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KPU Minerals and Copper Dumping?

Posted By: taroki

KPU Minerals and Copper Dumping? - 02/28/14 03:03 AM

I started taking KPU minerals again recently, and I wonder if I was getting copper dumping yesterday?

Yesterday I took another two tablets of Core KPU minerals and noticed :

PROS : brain more sharper, no more hair falling out, lots of vaginal discharge .....
CONS : feeling more irritable, agitated, angry, rude, unempathetic, hair quite static, disturbed sleep, kept waking up and later woke up with heart palpitations

I am wondering what is happening exactly? Copper leaving brain and dumped into liver? Copper leaving tissues and getting stuck in liver? I know anger is in the liver, and maybe because I didn't take methylation supplements yesterday, it got trapped there?

Should I now supplement with molybdenum to remove my sulphur allergy, then try taking DMSA again to remove more mercury before taking more KPU minerals?

I also have lots of liver/gallstones which could be contributing to the detox issues (need to address hemorrhoids and stomach inflammation first before attempting liver flush again)

I am a 36 year old female with Lyme disease, high mercury, high copper, pesticides, few parasites left, MTHFR, etc.

Also another strange thing is if I take ALA, I seem to put more mercury/copper or something into the brain (more obsessed, more clumsy, face easily sunburn, lips cracked and easily burned by spice, etc)
Posted By: Abigail

Re: KPU Minerals and Copper Dumping? - 02/28/14 05:29 PM

--Hello taroki,- smile

-I've read your post several times. It's hard to know what is causing your problems, since you are taking so many different things at the same time. I do not think the Algin would cause the problems, since that is what 'absorbs heavy metal Ions', and encourages bulking action for normal elimination. It removes the mercury. I take the DMSA, 100mg 2X's daily, and it has helped me immensely with the mercury toxicity.

I am going to turn the 'light' on, and perhaps Russ has some suggestions. Please be patient as we have been busy lately. It certainly seems that your body is telling you something regarding the KPU Minerals, in a negative way. The 'Cons' you listed are not good signs, as you well know.
Do you have a Naturopath that is taking care of your health matters? Or an Immunologist? Having the Lyme disease is also a matter to be watched, as you know. Try being patient. If you have a Health Practitioner, I would suggest calling them. / Best of 'health wishes' to you. aok
Posted By: taroki

Re: KPU Minerals and Copper Dumping? - 03/03/14 10:15 PM

Thanks for the reply. The symptoms seem to be better now that a few days have passed.

Actually I haven't taken Algin for a long time. With the ALA, lately I only took it in small amounts as it was included in other supplements. And even then it causes my lip to be dry and burn easily.

Do you think it could be yeast causing these?

About a year ago, an inexperienced naturopath had me take large doses of ALA before starting detox, and that put a bunch of mercury in my brain where I had sunburn face and very scary mercury symptoms (couldn't remember anything, very obsessed, very clumsy, etc)

Hope things will improve when my portable infrared sauna arrives.

Also another weird thing is after ionic foot detox or electro dermal scan my back gets tingling pain for about 24 hours. I wonder if it is the mercury or copper irritating the kidneys? I cannot find much info about this.
Posted By: Abigail

Re: KPU Minerals and Copper Dumping? - 03/04/14 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by taroki
Thanks for the reply. The symptoms seem to be better now that a few days have passed.

Do you think it could be yeast causing these?

About a year ago, an inexperienced naturopath had me take large doses of ALA before starting detox, and that put a bunch of mercury in my brain where I had sunburn face and very scary mercury symptoms (couldn't remember anything, very obsessed, very clumsy, etc)

Hello taroki,
May I suggest that you scroll down to the forum under Hot Topics/ Diseases and Conditions. When you get there, click on 'Candida'. There are several posts that may help you. Since you said earlier that you do have vaginal yeast problems/discharge, that is a definite sign yeast overgrowth in your body.

Please scroll down and read some of those posts. Best of good health to you. aok
Posted By: Abigail

Re: KPU Minerals and Copper Dumping? - 03/06/14 05:24 PM

-**-Hello taroki, I see you coming online, and just wanted to add some information here on Candida Albicans, in case you missed it. Take care.
-Candida Albicans / Do you have it?
--Yeast Fungus -

-Candida overgrowth can cause a wide variety of seemingly unrelated symptoms, including “foggy” thinking, chronic tiredness, vaginal yeast infections, rashes and sugar cravings.

Systemic yeast overgrowth can significantly degrade the quality of your life. Symptoms range from being very mild to severe – depending on a case by case basis.

-constant fatigue
-recurring vaginal infections (in women)
-rashes – skin, mouth, sexual organs
-flu-like symptoms
-poor digestion – constipation or diarrhea, bloating…
-depression or anxiety
-problems with concentration, dizziness
-sugar cravings
-food allergies
-foggy brain

Signs of candida infection can be seen both locally and systemically. Systemic chronic candidiasis can be particularly stubborn and difficult to cure permanently.

Most symptoms can be traced back to what happens in your intestines. A healthy person with strong immunity and proper elimination system has plenty of friendly bacteria (such as Lactobacillus acidophilus) available in the gut to ward off occasional yeast overgrowths and other imbalances. On the other hand, individuals with candidiasis often don’t have enough of those healthy bugs to keep candida in check, which further deteriorates their symptoms.

