---- cross / bible
"He lived among us. He donned the costliest of robes; a human body. He made a throne out of a manager and a royal court out of some cows. He took a common name--Jesus-- and made it holy. He took common people and made them the same. And the best part of all, Jesus our Redeemer, gave up His life on the Cross cross for forgiveness of our sins. He did it for you. He did it for me. What will we do for Him? By dying on the Cross, Jesus paid our sin debt. Yes, He took all of your sins and mine, and nailed them to the Cross of Calvary.

What Can Wash Away My Sins? "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus." /= If you have not asked Him to come into your heart, why not do it today? You may not be here tomorrow. You will be a totally different person, and will want to serve the King of all kings, Jesus the Crucified/Risen Lord and Savior. He's ALIVE! He is coming back! Many of the notorious Theologians and Pastors believe Jesus is coming soon. Only the Father knows.

Please get right with Him, before He comes, and must serve the sentence for each and every person, "For what reason should you be allowed to enter the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Celestial City"? There is only One person and one way. ~~

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." [John 14:6]