotions/mind/body like an instrument. Some suffer more than others.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #44114
10/26/08 12:52 AM
10/26/08 12:52 AM
Birdlady  Offline
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No problem Kathy. I am glad the timer is helping you as much as it did for me. Without the timer I found myself staring at the clock.

Bex. I am finally getting mercury symptoms and oh my goodness it is terrible. WOW I feel crazy right now. My body is revved up. I am antsy. I feel like I need to walk around the house. I am wringing my hands and tapping my feet. Thank goodness I have my husband to keep an eye on me. This is scary.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44116
10/26/08 02:11 AM
10/26/08 02:11 AM
katson  Offline OP
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Bex, I cut the dosage to about 15-20 mg. (I can't be absolutely precise with my lack of hand control/coordination...very difficult. This fear is crippling too. sheesh! how many rounds did it take you before you felt any improvement?

Last edited by katson; 10/26/08 02:14 AM.

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Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44124
10/26/08 09:49 AM
10/26/08 09:49 AM
BluSky  Offline
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Originally Posted by katson
It's no fun being on the wrong side of this mass genocide plan!! kathy

Thats for sure! Because that is exactly what it is!

If you are going to do something totally right, you got to do it totally yourself!
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: BluSky] #44162
10/26/08 08:22 PM
10/26/08 08:22 PM
katson  Offline OP
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yes. Interestingly, I see the 'real' agenda in almost all my interactions. Not that I am accusitory, but rather that it's becoming more 'clear' (especially since being so ill and in wheelchair etc) The realization of people's real motivation can be quite heartbreaking at times. Wishing you well Ole.

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44201
10/27/08 07:43 PM
10/27/08 07:43 PM
katson  Offline OP
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Hi Bex, One more dose to go! (then I can sleep in for 4 days) right leg /spine doesn't spasm as much/am able to move/flex right foot and toes better.r. hand feels more 'normal'.Can feel activity in brain. This is encouraging being the first proper 3 day round, yes?

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44204
10/27/08 09:27 PM
10/27/08 09:27 PM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Katson, That is very very encouraging! And that is only the first "proper" round you have done right through. Congratulations, sounds like you're well and truly nailing what is wrong with you. I know it's not an easy, smooth and fast road, but I really believe you're on the right track with the symptoms/improvements.

Just be aware that regressions are quite normal as you feel those areas get worse again, as more mercury surfaces from deep storage and you once again, go through the same process. This can continue until enough of the mercury is gone to where the improvements become more significant and last longer. Till eventually they become permanent.

It's usually a roller coaster ride. So worse, better, worse, better etc. You may not have it as much as some, you may. I had it very badly and wish I knew then what I know now. It was just ongoing stored continually coming out over and over again.

I think ALA works on the organs/brain/nervous system. Basically everything.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #44213
10/27/08 11:52 PM
10/27/08 11:52 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Bex
Hi Katson, That is very very encouraging! And that is only the first "proper" round you have done right through. Congratulations, sounds like you're well and truly nailing what is wrong with you. I know it's not an easy, smooth and fast road, but I really believe you're on the right track with the symptoms/improvements.

Just be aware that regressions are quite normal as you feel those areas get worse again, as more mercury surfaces from deep storage and you once again, go through the same process. This can continue until enough of the mercury is gone to where the improvements become more significant and last longer. Till eventually they become permanent.

It's usually a roller coaster ride. So worse, better, worse, better etc. You may not have it as much as some, you may. I had it very badly and wish I knew then what I know now. It was just ongoing stored continually coming out over and over again.

I think ALA works on the organs/brain/nervous system. Basically everything.

I am seriously thinking about ALA later on, but it scares me if you don't use it properly, you can mess yourself up alot right? I am lazy at times. I might try some Zeolite again as that was really good for me and didn't make me feel bad at all, but that doesn't remove it from the brain correct? Just the rest of the body. I might also just pick up the Selenium again and keep taking the Kelp, had to take a break today from the Kelp as things started to make me feel worse so I give it a break for a day or two and start again. One question for you Bex, do things seem to get worse because of what you are using is not agreeing or are the feelings I have really bromide and Mercury detox etc.? The twitching in the head musles and frontal headaches? The diarreah? The weird feeling and anxiety you get? I read Kelp can contain some arsenic, but seriously the Kombu I use is tested from and it tells you on the website it doesn't have much inorganic mercury in it, just a LITTLE Organic and tested for everything else pretty much. Can the iodine really make you feel like this in doses and make you worse? Is that really that poweful at detoxing? I am going to pick it up again, but I need to add some Magnesium soon to off the headaches and help out with Detox, it is supposedly a MUST in most detoxes.

Mixes of clarity and then foginess and tiredness indeed, very hard to WORK or even want to work when you feel bad or tired etc., but when you are clear you work like a horse, guess thats how the NORMAL get their work ethetics I don't have alot of times. This is a true rollercoaster, but I am tempted just to keep KELP up and get alot better just to say I told you so to some and prove them I can do this on my own (Be my own Doctor). I am not that scared taking it, but woke up with that huge anxiety the other day and candida type symptoms until I took some Grapefruit Seed Extract, then I was able to calm down alot (Selenium did this as well).

Last edited by Sean; 10/27/08 11:54 PM.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: BluSky] #44214
10/28/08 12:05 AM
10/28/08 12:05 AM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Ole
Originally Posted by katson
It's no fun being on the wrong side of this mass genocide plan!! kathy

Thats for sure! Because that is exactly what it is!
Yeah it is genocide and you guys hit that on the head, all part of the plan and for profit in their pockets! These fakes will suffer eternally for it though, not here on Earth but forever after that. Whats funny is this has messed up my life alot, from anxiety problems earlier to OCD and aspergers and other things, mostly mercury but the Candida they gave me as well from the Antibiotics! Both can literally ruin your life at times and just ruin the joy of living and thinking straight, you feel like you are always nervous or always in for impending doom. This has kept me from relationships and messed up my college alot, how are you supposed to learn and remember things when you have trouble comprehending things and when you read it just goes in and out, nothing digested it seems when you study. I made it through sometimes and almost passed alot of things off of intelligence alone, knowing if I had the ALL to me I would be MUCH FURTHER IN LIFE RIGHT NOW, my IQ is very high and I would have gone alot further IMO if I did not have these problems. I am not one to really make excuses or quit, but this has seriously effected my life and yours and others as well, as only we would know.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44218
10/28/08 12:34 AM
10/28/08 12:34 AM
Bex  Offline
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HI Sean,

Picked up what you said regarding the kelp (iodine). If you are concerned about any risk of contamination and this being part of your symptoms? I'd suggest using lugol's iodine or some other basic non sea supplemental iodine to check out what happens so you will know either way. If you still get similar reactions just to that? Then it'll likely be iodine detoxing you, rather than any contamination with kelp.

