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amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning

Posted By: merky

amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 01/09/10 12:36 AM

Greetings. On a waiting list to get amalgams removed. At this late date might involve several extractions. In meantime wondering about people's experience or a protocol involving doing chelation before removal. Am aware that Andrew Cutler discourages it. Is it at all feasible?

Am prepared to use bentonite clay, detox foot patches, whey protein, ALA, glutathione, metathione....

Thank you....
Posted By: Bex

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 01/09/10 02:15 AM

Hi there,

I think some people have found detoxing with amalgams in helps. Others can find it makes things worse. It maybe a risk. I'd wait personally until after the amalgams have been removed. Best move is to simply concentrate on preparing and supporting your body with diet/supplement support. Some forms of detox maybe ok, but I'd be careful with chelators.

Using ALA at this stage regardless would be unwise. The blood levels of mercury are still high and takes months following the last amalgam removal to reduce enough to be safer using a brain chelator like ALA. Otherwise, it will risk taking more mercury from the blood/body up into the brain. This will increase your levels of brain mercury.

Glutathione, methionine and whey protein maybe very much up to the individual tolerance. Each can mobilise metals, so be careful. I'd use with caution personally, or not at all.

Just a word of advice. If you are going to get any teeth extracted? make sure you get a local anaesthetic that does not contain a vasoconstrictor. Vasoconstrictors are used to increase numbing and the time the area is numb and restrict blood flow to the area. This actually can hinder healing because of blocking proper blood flow for that amount of time and is apparently a possible (probable) cause or contributing factor of cavitation formation (holes in the jawbone). Potent bacteria can then fill in the area and be a continual supply of toxicity.

I reacted badly to local anaesthetics and I think the vasoconstrictor containing ones may have been the problem. Far from being effective for numbing (for me), I found that my body responded so badly that all I felt was adrenaline rushing and heart racing. Because of that, my body was not responding properly to the numbing, because the dentist had to keep using more and more.

The next time I had dental work done, I asked for a NON vasoconstrictor local anaesthetic and the area numbed fine and I dont' recall having the same horrible reaction.

another major cause of cavitations is when the dentist takes out the tooth, but does not remove the periodontal ligament that is left behind. The ligament is then left to decay in the area, which prevents proper bone healing and again, leaves a space for this potent/toxic bacteria. So it is wise to have all these things done by a biologic dentist who is aware of such things and to request non vaso constrictor anaesthetic and ask that the periodontal ligament be removed. I don't know why dentists leave it behind, but most of them do.

Hal Huggins actually said that such toxicity from cavitations can make people sicker than amalgam. That's how severe it can be if the body is unable to keep the bacteria in place and it becomes systemtic.

I got alot sicker in 2004 after dental work was done (extractions). Coincidence? Hard to say, but I've never come right. Cavitations are not easy to diagnose and apparently not always easy to treat because they can return if healing is insufficient. They have to be surgically treated.

Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 02/06/10 06:52 PM

Thanks Bex for your knowledge and experience.

Just went through counting rules on DDI hair test, and showing 3 highly elevated elements, so may've passed. Decided to retest as hedge against possible metal contaminated well water.

So may be looking at iron, manganese, and perhaps uranium problems, though too early to rule out mercury apparently. Plan to contact naturopath at any rate. If I start detoxing would probably stick mainly to the antioxidants, green 'superfoods', bentonite, and silymarin for liver. Lots of C.

Yeah looks like would ditch ALA at least til amalgam out.

Here's some info relating to whole foods and metal detox. Garlic, seaweeds, miso, wheat or barley grass, mung beans (recommended esp. for lead).

For radiation poisoning the same, but not the mung or garlic. Will probably try, for elevated uranium, though been eating seaweeds for years anyway. That and garlic probably keeping me alive ha ha. Also with elevated iron, chlorella and other algaes might not be prescribed.

Fine book by Paul Pritchard.

Moderation....thanks again......

Posted By: BluSky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 02/06/10 07:04 PM

Garlic yes, but it has a two edged sword and many people loose theire tolerance to it after their amalgams come out. seaweeds are good except chlorella for most people, miso has been warned about as far as i can remember, barley i don't know, mung is good, i have some in my kitchen myself (just grow them abit before eating..)
Posted By: BluSky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 02/06/10 07:09 PM

I have been detoxing with some amalgams still left in my mouth, and i have been doing great. Ofcourse the only thing i do is take lenghty saunas and converted to the old squatting style on the toilet, and eaten some herbs and berry juices, and avoiding the worst processed "food" sinners.... etc....