What’s worse, many conventional physicians still deny the existence of candida yeast infection and are clueless about how to treat it.

There are over 70 distinct toxins released by the metabolism of candida.As a result, your body has to deal with an unhealthy domino effect.

It’s important to realize that Candida are not just the rashes and pesky vaginitis – it’s an overall state of the body. This usually requires complex, holistic approach to treatment that addresses the root cause of the condition.
Russ Tanner (administrator of this forum) carries the product 'Yeast/Fungal Detox', all natural. You can go to the homepage, and click on 'Products by Nature's Sunshine'.
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Posted By: taroki

Re: KPU Minerals and Copper Dumping? - 03/10/14 06:18 AM

Thanks for the suggestions!

Yeah, I know I definitely have yeast from the mercury/Lyme but didn't think it would cause such weird symptoms like the lip and sunburn problem I described.

I definitely notice a flare up if I eat too much sugary stuff (esp when the mercury is moving around I guess?) but too little sugar causes hypoglycemia symptoms (I guess Lyme bacteria needs constant small supply of sugar!)

Posted By: Abigail

Re: KPU Minerals /Yeast, Lyme Disease/ mercury, etc - 03/10/14 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by taroki
Thanks for the suggestions!

Yeah, I know I definitely have yeast from the mercury/Lyme but didn't think it would cause such weird symptoms like the lip and sunburn problem I described.

I definitely notice a flare up if I eat too much sugary stuff (esp when the mercury is moving around I guess?) but too little sugar causes hypoglycemia symptoms (I guess Lyme bacteria needs constant small supply of sugar!)

Taroki, I am adding another bit of information regarding the treatment of Lyme Disease......I read several articles, including the one herewith on the forum (Diseases), and DID NOT see anything about NEEDING SUGAR for Hypoglycemia nor Lyme Disease. Of course you need to keep the hypoglycemia away by eating smaller portions of food throughout the day, like small-medium fruits, vegetables, and low amounts of carbos.(ie crackers, small squares of shredded wheat (no sugar), celery, carrot slices, etc. etc. /

Lyme disease patients with neurological symptoms are usually treated with the antibiotic ceftriaxone, which is given intravenously once a day for a month or less. Most patients experience full recovery.

Lyme disease patients experiencing heart symptoms are treated with antibiotics, such as ceftriaxone or penicillin, given intravenously for about two weeks. If these symptoms persist or are severe enough, patients may also be treated with corticosteriods or given a temporary internal cardiac pacemaker. People with lyme disease rarely experience long-term heart damage.

Following treatment for lyme disease, some people continue to have persistent fatigue and achiness. This general malaise can take months to subside, although it generally does so spontaneously without requiring antibiotic therapy.

-What Questions To Ask Your Doctor About Lyme Disease:
--*Is lyme a definite diagnosis or suspected as one of the possible diagnoses?
--*Have the lab tests detected the antibodies?
--*How long a course of treatment should be expected?
--*Are there other symptoms, such as joint pain, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, or irregular heartbeat that I should be aware of?
--*Will the disease be cured?
--*Will all of the symptoms go away after treatment and cure?

*** star And, Taroki, by all means ask your health practitioner about that problem with your dry lip and sunburn problem. / Cut out all sugar except natural, ....such as fruits.
**Are you going to get something to get rid of the Yeast? That's essential. Some people even go so far as to PUT AWAY THE SUGAR BOWL/ SUGAR-POWDERS, ETC. Your body makes these things as need from the foods you feed it. Eat plenty of vegetables. (moderate amount of carbohydrates)**

When is your next visit with your Health Practitioner? If you must, CALL THEIR OFFICE with these questions.
Posted By: taroki

Re: KPU Minerals /Yeast, Lyme Disease/ mercury, etc - 03/11/14 03:23 AM

Thanks for your post. I am currently on a low sulphite diet temporarily until the molybdenum starts getting rid of the sulphur. I guess I had a sulphur die off yesterday when I took only 100mcg of molybdenum? I had an increase in my fibromyalgia (pain and fatigue) and was awake the entire night, but I think it is a bit better now. It would be interesting if my fibro is caused by sulphur trapped in my body?

I thought doxy is the standard treatment for Lyme? I am on the waiting list to see a LLMD in the states. I am working on liver flush/colonics/kidney stones for now since I believe I need to get rid of these physical blocks before any more detox or drugs.

Posted By: Abigail

Re: KPU Minerals /Yeast, Lyme Disease/ mercury, etc - 03/11/14 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by taroki
Thanks for your post. I am currently on a low sulphite diet temporarily until the molybdenum starts getting rid of the sulphur. I guess I had a sulphur die off yesterday when I took only 100mcg of molybdenum? I had an increase in my fibromyalgia (pain and fatigue) and was awake the entire night, but I think it is a bit better now. It would be interesting if my fibro is caused by sulphur trapped in my body?

I thought doxy is the standard treatment for Lyme? I am on the waiting list to see a LLMD in the states. I am working on liver flush/colonics/kidney stones for now since I believe I need to get rid of these physical blocks before any more detox or drugs.

Good Morning taroki,
Because you have several health issues, I would not change anything that your LLMD is using to 'treat your symptoms.' Even if you must wait to see this person, could you call and inform them of your continued illness? Sometimes a simple phone call can help keep you 'away' from set-backs.
Best wishes for good health to you, taroki, you have been most kind.
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