That is one way to find out. Just take a break from the other supplements from the sea, and try out plain iodine.

Yeah, I believe iodine can indeed do this Sean. It replaces and displaces toxins like mercury/metals/bromide etc. In doing so, the reactions we get, I believe, are from the other toxins becoming mobilised due to be displaced by being replaced! That's just my opinion (though unqualified).

Selenium can sometimes do similar.

You can also take some breaks Sean. Consistent detox is not always ideal, as your body needs time to rest, time to get ready for the next time. If you feel it's too much, I'd lessen or take a break (but also try the plain iodine for awhile instead).

Yes, I now believe that my toxicity/illness dampened by ability to absorb and process information and do much during my school days except giggle all through class and find everything funny, or sit there ill and depressed. I swung from one to the other. I was poisoned very early on in life. I spent most of my childhood school days in dream world and drawing horses on my textbooks. I can draw horses very well now wink but I suffered as a result academically because i never focussed in class, no matter what my age. Socially extremely shy and moreso once teen years hit and ever since. Relationships? what a joke! Barely had any. Housebound mostly.

Now as a 30 something adult? I'm still ill, but I'm frustrated that I could have done more with my life (I think). Potentially all human beings are intelligent and gifted in their own way and in their own right. What dampens that, retards it, or hides it? Many things I guess. Could range from illness/toxicity to a shallow lifestyle never forcing a person to develop further. I couldn't have a shallow lifestyle, because the suffering endured by mercury and like toxins was extreme. And I am able to get on here and relate to you guys with empathy, not just sympathy.

Sean, if you ever do decide to try a round of ALA? remember it is only 3 days as a round! If you can push yourself to that, or at least 2 and a bit, at least you gave it a go. You will need a timer of course. No it's not fun, but if you have enough of this junk in you? You may need a very strong chelator to seriousy start getting it out of you and in a manner that has been proven to work for many people.

That's just my opinion though. You have a high IQ, do yourself a favour, use that brain and try the ALA wink hehe. Seriously, I'd give it a go. I do wonder if this might be the ticket for you. I could be wrong, anybody could, but it might be worth a try.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #44223
10/28/08 01:40 AM
10/28/08 01:40 AM
katson  Offline OP
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Yes,Bex, I'm thinking(hoping) the 1+year of iodine got some of it? I was in a head on collision in '92 ( the sx were always attributed to the '84 poss. MS dx) I was so out of it from the mercury I just ignored/accepted the md's dx's for years. With all the inflamation from the merc. it really puts my neck out too. I think this has an effect on my mobility too. These drs certainly have not done me any favors.Back to the iodine..I had constant diarreah while on it(I think because it was eliminating some of the merc) I've skipped it a few times and notice the D gets better. It will be interesting to see how I feel after a day without ala...

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44229
10/28/08 03:53 AM
10/28/08 03:53 AM
Bex  Offline
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Hi Katson,

I'm thinking that mercury goes to the weakest links inside you and whatever genetic weaknesses/tendencies or whatever accidents/illness you have, it tends to get in and make a bad situation worse. I have also heard a person somehow battling mercury quite well until an illness or accident occurs and somehow after that, they can't figure out why they feel poisoned.

Sometimes it just takes an extra knock of some kind to slip into chronic symptoms.

Not sure about the iodine....what was causing the runs could be anything. You may have been taking too much perhaps? It could well have been a detox reaction though, but it's hard to tell. I wouldn't like to say either way for certain...since I'm not certain!

I would just take enough each day to ward of deficiency, but monitor the dose perhaps, in case reactions like that occur again. Detox is good, but not where it causes ongoing diarrohea (if that's what was causing it). You can become deficient in minerals/nutrients if that's long term.

I think the ALA will be the real test in this regard. It will indeed be interesting to see how you go whilst not on it. Some are better on round than off, others are better off round than on!

Keep us posted! smile

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #44232
10/28/08 04:41 AM
10/28/08 04:41 AM
Birdlady  Offline
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Originally Posted by Sean
One question for you Bex, do things seem to get worse because of what you are using is not agreeing or are the feelings I have really bromide and Mercury detox etc.? The twitching in the head musles and frontal headaches? The diarreah? The weird feeling and anxiety you get? I read Kelp can contain some arsenic, but seriously the Kombu I use is tested from and it tells you on the website it doesn't have much inorganic mercury in it, just a LITTLE Organic and tested for everything else pretty much. Can the iodine really make you feel like this in doses and make you worse? Is that really that poweful at detoxing? I am going to pick it up again, but I need to add some Magnesium soon to off the headaches and help out with Detox, it is supposedly a MUST in most detoxes.

I know you were directly this at Bex, but I wanted to give you my input.

Yes iodine can cause of all these symptoms. It isn't the iodine itself, but the toxins it is moving around in the body. On the curezone forum, some person said he decided to take 10, yes 10 iodoral tablets. He wrote about his experiences for the next few days. He said that he was having extreme personality changes. He yelled at his roommate for no reason, started crying for no reason and just felt completely out of his mind. Later he determined it was the bromide in his body causing these ups and downs. If you look up Bromide poisoning, which is also called bromism you see it can cause psychosis!

In addition to the personality and neurological changes, it can cause headaches (extreme headaches), acne, extreme irritability, tremors, feeling clumsy and much much more. I had all of these symptoms when I was taking the iodine and for a while it wasn't too pretty. Honestly I can't imagine doing both mercury detox and the iodine detox at the same time. It would be WAY too much for my body to handle. I'd pick one and stick with it. I took the iodine in "larger" doses for about 2 months. Eh I still don't think 3 iodoral tabs is that much, but everyone has their own opinion on that.

My husband was worried during some of these darker times, but I reassured him it was detoxing symptoms. I did eventually get better and now I take 1 tablet of iodine without any ill effects. I actually feel better when I take it. If I forget to take it I can immediately tell and in some ways "miss" it. Like my body is reminding me that it's really important.

When you get these symptoms you must immediately start salt loading until you begin urinating every 15 minutes. You have to flush it out of your system. If you want more information about what bromide can do to you just type in bromism into google. You'll find a lot of symptoms it causes.