I was a wreck in 2008.. today i'm good, but not cured... I'm happy again, in good shape generally...
Posted By: BluSky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 02/06/10 07:26 PM

I belive as Bex, that all natural body cleanses may be ok, atleast i know it is for me, however those chemical chelators, and cilantro is off the list.. atleast with amalgams in. I'd say that cilantro is off the list eitherway, for most people.

Yes, cilantro is medicine, but a potentially dangerous one.
They say ALA is safer than cillantro..

Do your self a favour and don't even concider it.. atleast yet in a looooong time.
Posted By: BluSky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 02/06/10 07:34 PM

Congratulations on finding out about amalgams Merky..

I would take Bex's advice in preparing with supplements, because i didn't, and i belive i may have payed for that...

However..... i don't tollerate synthetical supplements well anyway... so maybe the all natural approach was required for me anyway...

I get my vitamins and minerals from things such as broccoli, cauliflower, chili peppers, apples, garlic (not anymore), etc.... and i switched to real butter, and i eat read meat for the B group of vitamins... raw eggs now and then... etc...

Works for me.
However... sauna, squatting and faith are the keys.
Infact every factor counts.... however sauna is the most effective one but it requires refilling of good minerals etc from broccoli etc.... and faith is important, or else i belive one gets totally stuck.....

Posted By: Sean

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 02/06/10 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by Ole
I belive as Bex, that all natural body cleanses may be ok, atleast i know it is for me, however those chemical chelators, and cilantro is off the list.. atleast with amalgams in. I'd say that cilantro is off the list eitherway, for most people.

Yes, cilantro is medicine, but a potentially dangerous one.
They say ALA is safer than cillantro..

Do your self a favour and don't even concider it.. atleast yet in a looooong time.
Ole I would say forget about any of that stuff until you are somewhat healthy, which means elimination organs are working well so you can handle your detox.

Cleansing the bowels and make sure they are working for eliminatinaton, kidneys have to be clean and working and Liver as well must be in shape. Most detox and can't handle it, thats where problems come in IMO.

I had horrible die offs, went to curezone and he told me what was wrong, contipation had caused alot more symptoms.

Eat some good fruits and take some herbs to strengthen the liver, instenial tract and kindeys, thats the start IMO or else you are looknig at hell like so many have in here with detox.

This is just my opinion though.


Posted By: Sean

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 02/06/10 11:33 PM

Originally Posted by Ole
Congratulations on finding out about amalgams Merky..

I would take Bex's advice in preparing with supplements, because i didn't, and i belive i may have payed for that...

However..... i don't tollerate synthetical supplements well anyway... so maybe the all natural approach was required for me anyway...

I get my vitamins and minerals from things such as broccoli, cauliflower, chili peppers, apples, garlic (not anymore), etc.... and i switched to real butter, and i eat read meat for the B group of vitamins... raw eggs now and then... etc...

Works for me.
However... sauna, squatting and faith are the keys.
Infact every factor counts.... however sauna is the most effective one but it requires refilling of good minerals etc from broccoli etc.... and faith is important, or else i belive one gets totally stuck.....

Synthetic supplements have been a problem with me for years, the binders or fillers in them make me worse! I haven't takent those things in almost a year and fell all the better for it.

I always wondered why vitamins never worked for me that much, the only thing that every did was Magnesium (Powdered). I guess your liver is what uses the vitmains and minerals or herbs anyways, so if that is not functioning well then you can forget assimilation of most of your nutrients.

Good post.

BTW for B6 and other B's I suggest a tablespon of molasses a day, also rich in Iron, Magnesium and Potassium (Calcium too). Nature is a balance, good going useing food for your nutrients.
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 03/24/10 09:21 PM

Thanks guys for feedback.... curious about the powdered magnesium, that it works for you Sean....the Ziffs recommend magnesium for strengthening immune system among other things.....After some years of supplement taking, am trying to shift over to 'food form' vitamins & minerals, more expensive however. Healthy whole food best of course....

Wonder why there's never any mention of gingko biloba on mercury detox channels. Seems it might help as it's known for increasing blood flow to brain, which would seem to enhance getting the chelators in there.....also it's an antioxidant......

