I'd not have a clue about this kind of stuff. BUT, the comments made about the results of this test does at least give another pointer in the direction of mercury. Couple that with his ongoing symptoms and I personally feel that it's evident enough that mercury is at the very least a contributing factor (if not, the cause).

Certainly, a dental clean up by a good biologic dentist would at least be the removal of one very vile toxin regardless. I know that's easier said than done.

More biologic dentists now prepare their patients by diet and supplement support, pretty much what I emphasized in this thread as an important preparation for amalgam removal. The removal process is stressful and exposes the patient to increased amounts of mercury as you know (even with protection). The aim is to get the patient into a position where they are stronger/healthier beforehand (by also reducing excessive yeast and toxins), so they will be in a better position to cope with the removal and to respond easier to detoxification following.

Not all dentists prescribe to this, but more are certainly becoming increasingly aware of the patient's overall health and the need to prepare them before amalgam removal.

Alex, how is your brother at the moment? Has any of the advice given here helped him at all so far?