Lastly, I don't believe a lot of the nonsense that the mainstream news says about iodine. A lot of the "symptoms" they say iodine causes are simply the detoxing effects from the poisons in us. You have to consider the source of information and remember to ask yourself "who stands to gain". Gotta love it when the American Cancer Society bad mouths iodine that costs about $50 for a bottle of 120 tablets, but LOVES CHEMOTHERAPY that extorts people for $100,000 for a full treatment! Okay I had to get that little rant off my chest.

Good luck Sean. You should blog about your experiences. It helps to give yourself a channel to vent in and people will find your information through google.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44236
10/28/08 06:02 AM
10/28/08 06:02 AM
katson  Offline OP
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can't imagine doing both mercury detox and the iodine detox at the same time. It would be WAY too much for my body to handle. I'd pick one and stick with it. I took the iodine in "larger" dos

just wanted to clarify that iodine does chelate mercury as well according to the 'experts' Brownstein etc.

Friends are God's way of appologizing for family.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: katson] #44262
10/28/08 11:21 AM
10/28/08 11:21 AM
Birdlady  Offline
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Yes I understand it does chelate some mercury. What I mean is don't experiment with taking larger doses of iodine while starting ALA or DMSA. You won't know what's causing what symptoms and it will be harder to control detoxing symptoms.

Bromide detoxing symptoms are horrendous. Adding in mercury detoxing symptoms would create a lot of problems. Most likely the person would have a total break down and would have to stop everything for a few weeks.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44265
10/28/08 12:21 PM
10/28/08 12:21 PM
gdawson6  Offline
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Ya Iodine can be tough.

There is even some controversy about some kelp being high in bromine as well as iodine so its not always of much benefit...I think it depends on where its from. Normally I would prefer to get a nutrient from natural sources...but it might be helpful to take pure iodine in this case.

I have lugol's solution (potassium iodide)...1 drop is like 4,200% daily value which is still too much for me so I made a diluted tincture by mixing it with vodka in a 1:10 ratio. Now 1 drop is ~400% and I just take 1 drop a day to make sure I at least have some.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44272
10/28/08 03:56 PM
10/28/08 03:56 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Birdlady
Yes I understand it does chelate some mercury. What I mean is don't experiment with taking larger doses of iodine while starting ALA or DMSA. You won't know what's causing what symptoms and it will be harder to control detoxing symptoms.

Bromide detoxing symptoms are horrendous. Adding in mercury detoxing symptoms would create a lot of problems. Most likely the person would have a total break down and would have to stop everything for a few weeks.
Bromide Detox symptoms are hrrendous! That is an understatement lol, they really really suck. I would stay away from larger doses of Iodine if starting out this Mercury Detox from ALA, it alone is a beast in itself. I was taking too much Kelp or it had too much Iodine in it IMO and I did not handle it that well it seemed, I needed to add more minerals to help detox before I started and will next time. Dulse has less Iodine and I handle that alot better, so maybe I can start on that first this time and slowly move up and do it right birdlady. I didn't know what Bromide was before, I sure do now wink. If Iodine detoxes both that can be twice the hell correct? I felt weird and tired all the time for a few weeks, could hardly work like I wanted to and just slept alot longer and felt more out of touch, sound familiar? You feel like you are just going through motions it seems. I am going to start out Selenium very slow, Magnesium slow and then the Dulse in a week or two to get it going again, but I am going to do what I tolerate very well this time and move as I should.

Oh yeah EPA is a must, Good Fish oil a few times a day is VERY IMPORTANT to take when detoxing.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44275
10/28/08 04:08 PM
10/28/08 04:08 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Birdlady
Originally Posted by Sean
One question for you Bex, do things seem to get worse because of what you are using is not agreeing or are the feelings I have really bromide and Mercury detox etc.? The twitching in the head musles and frontal headaches? The diarreah? The weird feeling and anxiety you get? I read Kelp can contain some arsenic, but seriously the Kombu I use is tested from and it tells you on the website it doesn't have much inorganic mercury in it, just a LITTLE Organic and tested for everything else pretty much. Can the iodine really make you feel like this in doses and make you worse? Is that really that poweful at detoxing? I am going to pick it up again, but I need to add some Magnesium soon to off the headaches and help out with Detox, it is supposedly a MUST in most detoxes.

I know you were directly this at Bex, but I wanted to give you my input.

Yes iodine can cause of all these symptoms. It isn't the iodine itself, but the toxins it is moving around in the body. On the curezone forum, some person said he decided to take 10, yes 10 iodoral tablets. He wrote about his experiences for the next few days. He said that he was having extreme personality changes. He yelled at his roommate for no reason, started crying for no reason and just felt completely out of his mind. Later he determined it was the bromide in his body causing these ups and downs. If you look up Bromide poisoning, which is also called bromism you see it can cause psychosis!

In addition to the personality and neurological changes, it can cause headaches (extreme headaches), acne, extreme irritability, tremors, feeling clumsy and much much more. I had all of these symptoms when I was taking the iodine and for a while it wasn't too pretty. Honestly I can't imagine doing both mercury detox and the iodine detox at the same time. It would be WAY too much for my body to handle. I'd pick one and stick with it. I took the iodine in "larger" doses for about 2 months. Eh I still don't think 3 iodoral tabs is that much, but everyone has their own opinion on that.

My husband was worried during some of these darker times, but I reassured him it was detoxing symptoms. I did eventually get better and now I take 1 tablet of iodine without any ill effects. I actually feel better when I take it. If I forget to take it I can immediately tell and in some ways "miss" it. Like my body is reminding me that it's really important.

When you get these symptoms you must immediately start salt loading until you begin urinating every 15 minutes. You have to flush it out of your system. If you want more information about what bromide can do to you just type in bromism into google. You'll find a lot of symptoms it causes.

Lastly, I don't believe a lot of the nonsense that the mainstream news says about iodine. A lot of the "symptoms" they say iodine causes are simply the detoxing effects from the poisons in us. You have to consider the source of information and remember to ask yourself "who stands to gain". Gotta love it when the American Cancer Society bad mouths iodine that costs about $50 for a bottle of 120 tablets, but LOVES CHEMOTHERAPY that extorts people for $100,000 for a full treatment! Okay I had to get that little rant off my chest.

