Hi all, I have been on the anticandida diet for soooo long with periodic slips. Been taking threelac too and also have added fivelac as well. I've been on that for 5 weeks now. I don't know if its helping. Myfriend said she quit taking threelac after 3 weeks cuz she got sicker and sicker and so did her family. She's believing shes got leaky gut and Im thinking maybe I do too. Its hard to have a BM and not use a ton of toilet paper if you know what I mean. Not diarea but not well formed either. Does anyone know how I can tell if I do have leaky gut and if I do, what do I eat? And what supplements do I take? And is it curable? It always seems like I have some sort of IBS problem, ie gas, bloating, constipation or bowels such as described above. What is up with me? Thanks for any insight! Diane