Squatting.....well juice guru Norman Walker says raise both arms up straight overhead when you're taking your constitutional....apparently stretches out the colon...And he lived to be 117 or so....

Bentonite clay (half tsp. daily every other week, great stuff), silymarin, glutathione, is what I'm doing now...kelp...Feel OK with them, not that there'd be any major chelating going on, but my amalgams are still in....Mainly just trying to fight off brainfog....

Plan to try some chlorella soon, maybe wheat grass... Still not 100 pct. sure what my condition is, since made it through counting rules, yet my mouth and my symptoms seem to speak volumes.

Just a couple questions to throw out. If toxic metals are related to weight loss, does anyone have experience with that, and how were you able to regain the weight? The same question relating to hand and foot tremors, and chronic fatigue, those are my 3 main symptoms....

OK then....
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 03/24/10 09:31 PM

In one of my posts I spoke of a book by Paul Pritchard. Excuse me. The man's name is Paul Pitchford. May he and the myriad saints arhats immortals etc forgive me. It's still a fine book....
Posted By: Russ

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 03/25/10 04:27 AM

Originally Posted by merky

Just a couple questions to throw out. If toxic metals are related to weight loss, does anyone have experience with that, and how were you able to regain the weight? The same question relating to hand and foot tremors, and chronic fatigue, those are my 3 main symptoms...

I've spoken to a lot of people over the years so yes, yes, and yes.

Some people gain weight. Others lose it. Mercury chelation has often reversed the problem.

For me, my athletic and thin days ended with mercury poisoning.

Hand and foot tremors and tingling along with constant fatigue are staples of mercury toxicity.
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 03/27/10 07:19 PM

Hi Russ. This is what has begun to dawn on me. There could be other factors for me, but maybe they just make the mercury symptoms worse.

Saw one of your posts in which you mentioned three things that have worked for you in detoxing: chlorella, protein powder, algin. If I remember correctly. These 3 had struck me as having potential for myself. Algin the kelp concentrate, chlorella, and is that whey you're talking about?

Have eaten kelp for yrs, and continue to. Have some chlorella on order. Have been going easy on whey as have doubts about dairy generally, politically and allergy-wise, despite having briefly worked on dairy farms for past jobs. Haven't eaten alot of it for some yrs. Since I've undergone weight loss, thought the whey might help. Also for glutathione production via the methionine content which is its precursor I think.

Speaking of glutathione, heeding Bex's warning have gone through nearly a bottle now, not noticing anything major.


Posted By: Sean

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 03/28/10 02:38 AM

You want to Use Gingko to get blood flow to the brain that should be fine, but read up on Cayenne Pepper for that and how it makes the Gingko and Milk Thistle and other herbs work that much better! I have a book on it basically, Cayenne is a catalyst to all else as it promotes blood flor to all over so other things will work better. I am surprised nobody is up on that in here?

THe Magnesium I used was Natural calm (Citrate), that stuff workd really good, but I got loose stools on it and so on so I stopped over time.

Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 03/29/10 08:15 PM

Hi Sean. Makes sense about cayenne. High vitamin C too. Heard a story recently about a doctor who was a lung specialist, somewhere in southern California, UCLA maybe, who had said that his Hispanic patients always had less severe issues with the lungs, and these people were all smokers, attributing it to their use of cayenne.

I use citrate too. Psyllium seed and husk is known for cleansing colon and adding bulk and fiber to keep things moving. Often recommended during fasting. What I get is pre-mixed with apple pectin.

Looking forward to trying chlorella for first time but no cilantro for now with amalgam in. Getting another hair test to see if the uranium shows up again.....

Thanks all....

Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 08/26/11 05:30 PM

Year and half later finally got all amalgam out via holistic dentist. Been reading Dr. Cutler's books and to me it seems like the path to start with. The DSMA and ALA make sense as heavy-duty chelators and are both over the counter. DMSA to clear the blood and then go into the organs with ALA. Actually lead may be my real problem so am considering DMPS but then I need to spend money on doctor to get a prescription.....