Good luck Sean. You should blog about your experiences. It helps to give yourself a channel to vent in and people will find your information through google.
Will lower doses of Iodine from Dulse instead of the Kombu be fine? Or do you need the SUPER large doses (2112% daily value of iodine from Kombu when you use 3/4 of a CUP! Thats A TON and causes detox) to get your point across? Dulse has about 200% daily value per tablespoon and I handle that well but does it do any detoxing or just alot slower in lower doses? Thats what I want to know. The larger doses make me crazier and out of touch, the lower ones I hardly notice a thing but seem to have a little more energy and don't feel near as badly. I know when doing iodine detox it also says Magnesium is a must as well as Vitamic C (Salt loading too), so adding those might help alot? How long did it take to get that bromide out? I have been detoxing for three weeks now and alwaays feel like my teeth are quenching and just wnat to grind them and my head is very tight and twitchy, very weird, like we are rabid or something. My nose ithches alot as well, very itchy at times.

Birdlady no wonder I feel this much worse lately! It says when you salt load you get rid of twenty times more Bromide!! Wow thats a TON! But that is great news as well to me. Salt loading alone helps it seems.

Welcome to the wild world of bromide detox. Hopefully you have read the FAQs about detox, and if not, it would be a good idea to do so. Did you start the salt protocol? When you have bromide detox, it is good to up the times you do the salt loading, as you get rid of twenty times more bromide when you take the salt. And up your magnesium until you get three BMs per day. This stuff is coming out fast and what doesn't get in the toilet retoxes your body. You have to be prepared with the salt protocol and the companion nutrients when you start with a decent dose of iodine.

Here is some info on bromide:

Last edited by Sean; 10/28/08 04:24 PM.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44289
10/29/08 02:11 AM
10/29/08 02:11 AM
Birdlady  Offline
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Originally Posted by sean
Will lower doses of Iodine from Dulse instead of the Kombu be fine? Or do you need the SUPER large doses (2112% daily value of iodine from Kombu when you use 3/4 of a CUP! Thats A TON and causes detox) to get your point across? Dulse has about 200% daily value per tablespoon and I handle that well but does it do any detoxing or just alot slower in lower doses? Thats what I want to know.

Heh..that isn't that much iodine...=/ 1 Iodoral tablet has 8333% of the daily value. Do not be fooled by the FDA's RIDICULOUSLY low daily values. Their values across the board with EVERYTHING is INSANELY low.

Here are some examples so you don't think I am just blowing smoke...
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)75 mg ---I take 6 grams a DAY...That would be 8,000% above their RDA...
Zinc 15 mg ---Andy Cutler says 50-100mg
Fluorine 3.5 mg ---Fluoride is a nutrient!
Vitamin D 200IU ---I take 5000-10,000IU and STILL low
Vitamin E 22.5IU (15mg) ---Andy Cutler says 1000IU+

I'd be careful to take what they say with any weight. They are the ones that allow mercury in the damn amalgams. If they are crooks when it comes to that, then they are crooks when it comes to the RDA.

I did the iodine detox about 14 months ago. I took the 1 tablet my doctor recommended for about 3 months. Then when I began looking into what iodine actually did, I decided to experiment for a while. The curezone iodine supplementation forums were amazing. I did a lot of reading about it before I upped it.

I personally like the iodoral tabs. That way you know exactly what you are taking and you can half them or even cut them in quarters if you need to. This way you know there aren't any contaminates in it either. The lugol's solution is good too, but you can't get the same potency in the solution anymore because the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) banned it. Saying that people were making meth out of it....

I took 2 tablets together in the morning for about 2 months. Even then I noticed the revving of my body. If I took the iodine too late in the day it actually kept me up at night. Then I added another tablet. I took 2 together in the morning, then 1 a few hours later. I didn't want to take 3 all at once.

I stayed on that for a long time about 3-4 months. I told my naturopath about it and he wanted to get my thyroid checked to make sure it was working okay with all that iodine. My levels in fact got BETTER! My morning temperatures went up by a degree!

Now I stay on 1 tablet a day. This way any new bromide, fluoride that enters the body is released immediately. I don't think long term high dose iodine is helpful UNLESS you have had thyroid cancer, breast cancer or a cyst problem. Iodine is anti cancer and anti-cyst. It has been known to help prevent breast cancer.

Part of my "hypothyroid" problem (even with normal labs) is likely stemming from an under active pituitary (secondary hypothyroidism). Most people don't realize that the pituitary makes TSH and most doctors don't know how to treat people properly....I'd rather take iodine as a maintenance dose then Armour.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44290
10/29/08 02:18 AM
10/29/08 02:18 AM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Birdlady
Originally Posted by sean
Will lower doses of Iodine from Dulse instead of the Kombu be fine? Or do you need the SUPER large doses (2112% daily value of iodine from Kombu when you use 3/4 of a CUP! Thats A TON and causes detox) to get your point across? Dulse has about 200% daily value per tablespoon and I handle that well but does it do any detoxing or just alot slower in lower doses? Thats what I want to know.

Heh..that isn't that much iodine...=/ 1 Iodoral tablet has 8333% of the daily value. Do not be fooled by the FDA's RIDICULOUSLY low daily values. Their values across the board with EVERYTHING is INSANELY low.

Here are some examples so you don't think I am just blowing smoke...
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)75 mg ---I take 6 grams a DAY...That would be 8,000% above their RDA...
Zinc 15 mg ---Andy Cutler says 50-100mg
Fluorine 3.5 mg ---Fluoride is a nutrient!
Vitamin D 200IU ---I take 5000-10,000IU and STILL low
Vitamin E 22.5IU (15mg) ---Andy Cutler says 1000IU+

I'd be careful to take what they say with any weight. They are the ones that allow mercury in the damn amalgams. If they are crooks when it comes to that, then they are crooks when it comes to the RDA.

I did the iodine detox about 14 months ago. I took the 1 tablet my doctor recommended for about 3 months. Then when I began looking into what iodine actually did, I decided to experiment for a while. The curezone iodine supplementation forums were amazing. I did a lot of reading about it before I upped it.

I personally like the iodoral tabs. That way you know exactly what you are taking and you can half them or even cut them in quarters if you need to. This way you know there aren't any contaminates in it either. The lugol's solution is good too, but you can't get the same potency in the solution anymore because the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) banned it. Saying that people were making meth out of it....

I took 2 tablets together in the morning for about 2 months. Even then I noticed the revving of my body. If I took the iodine too late in the day it actually kept me up at night. Then I added another tablet. I took 2 together in the morning, then 1 a few hours later. I didn't want to take 3 all at once.

I stayed on that for a long time about 3-4 months. I told my naturopath about it and he wanted to get my thyroid checked to make sure it was working okay with all that iodine. My levels in fact got BETTER! My morning temperatures went up by a degree!

