I wonder what you are aiming to achieve here Inert? Have you come here to get help for yourself? To support others? Or to push an agenda? Pardon me for speaking plainly but your posts here are blunt and authoritarian. You may have some valuable experience to share and that is welcome, but please take other people's ideas on board too. We've had our own experiences, many of which you won't know about because you are new here, and we are working from knowledge and wisdom gained from those. It might be interesting for you to read the beginning posts of some people here to get an idea of what they've already done, what works for them and what hasn't.

For example, you said
I would not go to any doctor that prescribed psychiatric drugs, statins, chemotherapy for cancer , steroids for injuries or supposed adrenal insufficiency

I only took an antidepressant because at the time it was a last resort and I was in a bad way -- I'm not sure if you know what that's like but I hope you haven't been there. I didn't know then what I know now. I would not take statins and I would do everything possible to avoid chemotherapy if I had cancer, though it's difficult to speculate about because I haven't had that particular experience. I would not take high doses of steroids for injuries; I would not take steroids for anything other than straightforward hormone replacement. I had a 24 hour saliva cortisol test which showed that my cortisol was very low in the morning and in the evening, and I was taking many supplements to help with this that weren't working. There's a lot of naturopathic literature about adrenal insufficiency -- by calling it "supposed" am I to assume that you doubt that I had it, or that it's a bona fide condition?

I've worked with several naturopathic doctors and I haven't stopped reading books and web pages about natural health during the 5 years I have been ill. I have done dozens of things to try to find out why I am ill and I am continuing now to try different things. I'm beginning to think that the only person who can help me now is me, though I always welcome educated advice from those who know a bit about me.