For the moment what I wonder is when to start. Seems sooner the better because any metals still in blood can potentially be redestributed in fatty tissues if they don't manage to find their ways out. But at least no metal from amalgs is being absorbed into bloodstream. Unfortunately it's going to be difficult for me to really get serious about a protocol til winter. So I guess that leaves me with the prospect of having everything in blood taken into brain, doesn't it? Meantime agents like bentonite clay would seem to make alot of sense.....
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 04/24/12 06:33 AM

I'm in my third chelation round now, about 8 months after last amalgam removal. Going the 4 days on, 4 days off, routine. Am sticking with low doses, & so far notice few side effects. Realize I'm in it for some months, or even a few years if I can hack it....

Just a couple questions on DMSA. Am trying to understand why I keep reading that it's a prescription drug, yet I bought mine over the counter on the internet? Even according to Dr. Cutler it's prescription I think. Is this related to the dosage amount in a capsule?

Also, what I take says on label: 100 mg DMSA, of which 65 mg succinic acid. Now realize this is actually a 100 mg dose, not 65 as I had thought, isn't it?

And does anyone know where's the best internet source? Mine is from Vitamin Research Products, Carson City NV, they were having a half price sale so I bought a 6 months supply. But at that regular price it's like gold.

I figure Russ you probably know the answers to these.....

Want to thank this site & esp. old veteran walking wounded detoxers (some of whom I don't see much on this site anymore) for 1) sharing their knowledge & helping inspire me post-amalgam removal to do the chelation, & 2) turning me on to Cutler & his books....

take care all

Posted By: Seán Ó B

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 04/24/12 01:48 PM

Vitamin research is fine, I've been getting my DMSA from them for almost a year. Although, I'm moving over to a new brand now - as it's cheaper. Have you added ALA yet?
Posted By: Russ

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 04/24/12 02:36 PM

The FDA has notified the public that they are going to make DMSA "by prescription only". This was 2 years ago and they have yet to follow through, but I suspect they will, eventually.

I called Vitamin Research Products and spoke to them about the FDA notice they received and they said they will sell DMSA until specifically told not to.
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 05/11/12 06:11 PM

appreciate the info, thanks.... will stock up on the DMSA then..... imagine what the price will be if it goes prescription.... yet the ALA seems more lethal, guess it's impossible to regulate sale of an amino acid.....

what a coincidence but just today Vitamin Research sent me an email with a half price DMSA offer.... am assuming the offer would be good for anyone not just a returning customer....

anyone interested it's:

Vitamin Research Products®, 4610 Arrowhead Drive, Carson City, NV 89706 - (800) 877-2447


yes Sean using ALA per Cutler protocol, started about 7 mos. after amalgam removal....
Posted By: Abigail

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 05/11/12 06:40 PM

Greetings merky,

The correct email for Vitamin Research Products is:

Thanks for your help.
If anybody reading this lives in the UK, I have purchased the DetoxPro / Reduce your heavy metal burdens, from

-International Anti-Aging Systems
Detox-Pro-the strongest single detoxifier for mercury-

Each capsule of Detox-Pro contains DMSA and D-glucuronolactone and also a high dose of the trace element selenium, helping to bind mercury and render it inactive. Detox-Pro is designed as a potent 1-a-day oral supplement to help rid the body of heavy metals-especially mercury, which despite its prevalence in tooth amalgams and as a by-product of burning fossil fuels (principally for generating electric) is- after plutonium and uranium-the 3rd most toxic element on the planet!

I paid a Sale Price of $27.97.
Regular Price $39.95/ 100mg/ 45 capsules
The phone 1-866-800-4677

Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 05/14/12 05:13 PM

excuse me Abigail, you're right, what I gave was the return address on the email they sent to me advertising their sale... must've been experiencing some brainfog at that moment!

the website you give is correct..... might also add that their half-price sale applies to purchasing single bottles only.... but buying in bulk in effect gives you half price over the single bottle price....

would hope the DMSA product you refer to works via time-release , assume it does, because during a chelation round it's important to have the DMSA in your system constantly..... that's the Cutler protocol at least.... the selenium sounds helpful....

good luck with it....

Posted By: Abigail

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 05/15/12 05:53 PM

Thanks for your kind note, merky! smile

The IAS [International Anti-Aging Society] in Great Britain is now running a sale on the Detox Pro.

You buy one for $24.00 (sale), BUT if you buy the 'two-for-One' package deals you will save $12.00 per bottle....then get the free one with it.