Now I stay on 1 tablet a day. This way any new bromide, fluoride that enters the body is released immediately. I don't think long term high dose iodine is helpful UNLESS you have had thyroid cancer, breast cancer or a cyst problem. Iodine is anti cancer and anti-cyst. It has been known to help prevent breast cancer.

Part of my "hypothyroid" problem (even with normal labs) is likely stemming from an under active pituitary (secondary hypothyroidism). Most people don't realize that the pituitary makes TSH and most doctors don't know how to treat people properly....I'd rather take iodine as a maintenance dose then Armour.
Of course the FDA will ban somethign and say this and that because it can heal you, I am just worried about the hair loss you had, that would kill me because I have no hair to fold over it lol. I am not making fun of you, but you have hair to cover it, I DO NOT!!!! I am going to try the Iodine you tried no doubt, that is a must to me now to try it without other things in it! I am going to do that, soon.... Thanks for the post Birdlady, peace.

Sorry the DEA not FDA as you mentioned, either is a joke to me and crooked as hell. BTW I know doses are insanely low to keep you sick, Canada was thinking of Magnesium at 900MG a day which is twice ours I read, but they want you to remain sick and not heal yourself, that keeps most scared IMO to go over that. I will up the Zinc to 50MG a day soon and Vitamin E up soon as well, that is a joke they have those so low. They want to keep you sick, period.

Last edited by Sean; 10/29/08 02:22 AM.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44292
10/29/08 02:57 AM
10/29/08 02:57 AM
Birdlady  Offline
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Just start off slow and work your way up. If you feel okay taking 200% of RDA, then start with that. Continue that for at least a few weeks without increasing it. Then just up it little by little. I did take half tablets some days and even did every other day for a while.

If you are really concerned you can get your thyroid checked while you are on it. All though I'd get more than just TSH checked (most doctors ONLY check the TSH) because that one number isn't very reliable.

Yeah my hair loss was crappy, but with the DMSA its much better. I posted a new pic on one of the threads the other day.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44303
10/29/08 04:26 AM
10/29/08 04:26 AM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Birdlady
Just start off slow and work your way up. If you feel okay taking 200% of RDA, then start with that. Continue that for at least a few weeks without increasing it. Then just up it little by little. I did take half tablets some days and even did every other day for a while.

If you are really concerned you can get your thyroid checked while you are on it. All though I'd get more than just TSH checked (most doctors ONLY check the TSH) because that one number isn't very reliable.

Yeah my hair loss was crappy, but with the DMSA its much better. I posted a new pic on one of the threads the other day.
COOL I AM GLAD You got better, I am seriously pissed that you lost your hair to begin with becuase of this toxing trash! The Kelp is use or Kombu or even Dulse is checked for metals and other contaminents so I don't feel too bad using it, maybe the feelings I got from the Kombu were from the Bromide detox as you said. I feel those add so many nutrients and so on to your diet they are way more beneficial than just Iodine alone, and since you got the same detox why not just stay with hte Kombu which is screened from or Dulse and roll with that? I mean that can't hurt, they have low contaminents and are screened for our safety with wide known uses right? I know Kelp can be bad is not screened, but the one I was using seemed to detox really well so why mess up a good thing because of detox symptoms birdlady? I read those cause alot less detox symptoms than the Iodine itself and are natural so they are safer if screened correct? Did you ever use Kelp or Kombu? If not you are missing out on alot IMO, so many minerals and other things in it than just the iodine, if it works I will keep you updated and let you know how I feel. Thanks alot Birdlady you are a huge help on here, peace and good luck to you (I will keep you updated). Salt loading which you recommened helped out ALOT! Thanks for that. I need to take some Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium now too, I am sleeping on two of those, and Vitamin C!!!!! Thanks for that suggestion as well.

This is what I use BTW Bex and Birdlady, check it out, they are tested!!!!!

Last edited by Sean; 10/29/08 04:30 AM.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44304
10/29/08 04:31 AM
10/29/08 04:31 AM
Sean  Offline
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Product Testing for Possible Contaminants
Results Report for Harvest Period: 2007

Why We Test: Although we harvest in remote areas of the Gulf of Maine, we cannot control the ocean currents. And although seaweeds have been consumed safely for centuries, we want to make sure there are no significant changes in a plant's analysis from season to season, particularly regarding trace metals.

When We Test: Frequent and extensive microbiological testing is conducted throughout the year, but most of our other tests are done with a sampling protocol after the harvest is completed at the end of the year. Therefore, the results in this report refer to plants/products that will be sold mostly in 2008.

What We Test:

Kelp leaf
Dulse leaf
Laver leaf
Alaria leaf
Toasted nori sheets
Dulse powder
Kelp powder
Sea Lettuce leaf
Ascophyllum powder

What We Test For:

Petroleum Residues
Heavy Metals
Microbiological Contaminants

Who Does the Testing?

Our testing is performed by Katahdin Analytical Services, Westbrook, ME, a NELAC accredited laboratory.

General Notes On Product Testing: Maine Coast Sea Vegetables are wild, uncultivated marine algae. Specific analysis may vary from the above typical analysis. Naturally occurring fluctuations in the sea plants are due to season, weather conditions, tidal flow, and time of harvest. The information presented above is believed to be accurate and reliable, but are averages and not guaranteed as conditions of sale. MCSV makes no warranty, either express or implied, and assumes no liability for this information or the products described.

We believe that traditional whole foods such as seaweeds are well suited for nourishing human cells. World wide, seaweed is and has been consumed in large amounts with healthy results. However, we are unable to predict your bodies' response. There may be elements of these plants not suitable for your particular biochemistry or condition. Only you can determine what's best for you, in consultation with your health practitioner.

2007 Testing Results:

Pesticides (21 compounds): None detected
Herbicides (10 compounds): None detected
PCB's (7 polychlorinated biphenyls): None detected
Petroleum Residues (17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons): None detected
Heavy Metals (4 elements) (see table below)
Microbiological Contaminants (5 elements) (see table below)

Table of 2007 Results for Heavy Metal Testing

PQL's (Practical Quantification Limits) for each metal are the lowest detection limits, taking into account the method, instrumentation and matrix being tested.

Undetected indicates the metal was not detected above its PQL.

Inorganic arsenic is tested using the FAO/WHO Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) protocol with a reporting limit of 3ppm. The < symbol means "less than". For more on why we only test for inorganic arsenic, see "Trace Elements and Heavy Metals in Maine Coast Sea Vegetables".

