Hi Alex,

This could be doing him a great deal of harm. Had I not given up products containing those things, I may have committed suicide. Dramatic as this sounds, I had no idea the impact they were having on my health. This was far more important than the supplements. This is the first thing I had to get right. The foundation of the diet is vital.

The alternatives to sugar/gluten/yeast are plenty. He can eat meat/chicken (as long as it's not coated in gluten flour), eggs, vegetables, fruit (it's still a form of sugar, but it's natural and healthy. Though some with severe candida may need to reduce or eliminate it, others maybe ok with some. I would keep this minimal in the early stages though). Nuts/seeds are fine(excluding peanuts/cashews I think because of mould).
Yoghurt (plain sugar free acidophilus). Non wheat, non gluten grains/cereals maybe ok too.

As long as he gets off the sugar/wheat/gluten/yeast products as a starter? He may begin to find relief in a few weeks. Though there is a period of withdrawal/die off/detox, so he may well experience this. If he does, it's yet another strong indicator that these foods may have been causing harm. They certainly did to me. As the toxins started to loosen and come out, I even started to smell! I had some headaches, some dizziness and yes I had some crying spells and very difficult moments during the detox period after these foods were excluded. I craved them and had trouble resisting them, but I hung in there.

It was well worth the effort.

I am really sorry you are going through such hell with your brother. What a great brother and person you are! If you can help him through a change of diet and the difficult adjustment/withdrawal/detox period? You may find reward at the end of it and hopefully relief. I would not be saying this if I did not feel so strongly about it!

I had to do this for myself because my life was a living Hell. No amount of supplements/antidepressants helped me until I made this vital change of diet!