So yesterday I ordered= 3Xbuy 1 Detox Pro- get 1 free, thereby I will be getting 6 bottles for approx $75.00.
I highly recommend this company. Vitamin Research also deals with and through IAS. Both companies are very reputable and courteous.
I saw while over there, they have the EZ Defense Detox Gum from 'Longevity Plus'/ 100tabs on SALE! Was $27.00 (Save $12.00).(Look under Special Offers) Thereby it is $15.00. Longevity Plus is also a high quality product company.

Once again IAS website: <www.antiaging-systems.com> Check it out!
Many thanks to Russ, Laua and Herb Allure for allowing others to help in finding products for the Mercury Detox.
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 12/18/12 10:51 PM

Time for a little reality check folks.

After 9 months of chelating with ALA & DMSA (50 mg each every 3-4 hrs.) over 4 days (then 4-7 days off average): asking myself whether or not the effects are kicking in? Am I not being meticulous enough in the protocol, or is my problem something else than mercury or lead? In some ways feel more focused, but mainly just same old chronic fatigue & tremors, etc. Thyroid & adrenals may be totally shot. DHEA doesn’t seem to help, & will discontinue.

Plan to continue for another 15 months, the length of time needed to remove lead according to the Cutler protocol, which I’m following. Have good reason to believe I was extensively exposed to lead in years past.

Does anyone have thoughts/experience about how all this depletes beneficial minerals? I now supplement with trace elements (mainly magnesium) between sessions. Do DMSA & ALA chelate magnesium? What beneficials don’t they chelate?

The other thing I do is just use DMSA by itself every once in awhile. The thought is to occasionally clear out bloodstream without having to deal with added load of additional dumping of metals from organs. Does this make sense? Anyone else do this?

Wondering if, once you finally stop, do you start feeling better once your minerals start to come back into balance? I know the Cutler book says at least that it’s possible you should be feeling better before it’s time to stop.

Last questions. How dangerous is it to miss a dose by an hour? What about 2 hours? I know the book says to call it off. Does that mean you have to wait another 4 full days before resuming? I saw in Russ' protocol that you take the DMSA always on empty stomach. My schedule/lifestyle/work routine is almost always so chaotic that that's usually impossible, & also ALA is advised to be taken with food. I do take em together.

OK thanks a lot then... take care...
Posted By: Russ

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 12/19/12 07:08 AM

I have discovered that more people today take much longer to get better than before geoengineering began.

The aluminum, barium, and (I believe) mercury in the spray causes numerous symptoms.

After 5 years of bliss, all of my mercury symptoms returned when geoengineering began in 2005, and I detailed this in this article:


List of symptoms:


I continue to battle mercury symptoms as mercury in soils rise across the country, even now - after 7 continuous years later - after geoengineering began in the air I live.


This is a very serious issue that is being ignored by mainstream media, but I can smell and taste the metal in the trails:


The most success I've had at controlling symptoms is by supplementing and by using a wet mask:


I don't know about the safety of dosing by the hour, but I will say that DMSA oral does help me feel somewhat better for a few hours, but then the effect wears off.

I believe until we get rid of the source of mercury (and other toxic metals) we will never be fully rid of the symptoms:


I don't mean to be pessimistic, but I think we all have to face the real source of our suffering so we can make informed decisions to overcome it.

I think it's fine to take DMSA and ALA together, but both should be taken on an empty stomach so they are more effective (whether together or apart).
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 12/21/12 05:22 PM

Thanks, will try to take on empty stomach. Still interested if someone can take stab at my questions on magnesium depletion, beneficial mineral depletion (& necessary supplementation between chelations), & missed doses. (see above)

Read the one article on "chemtrails." Funny I spent 15 yrs within 20 miles of Jamestown. Latched onto this:

"I continued my research on these plumes and discovered that they had already been appearing in some larger U.S. cities for several years. I found that some personal researchers had testing performed and discovered that the air contained very high amounts of certain toxins when these plumes were present. These toxins include aluminum, barium, lead, arsenic, mycoplasma, and mold spores."

ALA & DMSA at least will go after the aluminum, lead, & arsenic. Would be nice to have a specific list on exactly what the various chelating materials do & don't chelate.