PQL= .04 ppm Arsenic
(inorganic) Cadmium
PQL= 1 ppm Lead
PQL= .56 ppm
KELP whole leaf Undetected <3.00 ppm 2.28 ppm Undetected
DULSE whole leaf Undetected <3.00 ppm Undetected Undetected
LAVER whole leaf Undetected <3.00 ppm 4.25 ppm Undetected
ALARIA whole leaf Undetected <3.00 ppm 1.75 ppm 0.67 ppm
NORI sheets Undetected <3.00 ppm 3.12 ppm Undetected
DULSE powder Undetected <3.00 ppm Undetected Undetected
KELP powder Undetected <3.00 ppm Undetected Undetected
SEA LETTUCE whole leaf Undetected <3.00 ppm Undetected 0.7 ppm
ASCOPHYLLUM powder Undetected <3.00 ppm 1.08 ppm Undetected

Table of 2007 Results for Microbiological Contaminants

All results preceded by a < (less than) mean that none were detected above the given limit.

Coliforms/g E. coli/g Standard plate
count CFU's/g Yeasts
CFU's/g Molds
KELP whole leaf <3 <3 3 <3 15
DULSE whole leaf <3 <3 48 81 189
LAVER whole leaf <3 <3 40 40 80
ALARIA whole leaf <3 <3 3 30 3
NORI sheets <3 <3 <10 <10 <10
DULSE powder 15 <3 750 10 340
KELP powder <3 <3 10 <10 <10
SEA LETTUCE whole leaf <3 <3 1080 6 <3
ASCOPHYLLUM powder <3 <3 20 10 10


Trace Elements and Heavy Metals in Maine Coast Sea Vegetables
The presence of certain elements in sea vegetables causes alarm to some consumers. The following information addresses those fears. Critical to evaluating this question are 1) what form are these elements in, 2) the amounts, and 3) the historical or epidemiological evidence. Because sea vegetables are as low on the scientific research priority list as they are on the food chain, we have to infer in part from studies of other food groups, as well as use our native intelligence and intuition.

Sea vegetables contain a wide array of major minerals and trace elements, including lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, zinc, chromium and many more. Small quantities in the right "organic" form are proven or estimated to be essential to human health. In the straight "inorganic" form and in excessive quantity, they can be toxic. Let's look at arsenic as an example.

Arsenic occurs in two basic forms, inorganic and organic. Inorganic arsenic occurs naturally (20th most abundant element in the earth's crust), and is found in pesticides, paint, and a host of manufactured chemical compounds. Inorganic arsenic is known to be toxic, causing skin lesions, organ damage, and promoting tumor growth, and, in acute overdose, is fatal.

Organic arsenic is presumed to be found in all living organisms. Vegetation absorbs the mineral from the soil (or in the case of sea vegetables, from the ocean) and transforms it into one of many forms of organic or colloidal arsenic. When creatures higher on the food chain eat these plants, this organic arsenic is further processed ("methylated") by the liver into further non-toxic forms, most of which is excreted through the urine. It is only when inorganic arsenic enters the body and lodges in organ tissue that toxic symptoms are observed. Though research is on-going, chronic toxicity from organic arsenic is unlikely, even in the instance of high shellfish consumption, where arsenic levels are briefly but dramatically elevated before being excreted.1

On the other hand, recent studies suggest that low levels of arsenic in human blood serum are correlated with central nervous disorders, vascular disease, and cancer. Animal studies have shown organic arsenic to be essential to heart and skeletal muscle function in goats, and beneficial in small amounts to a variety of laboratory animals. Recent work indicates that arsenic may have a role in methionine metabolism. Therefore, it is plausible to suggest that humans have an essential need for arsenic, at a computed requirement of 12 to 50µg (micrograms) per day.

Scientists looking at Japanese sea vegetables and consumption habits concluded that eating seaweed provided on average about 100 to 150 µg arsenosugar (a form of organic arsenic) per day.2 Even with this high intake, there are no reports that the Japanese population demonstrates chronic symptoms of arsenic toxicity due to sea vegetables.

Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) Tolerable Weekly Intake for inorganic arsenic (As) is 50µg per kg of adult bodyweight.3 This would mean that someone weighing 150lbs could tolerate up to 3409µg of inorganic As per week or 487µg per day. So hypothetically, if a seaweed tested at 3µg/g or ppm of inorganic As, one would have to eat 162g or almost 6oz daily to exceed this WHO limit. Even the Japanese average much less than this. Maine Coast sea veggies always test less than 3ppm of inorganic As. We believe it's a reasonable conclusion that normal seaweed consumption does not pose a risk in terms of arsenic.

The same sort of reasoning applies to the other metals. They occur naturally; they are taken up and transformed by land or sea vegetation, and are utilized or excreted as needed by mammals and other animals. For example, aluminum is a very abundant metallic element, about 12% of the earth's crust and in the organic form is commonly found in vegetation. Beans contain 20-250 ppm, peppers and peanuts contain 50-200 ppm, corn and wheat contain 20-300 ppm. We can eat these without toxic consequences because metallic aluminum has been transformed by the plants' metabolic process into its non-toxic organic, colloidal form. It's even logical to suspect that our bodies, which evolved from the earth's elements, might have a use for this very common element in its organic form. Inorganic aluminum, however, is known to be toxic, and is implicated in Alzheimer's and breast cancer.

In 1989, a conversation with Dr. Ernest Foulkes, heavy metal researcher at the University of McGill in Montreal, focused on whether the bound organic metallic compounds in the human stomach (pH 1) are broken down at all - and, if so, how they may recombine in the small intestine (pH 6) with hundreds of chelating substances (proteins, amino acids, bile salts, complex carbohydrates) and pass harmlessly through the gut - just as studies show how arsenosugars are excreted in the urine after ingestion of arsenic in seafood.4

As there's much yet to learn, we recommend that you consult a healthcare professional if you have any questions about your intake of heavy metals. (Dietary deficiencies and genetic variability, for instance, can effect how well an individual's metabolism changes arsenic to more organic forms, with implications for tissue distribution and toxicity.5 Furthermore, vocational or environmental exposure may impact one's body load of metals and effect metabolic capacities.)

Please refer to our annual "Statement of Product Testing" for specific amounts of certain trace metals in our sea vegetables.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44308
10/29/08 09:37 AM
10/29/08 09:37 AM
gdawson6  Offline
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Sean...I don't know if you read what I said. Kelp does give detox symptoms but even when tested kelp is a good source of both iodine and bromine. I don't think other seaweeds have as much bromine, but they don't have as much iodine as well. All kelp has bromine in it, some can have really high levels. Its tough to know whether the bromine symptoms from kelp are from bromine in the kelp or bromine released from the iodine. This is a reason why its not a bad idea to try a pure form of iodine.

