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Regular Alpha-Lipoic Acid verus the F-Fraction version, which to take, how much? For adults?

Posted By: Anthony

Regular Alpha-Lipoic Acid verus the F-Fraction version, which to take, how much? For adults? - 12/01/14 11:40 PM


I read a long article about the R-Fraction version of Alpha-Lipoic Acid and a several short mentions of it on various websites.

As far as switching from the regular version of ALA to the R-Fraction version and doing the Andy Cutler protocol (Take ALA every 3 hours, and every 4 hours during the middle of the night, or as close as possible.), how does that work for dose?

The website that seems to have the most credibility (out of the ones I’ve read so far) that lists an amount of ALA to take is Detox My Child.org. They recommend 1/8 to ½ milligram per pound of body weight. And that’s for children, so does this calculation change for adults?

And if I go with the R-Fraction version of Alpha Lipoic Acid, how much should I take per pound of bodyweight?

Sorting out mercury detox is a real whirlwind of information and other stuff that falls into category of – Who know if this works?

Thank you for your help and a bonnie fine week to you, Anthony
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