Posted By: George

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 12/29/12 03:03 PM

Hi I was exposed to a lot mercury fillings and some gold ones too for 45yrs with two root filled teeth exposure of about 13yrs I became very poorly,I had it all sorted by a fantastic dentist here in the UK its a long story. Any way I used lots of organic veg juice with the use of a good juicer and ascorbic acid powder and made my own lyposomal vit C too. I have real empathy for anyone who is suffering from this poison in their mouths, its wicked. It takes a long time to get mercury out of ones body as it gets into most places, our fat stores too, so become lean, by fasting every day, eat in the early evening "graze" over 3-4 hrs then enjoy veg juice for morning and lunch and anything in between with some fruit. I am coming up 57yrs old and feel better than i have done in years I eat raw milk kefir to try to get my gut into good shape I believe thal all fermented foods are good for ones gut. I have dropped 2 stones in weight I am 5`10 with a 32" waist. Hope this is of some help and I wish you well with your recovery.
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 06/01/13 08:22 AM

Thanks George. I'm thin & burn alot of calories in my work & generally, & a diet like this will be for my retirement. Maybe I'll try it, should I live so long......

I have been chelating with DMSA & ALA for about 15 months now. 50mg doses each, roughly every 3 and a half hours, for four days with a break of several days between sessions. I started about 6 months after having all amalgams removed from a holistic dentist. It's not only that I can't afford higher dosages, but am afraid it would be too disruptive of my working life.

Just want to say, based on this experience, if I had to do it over again, would I? Because I feel worse now than before fillings were removed, & it’s been a slow slide over the last 2 years. Not that I am debilitated. But my symptoms have not improved, but are getting slowly worse. I can still work, but it’s a drudgery to get through a day now. The worst are tremors, brainfog & chronic fatigue. I am 60, & probably was “moderately poisoned.” Also symptoms could be age-related, burning out……

So I’m not sure. Had I been younger, and/or more seriously poisoned, no doubt yes. As a hedge against future diseases, probably yes. But one thing is sure. These chemicals are potent, so it’s best to be very careful with them. I was aware of that.

I take a few of the recommended supplements. As it is, my orthomolecular supplements pulled me off meds taken for 15 yrs for bipolar/schizophrenia disorder. (Sometimes think my problem is more toxins being released from residual effects of meds, CNS damage from them.) My diet is & has been reasonably healthy for many years. No junk food, no alcohol, vegetarian except fish occasionally. Very little dairy, & eat organic foods. Smoke occasionally, but not a habit. But I don’t have the money or time to see doctors, so I’ve been doing this alone with the Cutler books, & haven’t really monitored condition, which I really should do. (Plan to get another hair test very soon.)

Have decided to continue for another 9 months, to try to remove all lead, which was possibly present as occupational hazard from my work earlier on. But I wanted to just say to people who are thinking about trying this longhaul process, be very careful with doses, be aware you won’t necessarily feel better for a long time (if ever?), & be sure you want to do it, because maybe it won’t be fun. Dr. Cutler warns about the risks in his guidebooks……..

Thank you to this forum which has helped me sort out what I’ve had to do, & encourages me to keep at it with the chelation ……
Posted By: merky

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 04/16/14 11:57 AM

Been chelating 2 years now, (50mg DMSA with 50 mg ALA) Ready to stop now. No major incidents. Last week during one of final sessions, tried using spirulina on 3 different chelation days. Big mistake apparently! Now experiencing migraine hell, pain in lower legs, can't get warm, insomnia, hallucinations at night, general muscle pain. One day blurred vision, gone now…..

Am eating, & supplements. Today after 5 day break, in desperation am trying the DMSA again, the usual 50mg for 4 days. No ALA. Also homeopathic echinacea. Have been using chlorella occasionally, wheat grass, & kelp with no problems over the last 2 years. But this spirulina…… could find no mention of it in the Cutler book.

Have no aspirin. Maybe that would be best.

thank you, merky
Posted By: Abigail

Re: amalgam fillings/mercury poisoning - 04/16/14 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by merky
Been chelating 2 years now, (50mg DMSA with 50 mg ALA) Ready to stop now. No major incidents. Last week during one of final sessions, tried using spirulina on 3 different chelation days. Big mistake apparently! Now experiencing migraine hell, pain in lower legs, can't get warm, insomnia, hallucinations at night, general muscle pain. One day blurred vision, gone now…..

thank you, merky

Greetings merky,
I have been reading several posts regarding the Spirulina. I'll give this address, and you can see what you think. I do recall several mentioned the side effects being gastrointestinal, fever, sweating, constipation....
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