And to the RDA's being ridiculously low...they are really not that low. Its when you have heavy metals that you need ridiculous amounts of minerals and nutrients to keep your body going and get better. Imagine trying to get as much magnesium as we take from food would be really hard to achieve but if you were healthy and heavy metal free you would certainly be able to get enough magnesium from a healthy diet alone. I'm not saying the FDA knows that much but just that we only need such high levels of nutrients to heal our toxic damaged bodies.

The Daily Value of iodine should definitely be higher though...but only because of all the fluoride and bromide we are exposed too. If it wasn't for that the daily value would be enough if we already had decent amounts of iodine in our thyroids to begin with.

Last edited by gdawson6; 10/29/08 10:07 AM.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: gdawson6] #44311
10/29/08 03:43 PM
10/29/08 03:43 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by gdawson6
Sean...I don't know if you read what I said. Kelp does give detox symptoms but even when tested kelp is a good source of both iodine and bromine. I don't think other seaweeds have as much bromine, but they don't have as much iodine as well. All kelp has bromine in it, some can have really high levels. Its tough to know whether the bromine symptoms from kelp are from bromine in the kelp or bromine released from the iodine. This is a reason why its not a bad idea to try a pure form of iodine.

And to the RDA's being ridiculously low...they are really not that low. Its when you have heavy metals that you need ridiculous amounts of minerals and nutrients to keep your body going and get better. Imagine trying to get as much magnesium as we take from food would be really hard to achieve but if you were healthy and heavy metal free you would certainly be able to get enough magnesium from a healthy diet alone. I'm not saying the FDA knows that much but just that we only need such high levels of nutrients to heal our toxic damaged bodies.

The Daily Value of iodine should definitely be higher though...but only because of all the fluoride and bromide we are exposed too. If it wasn't for that the daily value would be enough if we already had decent amounts of iodine in our thyroids to begin with.
Thank you, thank you VERY MUCH, I feel sick to my stomach at times after taking the Kelp and get diarreah, so that could be it! I am going to try the natural Iodine now to see if that can help. I also read it is not a safe source of Iodine because of the aluminum in it as well, even at the bottom of my page I posted about the Kelp it says check with so and so about metals and how they will react in your body, they can react different in others body they are even telling you on that page at the end. I don't seem to tolerate it very well in the stomach. Thanks for the info, you might have helped me out alot.

Back to just the Spirulina and Alfalfa now, hell they can't hurt too much can they?

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44312
10/29/08 04:14 PM
10/29/08 04:14 PM
gdawson6  Offline
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Spirulina was used as a lot by the Aztecs and by Africans who lived by Lake Chad if I remember correctly...and Alfalfa is only potentially dangerous in the form of fresh alfalfa sprouts. I think they are rather safe.

Don't take too much spirulina without supplementing with B-12 though. The B-12 in spirulina is an analog that our body can't use...and if you don't get B-12 from other sources it could possibly cause some problems.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: gdawson6] #44347
10/29/08 11:53 PM
10/29/08 11:53 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by gdawson6
Spirulina was used as a lot by the Aztecs and by Africans who lived by Lake Chad if I remember correctly...and Alfalfa is only potentially dangerous in the form of fresh alfalfa sprouts. I think they are rather safe.

Don't take too much spirulina without supplementing with B-12 though. The B-12 in spirulina is an analog that our body can't use...and if you don't get B-12 from other sources it could possibly cause some problems.
Yeah I know about the B12 thing, it does not have Human usable B12 in it, I read that a LONG time ago. I have to start the B12 AND THATS A MUST, I don't know why they did not do it later.

BTW Spirulina was not mentioned as the same as Chlorella as far as stirring up metals or so called Chelating correct? I don't think it does the same if I am right.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44376
10/30/08 09:56 AM
10/30/08 09:56 AM
gdawson6  Offline
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Spirulina and Chlorella are completely different...besides that they are algae. Spirulina is actually shaped like a spring and chlorella is round I think with a cell wall we can't digest so it needs to be broken open somehow...usually with a high pressure spray of water.

Its all on how you react to it. Like any food, its probably not good for everybody. If it gives you energy and makes you feel good (it should), then keep on taking it.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: gdawson6] #44384
10/30/08 04:48 PM
10/30/08 04:48 PM
Bex  Offline
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I respond very badly to algae products and even kelp. I am not certain why, whether it's contamination, or whether I cannot digest them properly. But I steer clear of them. They tend to linger in the gut area or something and I start feeling drugged, crampy and heavy and unable to think.

So no, it's definitely not for everybody. I used to take spirulina and kelp once and did very well with both, but following the virus and other possible infections, I have not been able to handle the same things as I did once. That goes for supplementary garlic too. I have to stay away from it.

I would be careful of any oceanic product personally. I use stuff I know and am comfortable with if I can. It avoids the unknowns.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: gdawson6] #44385
10/30/08 05:00 PM
10/30/08 05:00 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by gdawson6
Spirulina and Chlorella are completely different...besides that they are algae. Spirulina is actually shaped like a spring and chlorella is round I think with a cell wall we can't digest so it needs to be broken open somehow...usually with a high pressure spray of water.

Its all on how you react to it. Like any food, its probably not good for everybody. If it gives you energy and makes you feel good (it should), then keep on taking it.
THATS MY THING from now on, if it makes me feel better and gives me energy I keep taking it, if it makes me alot worse and does bad things it's out of the WINDOW, period. Kelp? OUT OF THE WINDOW NOW, that really messed my stomach up badly and made me worse energy wise and so on, I felt like utter crap on it.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Bex] #44386
10/30/08 05:02 PM
10/30/08 05:02 PM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Bex
I respond very badly to algae products and even kelp. I am not certain why, whether it's contamination, or whether I cannot digest them properly. But I steer clear of them. They tend to linger in the gut area or something and I start feeling drugged, crampy and heavy and unable to think.

So no, it's definitely not for everybody. I used to take spirulina and kelp once and did very well with both, but following the virus and other possible infections, I have not been able to handle the same things as I did once. That goes for supplementary garlic too. I have to stay away from it.

I would be careful of any oceanic product personally. I use stuff I know and am comfortable with if I can. It avoids the unknowns.
That is what Kelp did to me for weeks, and yes it probably is from contamination. My kidneys hurt also, sound familiar? Spirulina and Chlorella are money for me though, always have been always will be. I agree on the Oceanic products too, I have to get a pure Spirulina from Earthrise or Hawaiin Spirulina it seems, those seem to be the best ones you can buy, hopefully very pure.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44395
10/31/08 04:10 AM
10/31/08 04:10 AM
Birdlady  Offline
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I avoid anything that comes out of our waterways. I won't even take fish oil anymore. I know that's unfortunate, but I don't want to be worrying about whether not there was some toxin in it.

