I’m new in town, but what a cool post this is. Russ you are the man!

I have just read this post top to bottom and I have two comments to prompt discussion about the heath benefits some people are undoubtedly getting from these footbaths:

Why has no one mentioned Hulda R Clark and her famous ZAPPER? From what I’ve read here, there is an electrical current put through the water in the foot bath which is turned ON when the person’s feet are in the footbath. Surely this is the same principle Hulda Clark talks about in her book “The cure for all diseases” and uses with her “ZAPPER”? The Zapper puts an electrical charge through your body. The electrical current kills viruses, bacteria’s & parasites in the body. She says you need to zap 3 times for 7 minutes each, with a 20 minute break in-between each zap.
“it takes 3 treatments to kill everything, why? The 1st to kill viruses, bacteria and parasites. But a few minutes later, bacteria and viruses (different ones) often reoccur. I conclude they had been infecting the parasites, and killing the parasites releases them. The 2nd zapping kills the released viruses and bacterial, but soon a few viruses appear again. They must have been infecting some of the last bactreria. After a third zapping I never find any viruses, bacteria or parasites, even hours later.” (Page 15)
Then she goes on in much detail about the whys, the hows and whatnots of its workings and why you will feel better. Was a pretty good read, lots of people swear by these zappers, and lots of people it doesn’t work either, but….importantly it DOES work for some people, much like the footbath?????????

Next thing no one has talked about:

I quote from Andreas Moritz excellent book “Timeless Secrets of Health & rejuvenation.” Page 185.

“sipping hot ionized water has a deep cleaning effect on all the tissues of the body. It helps reduce overall toxicity, improves circulatory functions and balances bile. Boiling water for 15-20 mins results in it becoming charged and saturated with negative ions. When u take frequent sips of this water throughout the day, it begins to systematically cleanse the tissues of the body and help rid it of certain positively charged ions (those associated with high acidity and toxins.)
Toxins and waste carry a positive charge and thus, naturally tend to attach themselves to the body, which is negatively charged overall. As the negative oxygen ions enter the body with the ingested water, they are drawn towards the positively charged toxic material. This turns waste into neutral fluid matter which is easily discharged by the body.”

Now, I am not a technical man, but I assume putting your feet in the ionic water and drinking the stuff is gonna have a similar effect???????????


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident."