This area is highly polluted even though the steel mills left Pittsburgh MANY years. Now they let whoever is left here (I guess mostly coal-fired power plants) pollute as much as they want and the public gets to suffer. You can only eat 1 fish a MONTH from most creeks and rivers here. There are a few select areas where the fishing commission states it's never safe to eat the fish.

Reading an article like this scares the living....crap out of me

Pittsburgh was rated the most polluted in short term particle pollution and 2nd in long term particle polution this past year.
We beat Los Angeles in short term particle pollution! Now the scariest part about the pollution here is that you can't see it. I know some cities have a smog, but that doesn't really happen here. There may be some haze, but most of that is from the humidity. The pollution here is invisible, so I think that makes it worse. People don't see it so it becomes a case of "out of sight, out of mind". The ONLY thing people care about here is the Steelers. I wish the Steelers had been sold, so that all the dumb morons would have moved away with them. This city would have been cleared of idiots overnight!

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44405
10/31/08 08:40 AM
10/31/08 08:40 AM
gdawson6  Offline
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Ya I grew up less than 10 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh. Now I'm living 30 minutes north of Los Angeles. I've been here for over 2 years. The air feels a lot cleaner here, I'm at a much higher elevation than LA, up in the mountains. I went back to Pittsburgh once last year and the air smelled absolutely horrible to me...even compared to downtown Los Angeles!!!

The ONLY thing people care about here is the Steelers. I wish the Steelers had been sold, so that all the dumb morons would have moved away with them. This city would have been cleared of idiots overnight!

LOL!!! I never was into sports but I worked in a bar cooking Pizza at one I definitely know how it is.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44410
10/31/08 11:12 AM
10/31/08 11:12 AM
gdawson6  Offline
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This was a picture taken when I lived in Pittsburgh...

[Linked Image]

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: gdawson6] #44411
10/31/08 11:48 AM
10/31/08 11:48 AM
Birdlady  Offline
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LOL Wow that is an awesome picture! You know there could be police in black uniforms coming to take people away to camps, but if the football game was on no one would even care...It's truly sad.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44414
10/31/08 03:41 PM
10/31/08 03:41 PM
Sean  Offline
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Hey don't get started on all sports fans now! HAHAHAH I am a sports fan but see it like it is now, when I was in my 20's though and younger it got me through and was the only thing sometimes for happiness! I know thats sad but when you are young you really get into these things more and take it so seriously, but the sad thing is some carry that into being older and treat it like a religion and take it way too seriously. I remember reading some Mets fan killed his family or some crap after a loss during the regular freaking season, I know he was unstable anyways but come on now for heavens sake it's not that serious! If it were that serious I would have went out of my mind a long time ago and been in a padded room over some of my teams (Dolphins mainly). Steelers fans that bad huh? What about Philly fans? I heard they are the worst.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44417
10/31/08 04:25 PM
10/31/08 04:25 PM
gdawson6  Offline
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Being a sports fan is fine Sean...I never liked watching sports personally but always thought that they were fun to play.

But some people...especially in Pittsburgh, are just straight up obsessed with football. There is much more to life than men playing with balls.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Sean] #44419
10/31/08 04:35 PM
10/31/08 04:35 PM
Birdlady  Offline
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^This. I see you posted while I was typing.

I used to watch the game very casually if I was home on Sundays with my Dad, but neither of us were into it at all. I don't own any steeler merchandise, which is an act of treason in Pittsburgh!

Sports have become a distraction for everything going on in the world. Moderation is okay, but the people who paint their faces and beer bellies to get on TV are crazy. When I used to work, I had to restrain myself when people started talking about the game. It's just so pointless to me. A few Steelers came into the one store I used to work at and I had NO idea who they were. It was probably a relief for them though. I doubt they can go many places without being bothered.

Last edited by Birdlady; 10/31/08 04:35 PM.

When conspiracies unwind, will you slam shut or free your mind or stay hypnotized.

Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: gdawson6] #44436
11/01/08 02:08 AM
11/01/08 02:08 AM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by gdawson6
Being a sports fan is fine Sean...I never liked watching sports personally but always thought that they were fun to play.

But some people...especially in Pittsburgh, are just straight up obsessed with football. There is much more to life than men playing with balls.
LOL at MEN playing with balls, that just sounded funny to me...... I am just saying wink

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.
Re: What would you do? bottom line please [Re: Birdlady] #44437
11/01/08 02:10 AM
11/01/08 02:10 AM
Sean  Offline
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Originally Posted by Birdlady
^This. I see you posted while I was typing.

I used to watch the game very casually if I was home on Sundays with my Dad, but neither of us were into it at all. I don't own any steeler merchandise, which is an act of treason in Pittsburgh!

Sports have become a distraction for everything going on in the world. Moderation is okay, but the people who paint their faces and beer bellies to get on TV are crazy. When I used to work, I had to restrain myself when people started talking about the game. It's just so pointless to me. A few Steelers came into the one store I used to work at and I had NO idea who they were. It was probably a relief for them though. I doubt they can go many places without being bothered.
Sports like tonight helped me get away with some problems and what is going on in the world, if you get too caught up in that and too depressed then you become obsessed with it and forget about some fun in life, so balance is the KEY on both of the things there! Remember Jesus says the Kingdom of heaven is within us, so heaven can be on Earth too, if you let it!!! Got to be positive alot and have some fun! Thats a must. Time for thinking and time for fun, balance and options.

BTW some have such big egos it hurts them when you don't know who they are, one idiot who played for the Skins here (No names) came into a porno store my friend worked and and was upset in a way my friend did not know nor care who he was, said he was alright but a little bit of a clown in that way. The coach of my fave team (The SPURS) said something that made me think alot, he said life is short might as well have some fun! He also said when a player fouled he was really down on himself and was very depressed, he said if thats the worst thing that is going to happen to him in life then he is going to have a GREAT LIFE! Have to see it that way too, it's not really that serious in life. You can play and hurt some, but don't let the joy or the hurt take over your life.

Last edited by Sean; 11/01/08 02:14 AM.

In Sanskrit, tulsi means literally "the incomparable one" and has been revered since ancient times. Tulsi, the holy basil, is said to have grown at the site of Christ’s crucifixion and is associated with St. Basil’s feast.

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